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Created June 10, 2011 01:35
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# --------------------
# gems主要来源说明
# --------------------
B。Rails 3: Fully Loaded
# --------------------
# 最新修订日期:2011-5-16
# --------------------
# --------------------
# 0. Rails
# --------------------
gem 'rails', '3.0.8'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://'
# --------------------
# 0. Database and base
# --------------------
gem 'mysql2','<0.3'
# gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
# gem 'moneta'
# gem 'yajl-ruby', :require => 'yajl'
# gem 'nokogiri'
# --------------------
# 1. Authentication
# --------------------
# gem 'omniauth'
# gem 'devise', '~> 1.1.7'
gem 'devise'
# --------------------
# 2. Access Control
# --------------------
# gem 'cancan'
# gem 'declarative_authorization'
# --------------------
# 3. Views/Page and Admin Scaffold
# --------------------
# gem 'compass'
# gem 'haml'
# gem "haml-rails"
# gem 'sanitize'
# gem 'rails_admin'
gem 'web-app-theme'
# gem 'prawn'
# gem 'validates_timeliness', '~> 3.0.5'
# 由欧阳添加
# gem 'simple-navigation'
# gem 'themes_for_rails'
# 由fredwu推荐
# gem 'rails_config'
# gem 'rdiscount', '>= 1.6.5'
# gem 'rubyzip', :require => 'zip/zip'
# gem 'csv-mapper', '>= 0.5.0'
# gem 'ffaker', '>= 0.4.0'
gem 'jquery-rails', '>= 1.0.3'
# --------------------
# 4. Quick SNS
# --------------------
# gem 'acts-as-taggable-on'
# gem 'has_friends-rails3'
# gem 'acts_as_favable'
# gem 'thumbs_up'
# gem 'acts_as_commentable'
# gem 'profanity_filter'
# --------------------
# 5. Form and Related Tools
# --------------------
# gem 'simple_form'
# gem 'formtastic'
# gem 'formtasticdatepickerinputs'
# gem 'tiny_mce'
# gem 'paperclip'
# gem 'carrierwave'
# gem 'fastercsv' # for Ruby 1.8.7+
# --------------------
# 6. Search Solutions
# --------------------
# gem 'meta_seach'
# gem 'meta_where'
# gem 'thinking-sphinx'
# gem 'acts_at_indexed'
# gem 'sunspot'
# gem 'thinking-sphinx', '~> 2.0.2', :require => 'thinking_sphinx'
# --------------------
# 7. Pagination
# --------------------
gem 'kaminari'
# gem 'kaminari_themes'
# gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.pre2'
# --------------------
# 8. Background Work
# --------------------
# gem 'delayed_job'
# gem 'resque'
# --------------------
# 9. Status Machine
# --------------------
# gem 'workflow'
# gem 'state_machine'
# 下面的gems被ihower推荐
# gem 'aasm'
# --------------------
# 10. Rack API framework
# --------------------
# gem 'grape'
# --------------------
# 11. Memcached Client
# --------------------
# gem 'memcache-client'
# gem 'dalli'
# 下面的gems被ihower推荐
# gem "memcache-client"
# --------------------
# 12. Deployment and Monitoring
# --------------------
# gem 'capistrano'
# gem 'cap-recipes'
# gem 'god'
# 下面的gems被ihower推荐
# gem 'whiskey_disk'
# gem 'hoptoad_notifier'
# gem 'newrelic_rpm'
# 由fredwu推荐
# gem 'mongrel'
# --------------------
#13. Cron job and Backup as a Pro
# --------------------
# gem 'whenever'
# gem 'backup'
# 下面的gems被ihower推荐
# gem 'delayed_job'
# gem 'resque'
# --------------------
# 14. Testing Gracefully
# --------------------
group :test, :development do
# gem 'rspec-rails'
# gem 'factorygirlrails'
# gem 'faker'
# gem 'watchr'
# gem 'autowatchr'
# gem 'database_cleaner'
# gem 'mail_safe'
# 下面的gems被ihower推荐
# gem "shoulda-matchers"
# gem "rcov"
# gem "delorean"
# gem "capybara"
# gem 'yard'
# gem "bluecloth"
# --------------------
# 15. Toolkit
# --------------------
# gem 'ruby-debug'
# gem 'hirb'
# gem 'cheat'
# gem 'rails-settings-cached'
# 下面的gems被ihower推荐
# gem 'ruby-debug19'
# --------------------
# 16. HTTP client
# --------------------
# 下面的gems被ihower推荐
# gem 'typhoeus'
# gem 'rest-client', :require => 'restclient'
# --------------------
# 17. Others
# --------------------
# gem 'SystemTimer' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1.8/
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