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Created March 23, 2014 16:15
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Sentiment Classifier based on Naive Bayes
# ###########################################################################################
# Sentiment Classifier based on Naive Bayes
# Author: Lester Sanchez
# Email:
# Date: March, 2014
# Accuracy: above 82%
# This is a very simple implementation of a sentiment classifier based on naive bayes.
# In my tests, I got better results generating bi-grams in addition to simple tokens.
# The dataset by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee was used for training and test.
# This dataset can be downloaded from
trainingSetPercentage = 70; # percentage of all data samples used for training
unknownTokenLabel = '<UNK>' # label for unknown tokes in new documents
maxIterations = 10 # iterations to mesure accuracy
def main():
"""Train the model and mesure accuracy against the test set"""
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 3 or sys.argv[1] != '-d':
USAGE: -d /path/to/data/dir/
Data directory is expected to contains both directories (neg and pos)
with reviews inside as Unicode text files.
A movie reviews dataset was used for training and test.
Used dataset can be downloaded from
dataDir = sys.argv[2]
iterations = 0
aveAccuracy = 0
while iterations < maxIterations:
iterations += 1
print 'iteration', iterations, ':'
trainData, testData = getTrainTestData(dataDir)
priors, wordsLikelihood = train(trainData, dataDir)
accuracy = test(testData, dataDir, priors, wordsLikelihood)
aveAccuracy += accuracy
print 'accuracy:', accuracy, '%'
print 'ave_accuracy:', float(aveAccuracy) / iterations, '%'
def train(trainData, dataDir):
"""Train Naive Bayes model"""
numberOfDocs = getNumberOfDocuments(trainData)
priors = computePriors(trainData, numberOfDocs)
#print 'total_num_docs:', numberOfDocs
vocabulary = getVocabulary(trainData, dataDir)
wordsFrequency = getWordsFrequencyPerClass(trainData, dataDir)
numberOfWords = getNumberOfWordsPerClass(wordsFrequency)
wordsLikelihood = computeWordsLikelihood(wordsFrequency, numberOfWords, len(vocabulary))
return priors, wordsLikelihood
def test(testData, dataDir, priors, wordsLikelihood):
"""Returns the accuracy of the model"""
totalCorrectCount = 0
totalCount = 0
for realClass, fileList in testData.items():
classCorrectCount = 0
for fileName in fileList:
text = open(dataDir + '/' + realClass + '/' + fileName).read()
guessedClass = classify(text, priors, wordsLikelihood)
totalCount += 1
if guessedClass == realClass:
classCorrectCount += 1
totalCorrectCount += classCorrectCount
print 'num_' + realClass + '_correct_docs:', classCorrectCount
return (float(totalCorrectCount) / totalCount) * float(100)
def classify(text, priors, wordsLikelihood):
"""Classify an instance according to the learned model"""
import math, sys
# initialize maxLikelihood in the minimum possible value
maxLikelihood = -sys.maxint-1
classification = ''
for c, prior in priors.items():
words = tokenize(text)
# preventing underflow with logarithm
currentLikelihood = float(math.log(prior))
#currentLikelihood = float(prior)
for w in words:
if w in wordsLikelihood[c]:
currentLikelihood += math.log(wordsLikelihood[c][w])
#currentLikelihood *= wordsLikelihood[c][w]
else: # if w is a new word, use the unknown token likelihood
currentLikelihood += math.log(wordsLikelihood[c][unknownTokenLabel])
#currentLikelihood *= wordsLikelihood[c][unknownTokenLabel]
# update class if greater likelihood is found
if currentLikelihood > maxLikelihood:
maxLikelihood = currentLikelihood
classification = c
return classification
def computeWordsLikelihood(wordsFrequency, numberOfWords, vocabularyLength):
"""Compute the conditional probability of each word given the class - P(w|c)"""
likelihood = {}
for c, words in wordsFrequency.items():
likelihood[c] = {}
# for each class add likelihood for unknown tokens
likelihood[c][unknownTokenLabel] = float(1) / (numberOfWords[c] + vocabularyLength + 1)
for w in words:
likelihood[c][w] = (words[w] + 1) / (numberOfWords[c] + float(vocabularyLength) + 1)
return likelihood
def getNumberOfWordsPerClass(wordsFrequency):
"""Returns the the number of ocurrences of words in each class"""
numberOfWords = {}
for c, words in wordsFrequency.items():
numberOfWords[c] = 0
for w in words:
numberOfWords[c] += words[w]
#print 'num_' + c + '_words:', numberOfWords[c]
return numberOfWords
def getNumberOfDocuments(trainData):
"""Returns the number of documents in te training set"""
return sum(len(samples) for samples in trainData.values())
def getWordsFrequencyPerClass(trainData, dataDir):
"""Returns frequency of words in each class"""
wordsFrequency = {}
for directory, fileList in trainData.items():
wordsFrequency[directory] = {} # initialize a dictionary for each class
for fileName in fileList:
words = tokenize(open(dataDir + '/' + directory + '/' + fileName).read())
updateFrequencyDistribution(words, wordsFrequency[directory])
return wordsFrequency
def getVocabulary(trainData, dataDir):
"""Returns global vocabulary (unique words) as a list"""
bagOfWords = []
for directory, fileList in trainData.items():
for fileName in fileList:
bagOfWords += tokenize(open(dataDir + '/' + directory + '/' + fileName).read())
return set(bagOfWords)
def computePriors(trainData, numberOfDocs):
"""Returns a dictionary containing priors for each class in trainData"""
priors = {}
for c, data in trainData.items():
priors[c] = len(data)/float(numberOfDocs)
return priors
def tokenize(text):
"""Returns unique tokens and bi-grams"""
# split by whitespaces
tokens = text.strip().split()
# generate bi-grams
for i in range(len(tokens)-1):
tokens += tokens[i] + ' ' + tokens[i + 1]
# remove duplicate tokens and bi-grams
tokens = set(tokens)
# remove non-alpha tokens
#tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens if t.isalpha()]
# TODO: try words normalization (stemming - Porter's algorithm, lematization - WordNet)
return tokens
def updateFrequencyDistribution(tokens, dictionary):
"""Increase frequency for each token in the given dictionary"""
for t in tokens:
if t in dictionary:
dictionary[t] += 1
dictionary[t] = 1
def vocabulary(tokens):
return set(tokens)
def getTrainTestData(dataDir):
"""Returns two dictionaries (train and test data) with classes as keys and list of samples as values"""
import os, random
classes = os.listdir(dataDir)
trainData = {}
testData = {}
for c in classes: # directory represents each class for documents
# list all documents inside each class
files = os.listdir(dataDir + '/' + c)
# shuffle documents
fileNames = [fileName for fileName in files]
trainingCount = (len(fileNames) * trainingSetPercentage) / 100
trainData[c] = [fileName for fileName in fileNames[:trainingCount]]
testData[c] = [fileName for fileName in fileNames[trainingCount:]]
print 'num_' + c + '_training_docs:', len(trainData[c])
print 'num_' + c + '_test_docs:', len(testData[c])
return trainData, testData
if __name__ == '__main__':
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