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Last active March 31, 2016 16:33
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binding trait instance
trait ResId {
def toASCIIString: String
object ResId {
def apply(uri: String): ResId = new StringUri(uri)
def apply(uri: URI): ResId = new StringUri(uri.toString)
private def validated(uri: String): String = URI.create(uri).toString
case class StringUri(value: String) extends ResId {
override val toASCIIString: String = validated(value)
def convert(resId: ResId): Rdf#URI = URI(resId.toASCIIString)
implicit val resIdBinder: PGBinder[Rdf, ResId] = new PGBinder[Rdf, ResId] {
override def toPG(t: ResId): PointedGraph[Rdf] = convert(t).toPG
override def fromPG(pointed: PointedGraph[Rdf]): Try[ResId] = pointed.pointer.fold (
uri => Success(ResId(uri.getString)),
_ => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException),
_ => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException)
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