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Last active June 24, 2024 00:55
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Content of Makefile
# Gist Python Tool
This Python tool allows you to interact with GitHub Gists. You can create, read, list, and delete gists using this tool.
## Prerequisites
- Python 3.12
- GitHub personal access token
## Installation
### 1. Clone the Repository
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>
### 2. Create and Activate a Virtual Environment
python3.12 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `.venv\Scripts\activate`
### 3. Install Dependencies
Install the required dependencies using `pip` and the `requirements.txt` file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
## Configuration
### Set Up Authentication
You need to create a GitHub personal access token and save it in a file named `~/.gist`. This token will be used to authenticate your requests to the GitHub API.
1. Go to [GitHub Personal Access Tokens](
2. Generate a new token with the `gist` scope.
3. Save the token in a file named `~/.gist` in your home directory:
echo "your_personal_access_token" > ~/.gist
## Usage
### 1. Creating a Gist
You can create a gist with the following sample code:
from src.gist import Gist
# Sample content for creating a gist
content = "print('Hello, World!')"
options = {
'description': 'A hello world program',
'public': True,
'filename': ''
result = Gist.gist(content, options)
print("Gist created:", result)
### 2. Listing All Gists
List all gists for the authenticated user:
from src.gist import Gist
gists = Gist.list_all_gists()
print("Listing all gists:", gists)
### 3. Reading a Gist
Read the content of a specific gist by its ID:
from src.gist import Gist
gist_id = 'your_gist_id_here'
content = Gist.read_gist(gist_id)
print("Gist content:", content)
### 4. Deleting a Gist
Delete a specific gist by its ID:
from src.gist import Gist
gist_id = 'your_gist_id_here'
print("Gist deleted successfully.")
## Running Tests
To run the tests, ensure you have `pytest` installed and configured. You can run the tests using the following command:
Make sure your `PYTHONPATH` includes the `src` directory. You can set it in your `pyproject.toml` file:
## Project Structure
├── src/
│ └──
├── tests/
│ └──
├── requirements.txt
├── pyproject.toml
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.
## Author
Farshid Ashouri
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
# Variables
PYTHON = python3.12
VENV = .venv
PIP = $(VENV)/bin/pip
PYTHON_BIN = $(VENV)/bin/python
ISORT = $(VENV)/bin/isort
BLACK = $(VENV)/bin/black
MYPY = $(VENV)/bin/mypy
PYTEST = $(VENV)/bin/pytest
# Directories
SRC_DIR = src
TESTS_DIR = tests
# Default target
all: install lint test
# Create virtual environment
$(PYTHON) -m venv $(VENV)
# Install dependencies
install: $(VENV)
$(PIP) install -r requirements.txt
$(PIP) install -r requirements-dev.txt
# Linting with isort
# Formatting with black
# Type checking with mypy
# Run tests with pytest
# Combined linting, formatting, and type checking
lint: lint-isort format-black type-check
# Clean up
rm -rf $(VENV)
.PHONY: all install lint lint-isort format-black type-check test clean
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