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Created October 14, 2014 18:42
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(**** ML Programs from Chapter 9 of
ML for the Working Programmer, 2nd edition
by Lawrence C. Paulson, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
(Cambridge University Press, 1996)
Copyright (C) 1996 by Cambridge University Press.
Permission to copy without fee is granted provided that this copyright
notice and the DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY are included in any copy.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. These programs are provided `as is' without
warranty of any kind. We make no warranties, express or implied, that the
programs are free of error, or are consistent with any particular standard
of merchantability, or that they will meet your requirements for any
particular application. They should not be relied upon for solving a
problem whose incorrect solution could result in injury to a person or loss
of property. If you do use the programs or functions in such a manner, it
is at your own risk. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for
direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from your use of
these programs or functions.
(**** Lexical Analysis -- Scanning ****)
(*Input to LexicalFUN*)
signature KEYWORD =
val alphas: string list
and symbols: string list
signature LEXICAL =
datatype token = Id of string | Key of string
val scan : string -> token list
(*All characters are covered; whitespace is ignored. *)
functor Lexical (Keyword: KEYWORD) : LEXICAL =
datatype token = Key of string | Id of string;
fun member (x:string, l) = List.exists (fn y => x=y) l;
fun alphaTok a =
if member(a, Keyword.alphas) then Key(a) else Id(a);
(*scanning of a symbolic keyword*)
fun symbolic (sy, ss) =
case Substring.getc ss of
NONE => (Key sy, ss)
| SOME (c,ss1) =>
if member(sy, Keyword.symbols)
orelse not (Char.isPunct c)
then (Key sy, ss)
else symbolic (sy ^ String.str c, ss1);
(*Scanning a substring into a list of tokens*)
fun scanning (toks, ss) =
case Substring.getc ss of
NONE => rev toks (*end of substring*)
| SOME (c,ss1) =>
if Char.isAlphaNum c
then (*identifier or keyword*)
let val (id, ss2) = Substring.splitl Char.isAlphaNum ss
val tok = alphaTok (Substring.string id)
in scanning (tok::toks, ss2)
else if Char.isPunct c
then (*special symbol*)
let val (tok, ss2) = symbolic (String.str c, ss1)
in scanning (tok::toks, ss2)
else (*ignore spaces, line breaks, control characters*)
scanning (toks, Substring.dropl (not o Char.isGraph) ss);
fun scan a = scanning([], Substring.all a);
(**** Parsing functionals ****)
(*Infix directives: made globally*)
infix 6 $--;
infix 5 --;
infix 3 >>;
infix 0 ||;
signature PARSE =
exception SyntaxErr of string
type token
val id : token list -> string * token list
val $ : string -> token list -> string * token list
val empty : 'a -> 'b list * 'a
val || : ('a -> 'b) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val !! : ('a -> 'b * 'c) -> 'a -> 'b * 'c
val -- : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('c -> 'd * 'e) -> 'a -> ('b * 'd) * 'e
val $-- : string * (token list -> 'a * 'b) -> token list -> 'a * 'b
val >> : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd * 'c
val repeat : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
val infixes :
(token list -> 'a * token list) * (string -> int) *
(string -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a) -> token list -> 'a * token list
val reader: (token list -> 'a * 'b list) -> string -> 'a
functor Parsing (Lex: LEXICAL) : PARSE =
type token = Lex.token;
exception SyntaxErr of string;
(*Phrase consisting of an identifier*)
fun id (Lex.Id a :: toks) = (a,toks)
| id toks = raise SyntaxErr "Identifier expected";
(*Phrase consisting of the keyword 'a' *)
fun $a (Lex.Key b :: toks) = if a=b then (a,toks)
else raise SyntaxErr a
| $a _ = raise SyntaxErr "Symbol expected";
(*The empty phrase!*)
fun empty toks = ([],toks);
(*Alternative phrases*)
fun (ph1 || ph2) toks = ph1 toks
handle SyntaxErr _ => ph2 toks;
fun !! ph toks = ph toks
handle SyntaxErr msg => raise Fail ("Syntax error: " ^ msg);
(*One phrase then another*)
fun (ph1 -- ph2) toks =
let val (x,toks2) = ph1 toks
val (y,toks3) = ph2 toks2
in ((x,y), toks3) end;
(*Application of f to the result of a phrase*)
fun (ph>>f) toks =
let val (x,toks2) = ph toks
in (f x, toks2) end;
fun (a $-- ph) = ($a -- !!ph >> #2);
(*Zero or more phrases*)
fun repeat ph toks = ( ph -- repeat ph >> (op::)
|| empty ) toks;
fun infixes (ph,prec_of,apply) =
let fun over k toks = next k (ph toks)
and next k (x, Lex.Key(a)::toks) =
if prec_of a < k then (x, Lex.Key a :: toks)
else next k ((over (prec_of a) >> apply a x) toks)
| next k (x, toks) = (x, toks)
in over 0 end;
(*Scan and parse, checking that no tokens remain*)
fun reader ph a =
(case ph (Lex.scan a) of
(x, []) => x
| (_, _::_) => raise SyntaxErr "Extra characters in phrase");
(**** Example: Parsing and Displaying Types ****)
signature TYPE =
datatype t = Con of string * t list | Var of string
val pr : t -> unit
val read : string -> t
structure LamKey =
struct val alphas = []
and symbols = ["(", ")", "'", "->"]
structure LamLex = Lexical (LamKey);
structure LamParsing = Parsing (LamLex);
structure Type : TYPE =
datatype t = Con of string * t list
| Var of string;
local (** Parsing **)
fun makeFun (ty1,ty2) = Con("->",[ty1,ty2]);
open LamParsing
fun typ toks =
( atom -- "->" $-- typ >> makeFun
|| atom
) toks
and atom toks =
( $"'" -- id >> (Var o op^)
|| "(" $-- typ -- $")" >> #1
) toks;
val read = reader typ;
local (** Display **)
fun typ (Var a) = Pretty.str a
| typ (Con("->",[ty1,ty2])) = Pretty.blo(0, [atom ty1,
Pretty.str " ->",
Pretty.brk 1,
typ ty2])
and atom (Var a) = Pretty.str a
| atom ty = Pretty.blo(1, [Pretty.str"(",
typ ty,
fun pr ty = (TextIO.stdOut, typ ty, 50)
(**** Lambda-terms.
Bound variables are indicated by depth index,
free variables by name. ****)
signature LAMBDA =
datatype t = Free of string
| Bound of int
| Abs of string * t
| Apply of t * t
val abstract: int -> string -> t -> t
val absList: string list * t -> t
val applyList: t * t list -> t
val subst: int -> t -> t -> t
val inst: t StringDict.t -> t -> t
structure Lambda : LAMBDA =
datatype t = Free of string
| Bound of int
| Abs of string*t
| Apply of t*t;
(*Convert occurrences of b to bound index i in a term*)
fun abstract i b (Free a) = if a=b then Bound i else Free a
| abstract i b (Bound j) = Bound j
| abstract i b (Abs(a,t)) = Abs(a, abstract (i+1) b t)
| abstract i b (Apply(t,u)) = Apply(abstract i b t, abstract i b u);
(*Abstraction over several free variables*)
fun absList (bs,t) = foldr (fn (b,u) => Abs(b, abstract 0 b u)) t bs;
(*Application of t to several terms*)
fun applyList (t0,us) = foldl (fn (u,t) => Apply(t,u)) t0 us;
(*Shift a term's non-local indices by i; d is the depth of abstractions*)
fun shift 0 d u = u
| shift i d (Free a) = Free a
| shift i d (Bound j) = if j>=d then Bound(j+i) else Bound j
| shift i d (Abs(a,t)) = Abs(a, shift i (d+1) t)
| shift i d (Apply(t,u)) = Apply(shift i d t, shift i d u);
(*Substitute u for bound variable i in a term t*)
fun subst i u (Free a) = Free a
| subst i u (Bound j) =
if j<i then Bound j (*locally bound*)
else if j=i then shift i 0 u
else (*j>i*) Bound(j-1) (*non-local to t*)
| subst i u (Abs(a,t)) = Abs(a, subst (i+1) u t)
| subst i u (Apply(t1,t2)) = Apply(subst i u t1, subst i u t2);
(*Substitution for free variables*)
fun inst env (Free a) = (inst env (StringDict.lookup(env,a))
handle StringDict.E _ => Free a)
| inst env (Bound i) = Bound i
| inst env (Abs(a,t)) = Abs(a, inst env t)
| inst env (Apply(t1,t2)) = Apply(inst env t1, inst env t2);
(*** Parsing of lambda terms ***)
signature PARSE_TERM =
val read: string -> Lambda.t
structure ParseTerm : PARSE_TERM =
fun makeLambda ((b,bs),t) = Lambda.absList (b::bs, t);
open LamParsing
(*term/atom distinction prevents left recursion; grammar is ambiguous*)
fun term toks =
( "%" $-- id -- repeat id -- "." $-- term >> makeLambda
|| atom -- repeat atom >> Lambda.applyList
) toks
and atom toks =
( id >> Lambda.Free
|| "(" $-- term -- $")" >> #1
) toks;
val read = reader term;
(**** Pretty Printing of lambda terms ****)
signature DISPLAY_TERM =
val rename: string list * string -> string
val stripAbs: Lambda.t -> string list * Lambda.t
val pr: Lambda.t -> unit
structure DisplayTerm : DISPLAY_TERM =
(*Free variable in a term -- simple & slow version using append*)
fun vars (Lambda.Free a) = [a]
| vars (Lambda.Bound i) = []
| vars (Lambda.Abs(a,t)) = vars t
| vars (Lambda.Apply(t1,t2)) = vars t1 @ vars t2;
(*Rename variable "a" to avoid clashes with the strings bs. *)
fun rename (bs,a) =
if List.exists (fn x => x=a) bs then rename (bs, a ^ "'") else a;
(*Remove leading lambdas; return bound variable names*)
fun strip (bs, Lambda.Abs(a,t)) =
let val b = rename (vars t, a)
in strip (b::bs, Lambda.subst 0 (Lambda.Free b) t)
| strip (bs, u) = (rev bs, u);
fun stripAbs t = strip ([],t);
fun spaceJoin (b,z) = " " ^ b ^ z;
fun term (Lambda.Free a) = Pretty.str a
| term (Lambda.Bound i) = Pretty.str "??UNMATCHED INDEX??"
| term (t as Lambda.Abs _) =
let val (b::bs,u) = stripAbs t
val binder = "%" ^ b ^ (foldr spaceJoin ". " bs)
in Pretty.blo(0, [Pretty.str binder, term u])
| term t = Pretty.blo(0, applic t)
and applic (Lambda.Apply(t,u)) = applic t @ [Pretty.brk 1, atom u]
| applic t = [atom t]
and atom (Lambda.Free a) = Pretty.str a
| atom t = Pretty.blo(1, [Pretty.str"(",
term t,
fun pr t = (TextIO.stdOut, term t, 50);
(*** Evaluation of lambda terms ***)
signature REDUCE =
val eval : Lambda.t -> Lambda.t
val byValue : Lambda.t -> Lambda.t
val headNF : Lambda.t -> Lambda.t
val byName : Lambda.t -> Lambda.t
structure Reduce : REDUCE =
(*evaluation, not affecting function bodies*)
fun eval (Lambda.Apply(t1,t2)) =
(case eval t1 of
Lambda.Abs(a,u) => eval(Lambda.subst 0 (eval t2) u)
| u1 => Lambda.Apply(u1, eval t2))
| eval t = t;
(*normalization using call-by-value*)
fun byValue t = bodies (eval t)
and bodies (Lambda.Abs(a,t)) = Lambda.Abs(a, byValue t)
| bodies (Lambda.Apply(t1,t2)) = Lambda.Apply(bodies t1, bodies t2)
| bodies t = t;
(*head normal form*)
fun headNF (Lambda.Abs(a,t)) = Lambda.Abs(a, headNF t)
| headNF (Lambda.Apply(t1,t2)) =
(case headNF t1 of
Lambda.Abs(a,t) => headNF(Lambda.subst 0 t2 t)
| u1 => Lambda.Apply(u1, t2))
| headNF t = t;
(*normalization using call-by-name*)
fun byName t = args (headNF t)
and args (Lambda.Abs(a,t)) = Lambda.Abs(a, args t)
| args (Lambda.Apply(t1,t2)) = Lambda.Apply(args t1, byName t2)
| args t = t;
(*** Using the structures ***)
fun insertEnv ((a,b),env) =
StringDict.insert (env, a, b);
val stdEnv = foldl insertEnv StringDict.empty
[ (*booleans*)
("true", "%x y.x"), ("false", "%x y.y"),
("if", "%p x y. p x y"),
(*ordered pairs*)
("pair", "%x y f.f x y"),
("fst", "%p.p true"), ("snd", "%p.p false"),
(*natural numbers*)
("suc", "%n f x. n f (f x)"),
("iszero", "%n. n (%x.false) true"),
("0", "%f x. x"), ("1", "suc 0"),
("2", "suc 1"), ("3", "suc 2"),
("4", "suc 3"), ("5", "suc 4"),
("6", "suc 5"), ("7", "suc 6"),
("8", "suc 7"), ("9", "suc 8"),
("add", "%m n f x. m f (n f x)"),
("mult", "%m n f. m (n f)"),
("expt", "%m n f x. n m f x"),
("prefn", "%f p. pair (f (fst p)) (fst p)"),
("pre", "%n f x. snd (n (prefn f) (pair x x))"),
("sub", "%m n. n pre m"),
("ack", "%m. m (%f n. n f (f 1)) suc"),
("nil", "%z.z"),
("cons", "%x y. pair false (pair x y)"),
("null", "fst"),
("hd", "%z. fst(snd z)"), ("tl", "%z. snd(snd z)"),
(*recursion for call-by-name*)
("Y", "%f. (%x.f(x x))(%x.f(x x))"),
("fact", "Y (%g n. if (iszero n) 1 (mult n (g (pre n))))"),
("append", "Y (%g z w. if (null z) w (cons (hd z) (g (tl z) w)))"),
("inflist", "Y (%z. cons MORE z)"),
(*recursion for call-by-value*)
("YV", "%f. (%x.f(%y.x x y)) (%x.f(%y.x x y))"),
("factV", "YV (%g n. (if (iszero n) (%y.1) (%y.mult n (g (pre n))))y)") ];
(** lambda reduction examples **)
fun stdRead a = Lambda.inst stdEnv ( a);
fun try evfn = o evfn o stdRead;
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