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Created February 20, 2019 12:09
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type # concepts
BasicValue[T] = concept v
v.value is T
MinValue[T] = concept v
v is BasicValue[T]
v.min is T
MaxValue[T] = concept v
v is BasicValue[T]
v.max is T
RangedValue[T] = concept v
v is MinValue[T]
v is MaxValue[T]
Value[T] = concept v
(v is RangedValue[T] or
v is MinValue[T] or
v is MaxValue[T] or
v is BasicValue[T])
type # implementations
BoolValue = ref object
value*: bool
FloatValue = ref object
min*, max*: float
value*: float
IntValue = ref object
min*, max*: int
value*: int
StringValue = ref object
value*: string
NoteValue = ref object
min*: int
value*: int
# generic set will produce multiple implementations
proc set[T](self: Value, v: T): bool =
# following block only compiled when expr is true
when self is MinValue[T]:
echo "generated a min value impl"
if v < self.min: return false
when self is MaxValue[T]:
echo "generated a max value impl"
if v > self.max: return false
echo "generated a basic impl"
self.value = v
return true
# checking whether our types are valid for the concepts
when BoolValue is Value:
echo "BoolValue is Value"
when NoteValue is MinValue:
echo "NoteValue is MinValue"
when FloatValue is RangedValue:
echo "FloatValue is RangedValue"
# proving it works
b = BoolValue(value: false)
n = NoteValue(min:0, value:16)
f = FloatValue(min:0.0, max:1000.0, value: 0.0)
# set boolean
discard b.set(true)
# set note then set under min
discard n.set(8)
discard n.set(-1)
# set float then set over max
discard f.set(100.0)
discard f.set(10001.0)
echo "b is ", b.value, " vs true"
echo "n is ", n.value, " vs 8"
echo "f is ", f.value, " vs 100.0"
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