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Created July 4, 2012 04:39
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CREATE PROCEDURE geodist (IN userid int, IN dist int)
declare mylon double;
declare mylat double;
declare lon1 float;
declare lon2 float;
declare lat1 float;
declare lat2 float;
-- get the original lon and lat for the userid:
select longitude, latitude into mylon, mylat from users where id=userid limit 1;
-- calculate lon and lat for the rectangle (~69 miles per one degree):
set lon1 = mylon - dist / abs(cos(radians(mylat))*69);
set lon2 = mylon + dist / abs(cos(radians(mylat))*69);
set lat1 = mylat - (dist / 69);
set lat2 = mylat + (dist / 69);
-- run the query
-- lots of Math here...just trust it - it works - I tested it...
3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((*pi()/180/2),2)+COS(*pi()/180)*COS(*pi()/180)*POWER(SIN((orig.lon-dest.lon)*pi()/180/2),2))) as distance
users destination, users origin
where = userid
and destination.longitude between lon1 and lon2
and destination.latitude between lat1 and lat2
having distance < dist
order by distance limit 10;
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