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Forked from oliverholmberg/orbital_gravity_2d.cs
Created July 31, 2017 22:41
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Orbital Gravity 2D - A demonstration of Orbital Gravity in a 2D Unity Game. Unity's standard physics engine implements gravity only in the vertical axis. Here's a demo of orbital gravity for space type games. It allows for one object (spaceship, satellite, etc.) to achieve a stable organic orbit around another object (planet, moon, star, etc.)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
// Intended to be attached to a GameObject in order for that object to have its own gravity.
// Standard Unity Gravity is disabled on objects implementing this class
// This class is pared down from the original WorldBodyController used Oliver Holmberg's game Apogee to simply demonstrate orbital gravity.
public class OrbitalGravityObject : MonoBehaviour {
// Physics settings
public float mass; // The relative mass of the object
public int soiRadius; // The radius of the "sphere of influence" This can be set to infinity (or a very large number) for more realistic gravity.
public int proximityModifier = 195; // Used to alter (unatuarally) the coorelation between the proximity of the objects to the severity of the attraction. Tweak to make orbits easier to achieve or more intersting.
void Start() {
mass = mass * 100000; // Mass ^ 5 in order to allow the relative mass input to be more readable
public void OnDrawGizmos() { // Creates a visual representation of the sphere of indluence in the editor
// Show the Object's Sphere Of Influence
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (transform.position, soiRadius);
void FixedUpdate () { // Runs continuously during gameplay
// Get all objects that will be affected by gravity (Game objects are tagged in order to be influenced by gravity)
GameObject[] objectsAffectedByGravity;objectsAffectedByGravity = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("affectedByPlanetGravity");
foreach (GameObject gravBody in objectsAffectedByGravity) { // Iterate through objects affected by gravity
Rigidbody2D gravRigidBody = gravBody.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> (); // Get the object's Rigid Body Component
float orbitalDistance = Vector3.Distance (transform.position, gravRigidBody.transform.position); // Get the object's distance from the World Body
if (orbitalDistance < soiRadius) { // If the object is in the sphere of influence (close enough to be affected by the gravity of this object)
// Get info about the object in the sphere of influence
Vector3 objectOffset = transform.position - gravRigidBody.transform.position; // Get the object's 2d offset relative to this World Body
objectOffset.z = 0;
Vector3 objectTrajectory = gravRigidBody.velocity; // Get object's trajectory vector
float angle = Vector3.Angle (objectOffset, objectTrajectory); // Calculate object's angle of attack ( Not used here, but potentially insteresting to have )
float magsqr = objectOffset.sqrMagnitude; // Square Magnitude of the object's offset
if ( magsqr > 0.0001f ) { // If object's force is significant
// Apply gravitational force to the object
Vector3 gravityVector = ( mass * objectOffset.normalized / magsqr ) * gravRigidBody.mass;
gravRigidBody.AddForce ( gravityVector * ( orbitalDistance/proximityModifier) );
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