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Created September 18, 2018 00:57
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GitHub Desktop: Setting Up Development Dependencies on macOS

Setting Up Development Dependencies on macOS

You will need to install these tools on your machine:

  • Node.js v8.11.4
  • Python 2.7
  • Xcode and Xcode Command Line Tools (Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads)


There are two approaches to installing Node.js, manual and managed. If you're not sure which route to go, we recommend the managed route, but do whatever makes the most sense for your development process!


We recommend using nvm to manage your Node.js version. This makes it easier to know you are running the correct version of node for this project without affecting setup for other projects on your machine.

Suitable alternatives include (but aren't limited to) n and asdf-nodejs.



macOS comes with Python pre-installed, and it happens to be the right version, so you're probably fine! But if you use other versions of Python, here's how to get started.


For this, we recommend pyenv. (It's the only game in town.)


Xcode Command Line Tools

  • Just run xcode-select --install
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