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Created January 6, 2022 21:48
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- See Kevin Powell (KP) [] for definitions -->
<!-- <head> is our meta data (not visible on page) -->
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>HTML Basics</title>
<!-- <body> is our visible content -->
<!-- <header> is a Semantic tag
| KP: "Often used for the logo and navigation area on a page, but can also be used
within other elements (such as an article), to denote the heading for that
section of content" -->
This is my Header Section
<!-- <nav> is a Semantic tag
| KP: "Used for major navigational elements
(not all links, or lists of links must be in a nav)"
| KP: "If you have multiple nav elements, they should contain context for their
purpose, with either an aria-label or aria-labelled-by. You can follow this link
for more information []" -->
<!-- <main> is a Semantic tag
| KP: "The main content of your page (only one per page)" -->
<!-- <section> is a Semantic tag
| use 1 or more Sections
| KP: "Section of content on your web page
| vs Articles can stand of their own -->
<!-- KP: "Think of <h1> to <h6> like an Outline or Table of Contents" -->
<h2>Some Recent Articles</h2>
<!-- <div> is NOT a Semantic tag
| KP: "A division (or box) - no semantic meaning.
| These are used to organize your content, generally so you can style layouts with CSS"
| KP: "use div when no Semantic tag makes sense
| (generally better to use div than wrong Semantic tag)" -->
<div class="container">
<!-- <article> is a Semantic tag
| KP: "A piece of content on your page that can stand on it's own" -->
<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus, sapiente?</p>
<a href="">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</a>
<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus, sapiente?</p>
<a href="">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</a>
<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus, sapiente?</p>
<a href="">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</a>
<!-- <footer> is a Semantic tag -->
<!-- KP: "Like <header>, it is often used as the primary footer for an entire page, but you
can have footers within other elements as well" -->
<footer>This is my Footer Section</footer>
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