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Last active September 20, 2018 15:57
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Natural Evolution Strategies Cartpole example
import gym
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
state_dim = 4
action_dim = 2
population_size = 5
std = 0.1
alpha = 0.1
def get_plain_shape(s):
if len(s) == 2:
return s[0] * s[1]
return s[0]
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
with tf.variable_scope("net"):
cur_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, state_dim])
d1 = tf.layers.dense(cur_input, 64, tf.nn.elu)
d2 = tf.layers.dense(d1, 64, tf.nn.elu)
cur_out = tf.layers.dense(d1, action_dim, tf.identity)
optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(alpha)
cur_vars = tf.trainable_variables("net")
accum_vars = [tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(tv.initialized_value()), trainable=False) for tv in cur_vars]
assign_grad_vars = [tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(tv.initialized_value()), trainable=False) for tv in cur_vars]
assign_op =[cur_vars[i].assign(accum_vars[i]) for i in range(len(accum_vars))])
apply_grad_op = optim.apply_gradients(zip(assign_grad_vars, cur_vars))
plain_w_len = sum([get_plain_shape(x.get_shape()) for x in cur_vars])
session = tf.Session()
def make_rollout():
s0 = env.reset()
terminal = False
cum_rew = 0
while not terminal:
values =, feed_dict={
cur_input: np.array([s0])
action = np.argmax(values)
s0, r, terminal, _ = env.step(action)
cum_rew += r
return cum_rew
def to_plain(weights):
return np.concatenate([w.reshape(-1) for w in weights], axis=0)
def from_plain(plain_w):
pos = 0
result = []
for v in cur_vars:
shape = v.get_shape()
n = get_plain_shape(v.get_shape())
result.append(plain_w[pos:pos + n].reshape(shape))
return result
def assign_plain_weights(plain_w):
weights = from_plain(plain_w)
fd = {}
for i in range(len(weights)):
fd[accum_vars[i]] = weights[i], fd)
def apply_grads(plain_grads):
g = from_plain(plain_grads)
fd = {}
for i in range(len(g)):
fd[assign_grad_vars[i]] = -g[i], fd)
while True:
cur_plain_w = to_plain(
candidates = np.random.randn(population_size, plain_w_len) * std
returns = np.zeros(population_size)
for i in range(population_size):
cand = candidates[i] + cur_plain_w
returns[i] = make_rollout()
returns = (returns - returns.mean()) / (returns.std() + 0.0001)
w_diff =, returns)
grads = w_diff / (population_size * std)
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