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Last active December 15, 2019 04:53
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"Standard Template": {
"prefix": "main",
"body": [
"#include <stdio.h>",
"int main (int argc, char** argv) {",
" return EXIT_SUCCESS;",
"description": "A standard starter template for a C program"
"Stdlib Template": {
"prefix": "sst",
"body": [
"#include <stdio.h>",
"#include <stdlib.h>",
"int main (int argc, char** argv) {",
"\t\treturn EXIT_SUCCESS;",
"description": "A standard starter template for a C program with stdlib included"
"Struct": {
"prefix": "struct",
"body": [
"* Struct for ${1:Describe what is this struct for}",
"* @ingroup set",
"typedef struct {",
"\t\t${1:type}\t${2:name}; /**< Some documentation for the member ${3:name}*/",
"description": "Creates documented strucutre"
"Define Groups": {
"prefix": "doxgroups",
"body": [
"* @defgroup ${1:Name} ${2:Short_For}",
"* @brief ${3:Brief desc}",
"description": "Doxygen Groups"
"For Loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for ( ${1:intial};${2:test};${3:update} ) {",
"description": "Simple for loop"
"While loop": {
"prefix" : "while",
"body": [
"while (${1:condition}) {",
"description": "Simple while loop"
"Switch": {
"prefix" : "switch",
"switch (${1:expr}) {",
"case ${2:value}:",
"return $0;",
"description": "Switch statement"
"If Condition": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if ( ${1:condition} ) {",
"description": "If Condition"
"Ifelse Condition": {
"prefix": "ifel",
"body": [
"if ( ${1:condition} ) {",
"} else {",
"description": "If ... Else condition"
"IfelseIF Condition": {
"prefix": "ifelif",
"body": [
"if ( ${1:condition} ) {",
"} else if ( ${2:condition} ) {",
"} else if ( ${3:condition} ) {",
"} else {",
"description": "If ... Else if ... Else If.. Else Condition"
"IfIfElseElse Condition": {
"prefix": "ififelel",
"body": [
"if ( ${1:condition} ) {",
"\t\tif ( ${2:second_condition} ) {",
"\t\t} else {",
"\t} else {",
"description": "If ... Else if ... Else If.. Else Condition"
"def macro": {
"prefix": "def",
"body": [
"#define ${1:WHAT} ${2:VALUE}"
"description": "Define"
"inc macro": {
"prefix": "inc",
"body": [
"#include <${1:header.h}>"
"description": "Include header file"
"Comment Block": {
"prefix": "doxfunc",
"body": [
"* @brief ${1:Brief description of class or function (fits a single line)}",
"* @ingroup ${2}",
"* ",
"* @params[in]: ${3}",
"* @params[out]: ${4}",
"* @return: ${5}",
"* @code{.c}",
"* @endcode",
"description": "Doxygen C Function documentation"
"Comment line": {
"prefix": "cmtln",
"body": [
"/*** ${1:SaySomething} ***/",
"description": "Comment Line"
"Comment block": {
"prefix": "cmtblk",
"body": [
"* ${1:Comment}",
"description": "Comment Block"
"Break section": {
"prefix": "cmtsec",
"body": [
"// --------------------------- ${1:SaySomething} ---------------------------",
"description": "Comment Section"
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