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Last active June 9, 2021 17:37
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GQLess svelte binding
import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
import type { ResolveOptions } from 'gqless/src/Client/resolvers'
import { client, resolved } from '$gqless/index'
import type { Selection } from 'gqless'
import { onDestroy } from 'svelte'
export const queryStore = <T = unknown>(
dataFn: () => T,
opts?: ResolveOptions<T>
) => {
const hookSelections = new Set<Selection>()
const promise = resolved(dataFn, {
onSelection: s => {
const res = writable(promise)
const { eventHandler } = client
const unsubscribeFetch = eventHandler.onCacheChangeSubscribe(
({ selection, data }) => {
if (hookSelections.has(selection)) {
onDestroy(() => {
return res
<script lang="ts">
import {queryStore} from "gqless-svelte/autoQuery";
import {query} from "$gqless";
const promise = queryStore(() =>
{#await $promise then name}
{ name }
<!-- It should update on mutations -->
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