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Working from home

Miled Oussema oussematn

Working from home
  • Tunis Tunisia
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let isOn = true;
const handleClick = () => {
isOn = !isOn;
style={{ backgroundColor: isOn ? 'green' : 'red' }}
const items = [
img: 'a.png',
title: 'Title 1',
description: 'Description 1'
img: 'b.png',
title: 'Title 2',
description: 'Description 2'
// Parent component
<Item img='a.png' title='title 1' description='Description 1'></Item>
<Item img='b.png' title='title 2' description='Description 2'></Item>
<Item img='c.png' title='title 3' description='Description 3'></Item>
<Item img='d.png' title='title 4' description='Description 4'></Item>
// Child component
<img src={img} />
({request}) => request.destination === "image",
// This will try to load the images from the network first, then fallback to the cached
new workbox.strategies.NetworkFirst()
// If we want to use the cashed content first, we could use:
// new workbox.strategies.CasheFirst()
"name": "Hello World",
"short_name": "Hello World",
"start_url" : "?home=true",
"purpose":"maskable any"
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<title>Hi WPA</title>
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"Effect": "Allow",
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fs.readFile(“./usr/myfile.txt”, function myfunc (err, data) {
console.log(“Task done”);
function whatever(handleData){
getData(url , data=>handleData(data))
let products=[{name:'RTX 3090',price:1499},{name:'Apple Stand',price:1000}]
let totalPrice = 0
products.forEach(product=> totalPrice += product.price)
return totalPrice