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Last active September 19, 2021 04:35
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Alternative to docker-desktop
curl -fsSL | sh
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
newgrp docker

# NOTE: you may remove the lines below, if you prefer to use rootful docker, not rootless
sudo systemctl disable --now docker
sudo apt-get install -y uidmap install
docker context use rootless
# k3d configuration file, saved as e.g. /home/me/myk3dcluster.yaml
# to create cluster run
# `k3d cluster create --config /home/me/myk3dcluster.yaml`
apiVersion: # this will change in the future as we make everything more stable
kind: Simple # internally, we also have a Cluster config, which is not yet available externally
name: prod # name that you want to give to your cluster (will still be prefixed with `k3d-`)
servers: 1 # same as `--servers 1`
agents: 2 # same as `--agents 2`
kubeAPI: # same as `--api-port`
hostIP: ""
hostPort: "6550"
- port: 8080:80 # same as `--port 8080:80@loadbalancer
- loadbalancer
k3d: # k3d runtime settings
wait: true # wait for cluster to be usable before returining; same as `--wait` (default: true)
timeout: "60s" # wait timeout before aborting; same as `--timeout 60s`
k3s: # options passed on to K3s itself
extraServerArgs: # additional arguments passed to the `k3s server` command
- --tls-san=
extraAgentArgs: [] # addditional arguments passed to the `k3s agent` command
updateDefaultKubeconfig: true # add new cluster to your default Kubeconfig; same as `--kubeconfig-update-default` (default: true)
switchCurrentContext: true # also set current-context to the new cluster's context; same as `--kubeconfig-switch-context` (default: true)
# install k3d
curl -s | bash
echo 'source <(k3d completion zsh)' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'source <(kubectl completion zsh)' >> ~/.zshrc

# create a sample cluster
# k3d cluster create prod --agents 2 --agents-memory 2G --servers-memory 1G --api-port 6550 -p "8081:80@loadbalancer" --k3s-server-arg "--tls-san="

# install kubectl
sudo apt-get install kubectl

# install krew for kubectl 
# see:

# then install [kubectx & kubens](
$ kubectl krew install ctx ns

$ brew install lima
$ limactl start default ## probably edit defaults to increase RAM for app-core deps
$ lima nerdctl run -d --name nginx -p nginx:alpine
$ echo "alias docker='lima nerdctl'" >> ~/.zshrc

# to enable cgroups v2
# see:

# if you want to also run podman from host
$ lima sudo apt-get -y update
$ lima sudo apt-get install -y podman

# to install version 3.0.1 
$ brew extract --version=3.0.1 podman homebrew/cask 
$ brew install podman@3.0.1

$ alias podman='CONTAINER_HOST=ssh://$(id -un)@localhost:60022/run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock CONTAINER_SSHKEY=$HOME/.lima/_config/user podman run -it --rm alpine'

# Hint: To allow `docker` CLI on the host to connect to the Podman daemon running inside the guest, run the following commands:
$ ssh -f -N -p 60906 -i ~/.lima/_config/user -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -L $HOME/podman.sock:/run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock
$ export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$HOME/podman.sock
$ docker ...

#Start the systemd user session on boot
sudo loginctl enable-linger $(whoami)

#Enable dbus user session
systemctl --user is-active dbus

# allow pings and listening on TCP/UDP ports below 1024
sudo touch /etc/sysctl.d/99-rootless.conf
sudo echo "net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 2147483647" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-rootless.conf
sudo echo "net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-rootless.conf

sudo sysctl --system
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