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Forked from gevaertw/ArchiSQLGenerator.ajs
Created May 14, 2024 20:36
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#jarchi #ArchiSQLGenerator
The goal is that a user creates a pattern on a view. Based on that pattern a SQL query is created to analyse the entire model for that view.
The model must be in a database created with herve database plugin (Link) This is very powerfull to analyse the model using SQL and by further extention BI tools like PowerBI
Check for more info
//-------------------------- Script Settings --------------------------------------------------------------
// to set language comment or uncomment
dbLanguage = "HerveDB"; //dbLanguage = "HerveDB" for regular archi-herve DB's if you want queries for sparx: dbLanguage = "Sparx";
/*Debug Functions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function showScriptStartHeader ()
//this function displays a start header with start time
var scripStartDate = new Date();
console.log("/*Script start " + scripStartDate + "\n" + "----------------------------------------------------------------*/");
function showScriptEndHeader ()
//this function displays a end header with end time
var scriptStopDate = new Date();
console.log("/*----------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n Script done on " + scriptStopDate + "\nIf you value and use Archi please consider making a donation! */" );
function showJarchiCollection(JarchiCollection_Parameter)
l = JarchiCollection_Parameter.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ " | " + JarchiCollection_Parameter[i].name
+ " | " + JarchiCollection_Parameter[i].type
+ " | " + JarchiCollection_Parameter[i].id
+ " | " + JarchiCollection_Parameter[i].documentation
/*Archi Functions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function showSequencedArray (sequence_Parameter)
for (i=0; i<sequence_Parameter.length; i++)
console.log (
"sequence_Parameter.SeqID: " + sequence_Parameter[i].SeqID+ "\n"
+"sequence_Parameter.ArchiID: " + sequence_Parameter[i].ArchiID+ "\n"
+"sequence_Parameter.Name: " + sequence_Parameter[i].Name+ "\n"
+"sequence_Parameter.Type: " + sequence_Parameter[i].Type+ "\n"
+"sequence_Parameter.Direction: " + sequence_Parameter[i].Direction+ "\n"
return null
function isRelation (archiObject_Parameter)
// this function returns true if the given object is a relation, false if not
var relationList = ["composition-relationship", "aggregation-relationship", "assignment-relationship", "realization-relationship", "serving-relationship", "access-relationship", "influence-relationship", "triggering-relationship" , "flow-relationship", "specialization-relationship", "association-relationship"];
var i = relationList.indexOf(archiObject_Parameter);
if (i <0)
r = false;
r = true;
//console.log (i, r);
return r;
function getRelationDirection (ArchiElementID_Parameter, ArchiRelationID_Parameter)
//given the realtion check the sourceEnds and targetEnds. Return source, target or null (in case no relation)
//create a collection containing the relation
testedRelationColllection = jArchi("#" + ArchiRelationID_Parameter);
//console.log("testedRelationColllection", testedRelationColllection);
testedRelationSources = testedRelationColllection.sourceEnds();
//console.log("testedRelationSources", testedRelationSources);
testedRelationTargets = testedRelationColllection.targetEnds();
direction = null;
if (testedRelationSources[0].id == ArchiElementID_Parameter)
//console.log ("Source found. ");
direction = "Source";
if (testedRelationTargets[0].id == ArchiElementID_Parameter)
//console.log ("Target found. ");
direction = "Target";
//console.log("No direction found. ");
direction = null;
//console.log("Direction: " + direction);
return direction;
function reverseDirection (Direction_Parameter)
//function returns the other direction
r = null;
case "Source":
r = "Target";
case "Target":
r = "Source";
r = null;
return r;
function getArchiElementsFromView (view_Parameter)
//this function gets all Child ID on a view (from parameter) ->>>> these are not the ID's of the elements
// if the view contains notes an error is thrown, TODO
allChildObjectOnView = view_Parameter.children();
allElementsOnViewArr = [];
for (i=0; i< allChildObjectOnView.length; i++)
//is the current ittaration an element or a relation?
if (isRelation(allChildObjectOnView[i].concept.type) == false)
//console.log ("An element " + allChildObjectOnView[i];
boundsFromView = allChildObjectOnView[i].bounds;
//console.log (boundsFromView);
allElementsOnViewArr [i] = {
//console.log ("A relation " + allChildObjectOnView[i];
allElementsOnViewArr [i] = {
,xBounds:2147483647 // can I remove this? its nasty
return allElementsOnViewArr;
function getSortedElementListForQuery(allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter)
//based on the X position on the view we can now sort the array. The pattern is element-relation-element-relation-element.... this means taht in the aray all elements ae in the even position
allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter.sort(function (a,b) {return a.xBounds - b.xBounds});
//console.log("allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter entry: ")
//console.log (allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter);
var sortedElementListForQuery = [];
// first, put allelements in order
for (i=0; i <= allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter.length; i+=2)
sortedElementListForQuery [(i)] = {
//console.log("sortedElementListForQuery after element sort:")
// now put the relations in between if a relation matches both source and target element it fits in between...
//console.log ("allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter.length: " + allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter.length);
for (i=0 ;i < ((allElementsOnViewArr_Parameter.length-1)/2); i++)
//define the elements to check
firstElementID = sortedElementListForQuery[i*2].ID;
nextElementID = sortedElementListForQuery[((i*2)+2)].ID;
//console.log ("Elements checked: "+ firstElementID + ","+nextElementID)
firstElementArchiCol = jArchi("#" + firstElementID);
nextElementArchiCol = jArchi("#" + nextElementID);
//test the relations
firstElementArchiColRelations = firstElementArchiCol.rels();
nextElementArchiColRelations = nextElementArchiCol.rels();
//console.log("firstElementArchiColRelations \n", firstElementArchiColRelations);
matchedRelation = false;
matchingRelationID = "";
matchingRelationDirection = "";
for (ii = 0; ii <firstElementArchiColRelations.length && matchedRelation == false ; ii++)
firstTestRelID = firstElementArchiColRelations[ii].id;
for (iii = 0; iii < nextElementArchiColRelations.length && matchedRelation == false ; iii++)
//console.log ("Start iii | "+ "i="+i+ " ii=" + ii+ " iii="+ iii);
//console.log( " nextElementArchiColRelations.length "+ nextElementArchiColRelations.length);
nextTestRelID = nextElementArchiColRelations[iii].id;
if (firstTestRelID == nextTestRelID)
//console.log ("in if...");
matchingRelationID = firstTestRelID;
matchedRelation = true;
//console.log("Match found on relation ID: " + matchingRelationID );
//now we have a match, we need the direction as well
matchingRelationDirection = getRelationDirection (firstElementID, matchingRelationID);
//console.log ("matchingRelationDirection: ",matchingRelationDirection);
//a match is found and we have the ID, now put in the right place
matchedRelationCol = jArchi("#" + matchingRelationID);
sortedElementListForQuery [((i*2)+1)] = {
//console.log("sortedElementListForQuery after relation sort:" ,sortedElementListForQuery);
return sortedElementListForQuery;
function getArchiTranslationObjects()
return [
function archiTranslate (toTranslate_Parameter, language_parameter)
// this function translates notations from archi to HerveDB,
languageDictionary = getArchiTranslationObjects();
found =false;
r = null;
case "HerveDB":
for (ii=0;ii<languageDictionary.length && found==false;ii++)
//console.log ("language i: " + i + "languageDictionary[i].Archi" + languageDictionary[i].Archi);
if(languageDictionary[ii].Archi == toTranslate_Parameter)
found = true;
r = languageDictionary[ii].HerveDB;
//console.log("found: " + r);
case "Sparx":
for (ii=0;ii<languageDictionary.length && found==false;ii++)
//console.log ("language i: " + i + "languageDictionary[i].Archi" + languageDictionary[i].Archi);
if(languageDictionary[ii].Archi == toTranslate_Parameter)
found = true;
r = languageDictionary[ii].Sparx;
//console.log("found: " + r);
r = null;
return r;
function archiQueryBuilder (sortedArray_Parameter, dbLanguage_Parameter)
//console.log ("Building the query....");
SQLQuery = "SQL query for Archimodel in "+ dbLanguage_Parameter + "\n\nSELECT "; //this string will contain the SQL query. It will be huge:)
SQLElementCount =(sortedArray_Parameter.length +1);
SQLLevelCount = (sortedArray_Parameter.length * 2 - 1);
//console.log (SQLElementCount);
//the first one uses the real table names from the vieuws
SQLQuery += "VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Name as Element_Name_1 \n";
SQLQuery += "--,VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_ID as Element_ID_1 \n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Class as Element_Class_1 \n\n";
//the subsequent ones uses the "result" names from the subqueries
for (i = 2 ;i < SQLElementCount; i+=2)
SQLQuery += ",SQ_" + i + ".Relation_Class as Relation_Class_" + i + "\n";
SQLQuery += "--,SQ_" + i + ".Target_ID as Element_Target_ID_" + i + "\n";
SQLQuery += "--,SQ_" + i + ".Relation_ID as Relation_ID_" + i + "\n";
SQLQuery += "--,SQ_" + i + ".Source_ID as Element_Source_ID_" + i + "\n\n";
SQLQuery += ",SQ_" + (i+1) + ".Element_Name as Element_Name_" + (i+1) + "\n";
SQLQuery += "--,SQ_" + (i+1) + ".Element_ID as Element_ID_" + (i+1) + "\n";
SQLQuery += ",SQ_" + (i+1) + ".Element_Class as Element_Class_" + (i+1) + "\n\n";
SQLQuery += "FROM VW_Elements_Latest_Model \n\n";
//part 2 the joins
//First set
i = 2
SQLQuery += "INNER JOIN(\n";
SQLQuery += "--Pre Loop: Looking for the next relation--\n"; // comment nog opkuisen
SQLQuery += "SELECT\n";
SQLQuery += "VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Class AS Relation_Class\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Target_ID AS Target_ID\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Source_ID AS Source_ID\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_ID AS Relation_ID\n";
rC = sortedArray[(i-1)].Type;
//relationClass = rC.replace('-','');
relationClass = archiTranslate(rC, dbLanguage_Parameter);
//console.log (rC + " " + relationClass);
SQLQuery += "FROM VW_Relations_Latest_Model\n";
SQLQuery += "WHERE VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Class LIKE '" + relationClass +"'\n"; /// -----'RealizationRelationship' --- is a var that needs to be added
direction = sortedArray[(i-1)].Direction;
SQLQuery += ") AS SQ_" + (i) +"\n";
//SQLQuery += "On VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_ID LIKE SQ_" + i + "." + direction + "_ID\n\n"; // Direction test (out = Source) only the first!!
SQLQuery += "ON VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_ID LIKE SQ_" + i + "." + direction + "_ID\n\n"; // Direction test (out = Source)
SQLQuery += "INNER JOIN (\n";
SQLQuery += "--Looking for the next element-- \n";
/*STEP 3 Find Application component Data*/
SQLQuery += "SELECT \n"
SQLQuery += "VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Class AS Element_Class\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_ID AS Element_ID\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Name AS Element_Name\n";
eC = sortedArray[(i)].Type;
//elementClass = eC.replace('-','');
elementClass = archiTranslate(eC, dbLanguage_Parameter);
SQLQuery += "FROM VW_Elements_Latest_Model\n";
SQLQuery += "WHERE VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Class LIKE '" + elementClass +"'\n"; //'ApplicationComponent' s a var that needs to beadded
SQLQuery += ") AS SQ_" + (i+1) + "\n";
//SQLQuery += "ON SQ_" + (i) +".Source_ID LIKE SQ_" + (i+1) + ".Element_ID\n\n";
rDirection = reverseDirection(direction);
SQLQuery += "ON SQ_" + (i) +"." + rDirection +"_ID LIKE SQ_" + (i+1) + ".Element_ID\n\n"; //working here!!!
// subsequent sets
for (i = 4; i < SQLElementCount; i+=2 )
SQLQuery += "INNER JOIN(\n";
SQLQuery += "--Looping Looking for the next relation--\n"; //Comment nog opkuisen
SQLQuery += "SELECT\n";
SQLQuery += "VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Class AS Relation_Class\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Target_ID AS Target_ID\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Source_ID AS Source_ID\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_ID AS Relation_ID\n";
rC = sortedArray[(i-1)].Type;
//relationClass = rC.replace('-','');
relationClass = archiTranslate(rC,dbLanguage_Parameter);
//console.log (rC + " " + relationClass);
SQLQuery += "FROM VW_Relations_Latest_Model\n";
SQLQuery += "WHERE VW_Relations_Latest_Model.Relation_Class LIKE '" + relationClass +"'\n"; /// -----'RealizationRelationship' --- is a var that needs to be added
direction = sortedArray[(i-1)].Direction;
SQLQuery += ") AS SQ_" + (i) +"\n";
//SQLQuery += "On VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_ID LIKE SQ_" + i + "." + direction + "_ID\n\n"; // Direction test (out = Source) only the first!!
SQLQuery += "ON SQ_" + (i-1) + ".Element_ID LIKE SQ_" + i + "." + direction + "_ID\n\n"; // Direction test (out = Source)
SQLQuery += "INNER JOIN (\n";
SQLQuery += "--Looking for the next element-- \n";
/*STEP 3 Find Application component Data*/
SQLQuery += "SELECT \n"
SQLQuery += "VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Class AS Element_Class\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_ID AS Element_ID\n";
SQLQuery += ",VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Name AS Element_Name\n";
eC = sortedArray[(i)].Type;
//elementClass = eC.replace('-','');
elementClass = archiTranslate(eC,dbLanguage_Parameter);
SQLQuery += "FROM VW_Elements_Latest_Model\n";
SQLQuery += "WHERE VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Class LIKE '" + elementClass +"'\n"; //'ApplicationComponent' s a var that needs to beadded
SQLQuery += ") AS SQ_" + (i+1) + "\n";
rDirection = reverseDirection(direction);
SQLQuery += "ON SQ_" + (i) +"." + rDirection +"_ID LIKE SQ_" + (i+1) + ".Element_ID\n\n"; //working here!!!
//part 3 the where that filters out the start element
eC = sortedArray[0].Type;
//elementClass = eC.replace('-','');
elementClass = archiTranslate(eC,dbLanguage_Parameter);
SQLQuery += "where VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Class LIKE '" + elementClass + "' \n";
SQLQuery += "Order by VW_Elements_Latest_Model.Element_Name"
return SQLQuery;
function drawResultNotes (viewName_Parameter, archiSQL_Parameter)
var arrchiNote = viewName_Parameter.createObject("note", 10, 200, 400, 600);
arrchiNote.setText("--SQL Query for Archi \n\n" + archiSQL_Parameter + "\n --EOF");
return null;
/*Other Functions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
******************************* MAIN *************************************************************************************************************
// what model are we looking at on screen, this is teh model we be working on
var currentView = selection.filter("archimate-diagram-model").first();
var SQLViewName =;
SQLView = jArchi("." + SQLViewName); //a collection of elements on the view
// what is in that view
SQLViewCollectionObj = getArchiElementsFromView (SQLView); // an object with elements
// create an array that has everything in the right sequence, from start to stop
sortedArray = getSortedElementListForQuery (SQLViewCollectionObj);
//Build the query in the right language
archiQuery = archiQueryBuilder(sortedArray, dbLanguage);
//Write query in the documentation
currentView.documentation = archiQuery;
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