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Created June 17, 2024 08:38
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using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
namespace Core.Results;
public readonly struct Result<T>
private enum ResultState
private readonly ResultState _state;
public T Value { get; }
public Exception Exception { get; }
public bool IsSuccess => _state == ResultState.Success;
public bool IsFailure => _state == ResultState.Failure;
public bool IsNull => _state == ResultState.Null;
public Result(T value)
Value = value;
Exception = null!;
_state = ResultState.Success;
public Result(Exception exception)
Value = default!;
Exception = exception;
_state = ResultState.Failure;
public TR Match<TR>(Func<T, TR> onSuccess, Func<Exception, TR> onFailure, Func<TR>? onNull = null) =>
IsSuccess ? onSuccess(Value) :
IsFailure ? onFailure(Exception) :
onNull is not null
? onNull()
: throw new InvalidOperationException("Result is null, but no onNull function was provided.");
public static implicit operator Result<T>(T? value) => value is not null ? new Result<T>(value) : new Result<T>();
public static implicit operator Result<T>(Exception exception) => new(exception);
public static implicit operator Result(Result<T> result) => result.IsSuccess ? Result.Success() : Result.Failure(result.Exception);
public readonly struct Result(Exception exception)
public Exception Exception { get; } = exception;
public bool IsSuccess => Exception is null;
public bool IsFailure => Exception is not null;
public TR Match<TR>(Func<TR> onSuccess, Func<Exception, TR> onFailure) =>
IsSuccess ? onSuccess() : onFailure(Exception);
public static implicit operator Result(Exception exception) => new(exception);
public static Result Success() => new();
public static Result Failure(Exception exception) => new(exception);
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