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Created November 30, 2017 10:26
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Example of using Ginkgo/Gomega to create BDD style test cases with fluid assertions. This example is using Describe/DescribeTable/Measure blocks.
package pops_test
import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
p ""
var _ = Describe("Periods", func() {
const timeFormat = "150405"
var (
timeZero, _ = time.Parse(timeFormat, "090000.000")
Describe("Helper function converting string to periods", func() {
Context("Given time zero as 9am", func() {
newPeriod := func(startIncl, endExcl string) (period p.Period) {
period, err := p.NewPeriod(parseOrPanic(startIncl), parseOrPanic(endExcl))
if err != nil {
panic("helper function newPeriod failed")
DescribeTable("Periods in string notation",
func(periodsAsString string, expectedPeriods p.Periods) {
actualPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, periodsAsString)
Entry("no periods", "0", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
Entry("no periods, longer input", "0000000000", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
Entry("single short period", "1", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090100"),
Entry("single long period", "1111111111", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "091000"),
Entry("single period surrounded by zeroes", "0001111000", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090300", "090700"),
Entry("multiple periods a", "110011", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090200"),
newPeriod("090400", "090600"),
Entry("multiple periods b", "0111100111", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090100", "090500"),
newPeriod("090700", "091000"),
Entry("multiple periods c", "1111001100", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090400"),
newPeriod("090600", "090800"),
Entry("multiple periods d", "1011001101", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090100"),
newPeriod("090200", "090400"),
newPeriod("090600", "090800"),
newPeriod("090900", "091000"),
Describe("Given input parameters", func() {
period1, err := p.NewPeriod(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(time.Second))
period2, err := p.NewPeriod(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(time.Minute))
period3, err := p.NewPeriod(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(time.Hour))
expectedPeriodsAsSlice := []p.Period{
period1, period2, period3,
periods := p.NewPeriods(expectedPeriodsAsSlice)
It("Will not fail", func() {
It("Will return them upon call to Periods.AsSlice()", func() {
actualPeriodsAsSlice := periods.AsSlice()
Describe("Given parametrised tests", func() {
tableEntries := []TableEntry{
Entry("disparate and higher", "dummy",
"0000001111000000", //periodsA
"0000000000001111", //periodsB
"0000000000001111", //expectedPeriodsBSubtractA
"0000001111001111"), //expectedPeriodsAUnionB
Entry("adjacent and higher", "dummy",
Entry("overlapping upper end", "dummy",
Entry("containing", "dummy",
Entry("containing 2", "dummy",
Entry("containing 3", "dummy",
Entry("overlapping lower end", "dummy",
Entry("overlapping lower end", "dummy",
Entry("adjacent and lower", "dummy",
Entry("disparate and lower", "dummy",
Entry("containing 4", "dummy",
Entry("contained", "dummy",
Entry("second empty", "dummy",
Entry("first empty", "dummy",
//multiple periods
Entry("multiple periods 1", "dummy",
Entry("multiple periods 2", "dummy",
Entry("multiple periods 3", "dummy",
Entry("multiple periods 4", "dummy",
DescribeTable("periods union",
func(dummyForFormattingOnly, periodsA, periodsB, expectedPeriodsBSubtractA, expectedPeriodsAUnionB string) {
startPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, periodsA)
requestedPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, periodsB)
expectedEndPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, expectedPeriodsAUnionB)
actualEndPeriods, err := requestedPeriods.Union(startPeriods)
}, tableEntries...,
DescribeTable("periods subtract",
func(dummyForFormattingOnly, periodsA, periodsB, expectedPeriodsBSubtractA, expectedPeriodsAUnionB string) {
startPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, periodsA)
requestedPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, periodsB)
expectedApprovedPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, expectedPeriodsBSubtractA)
actualApprovedPeriods, err := requestedPeriods.Subtract(startPeriods)
}, tableEntries...,
Measure("the benchmark performance of Periods.Union()", func(b Benchmarker) {
periodsA := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero,
periodsB := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero,
expectedPeriodsAUnionB := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero,
runtime := b.Time("Periods.Union()", func() {
actualPeriodsAUnionB, err := periodsA.Union(periodsB)
Expect(runtime.Nanoseconds()).Should(BeNumerically("<", (100 * time.Millisecond).Nanoseconds()))
b.RecordValue("Execution time in microseconds", float64(runtime.Nanoseconds()/1000))
Measure("the benchmark performance of Periods.Subtract()", func(b Benchmarker) {
periodsA := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero,
periodsB := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero,
expectedPeriodsASubtractB := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero,
runtime := b.Time("Periods.Subtract()", func() {
actualPeriodsASubtractB, err := periodsA.Subtract(periodsB)
Expect(runtime.Nanoseconds()).Should(BeNumerically("<", (100 * time.Millisecond).Nanoseconds()))
b.RecordValue("Execution time in microseconds", float64(runtime.Nanoseconds()/1000))
func convertStringToPeriods(timeZero time.Time, s string) p.Periods {
var ps []p.Period
var startTime, endTime time.Time
t := timeZero
periodStarted := false
for pos := 0; pos < len(s); pos++ {
if s[pos] == '1' {
if periodStarted {
} else {
startTime = t
periodStarted = true
} else {
if periodStarted {
p, _ := p.NewPeriod(startTime, endTime)
ps = append(ps, p)
periodStarted = false
t = t.Add(time.Minute)
endTime = t
if periodStarted {
p, _ := p.NewPeriod(startTime, endTime)
ps = append(ps, p)
return p.NewPeriods(ps)
func parseOrPanic(timeAsString string) (result time.Time) {
result, err := time.Parse("150405", timeAsString)
if err != nil {
panic("helper function parseTime failed")
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