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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Email with multi-sending schedule
<?php // messages
// Set Defaults
$base_path = '/server/path/to/pwsite';
$base_url = 'base-http-url-here';
$now = date("U"); // current date
//Setup Time Range, Send all messages in range:
$minus4 = date('U', strtotime('-4 minutes'));
$plus4 = date('U', strtotime('+4 minutes'));
$emailsRecurring = $pages->find("template=email-recurring");
foreach($emailsRecurring as $message) {
if($message->sending_schedule->count()) {
foreach($message->sending_schedule as $row) {
// the date of the row
$row->send_time = date('U', strtotime($row->date));
// if it has an offset:
if($row->offset) {
$row->send_time = date ('U', strtotime ( '-' . $row->offset . 'day' . $row->date ) );
//echo date('Y-m-d h:i', $row->send_time);
//echo $minus4 . ' -> ' . $row->send_time . ' <- ' . $plus4;
// check to see if the message is in range
if ( ($row->send_time > $minus4) && ($row->send_time < $plus4) ) {
// mail logic here
$placeholders = array('{{duedate}}', '{{custom}}');
$dueDate = date('m-d-Y', strtotime($row->date) );
$replacements = array($dueDate, $row->custom);
$body = str_replace($placeholders, $replacements, $message->body);
$signature = str_replace('/site/assets/files/', $base_url . '/site/assets/files/', $message->identity_select->signature);
$body .= $signature;
$title = $row->offset ? str_replace('offset', $row->offset, $message->title) : $message->title;
$mail = wireMail();
$mail->from($message->identity_select->identity_name . ' <' . $message->identity_select->email . '>');
// Recipients
if($message->recipients->count()) {
$recipients = array();
foreach($message->recipients as $recipient) {
$recipients[] = $recipient->title . ' <' . $recipient->email . '>';
// Subject & Body
$bodyHtml = '<html>' . $body . '</html>';
if($message->attachments->count()) {
foreach($message->attachments as $att) {
$mail->attachment($base_path . $att->url);
if($message->attached_documents->count()) {
foreach($message->attached_documents as $att) {
$mail->attachment($base_path . $att->file->url);
// Send
$sendLog = 'Number Sent: ';
$sendLog .= $mail->send();
// Logging
$email_log = $message->email_log;
$email_log .= "\n". $sendLog;
$message->email_log = $email_log;
} // end if message is in range
} // end foreach rows
} // end if count sending_schedule
} // end foreach $email
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