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Last active February 27, 2024 23:34
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// Converting Twitter Bootstrap RFS mechanism into typescript to make it available for CSS in JS i.e. (styled components).
// Twitter Bootstrap RFS:
// Javascript Approach:
// Usage
// import rfs from 'rfs';
// rfs( '20px', 'font-size' );
// rfs( '1.5rem', 'font-size' );
// rfs( '1rem', 'margin-bottom' );
// Styled Component
const Dummy = styled.div`
${rfs('2rem', 'font-size')}
${rfs('1.5rem', 'padding')}
background-color: red;
// For RFS Configuration please check the Class Constructor #56. It is ideal to not modify the options in constructor directly but
// just check the properties that you would like to modify and pass them in the last line of this script in createRFS() first argument.
interface RFSConfig {
rfsBaseValue?: string;
rfsUnit?: string;
rfsBreakpoint?: string;
rfsBreakpointUnit?: string;
rfsTwoDimensional?: boolean;
rfsFactor?: number;
rfsMode?: string;
rfsClass?: boolean | string;
rfsRemValue?: number;
rfsSafariIframeResizeBugFix?: boolean;
enableRfs?: boolean;
class RFS {
// Declare properties with default values
private readonly rfsBaseValue: number;
private readonly rfsUnit: string;
private readonly rfsBreakpoint: number;
private readonly rfsBreakpointUnit: string;
private readonly rfsTwoDimensional: boolean;
private readonly rfsFactor: number;
private readonly rfsMode: string;
private readonly rfsClass: boolean | string;
private readonly rfsRemValue: number;
private readonly rfsSafariIframeResizeBugFix: boolean;
private readonly enableRfs: boolean;
private readonly rfsBaseValueUnit: string;
private readonly rfsBreakpointUnitCache: string;
private readonly rfsMqValue: string;
private readonly rfsMqPropertyWidth: string;
private readonly rfsMqPropertyHeight: string;
constructor(private readonly args: RFSConfig = {
rfsBaseValue: '1.25rem',
rfsUnit: 'rem',
rfsBreakpoint: '1200px',
rfsBreakpointUnit: 'px',
rfsTwoDimensional: false,
rfsFactor: 10,
rfsMode: 'min-media-query',
rfsClass: false,
rfsRemValue: 16,
rfsSafariIframeResizeBugFix: false,
enableRfs: true,
}) {
// Initialize private properties based on args or provide default values
this.rfsBaseValue = this.unitless(this.args.rfsBaseValue ?? '1.25rem');
this.rfsUnit = this.args.rfsUnit ?? 'rem';
this.rfsBreakpoint = this.unitless(this.args.rfsBreakpoint ?? '1200px');
this.rfsBreakpointUnit = this.args.rfsBreakpointUnit ?? 'px';
this.rfsTwoDimensional = this.args.rfsTwoDimensional ?? false;
this.rfsFactor = this.args.rfsFactor ?? 10;
this.rfsMode = this.args.rfsMode ?? 'min-media-query';
this.rfsClass = this.args.rfsClass ?? false;
this.rfsRemValue = this.args.rfsRemValue ?? 16;
this.rfsSafariIframeResizeBugFix = this.args.rfsSafariIframeResizeBugFix ?? false;
this.enableRfs = this.args.enableRfs ?? true;
this.rfsBaseValueUnit = this.unitOf(this.args.rfsBaseValue ?? '1.25rem');
this.rfsBaseValue = this.unitless(this.args.rfsBaseValue ?? '1.25rem');
if (this.rfsBaseValueUnit === 'rem') {
this.rfsBaseValue *= this.rfsRemValue;
this.rfsBreakpointUnitCache = this.unitOf(this.args.rfsBreakpoint ?? '1200px');
this.rfsBreakpoint = this.unitless(this.args.rfsBreakpoint ?? '1200px');
if (this.rfsBreakpointUnitCache === 'rem') {
this.rfsBreakpoint *= this.rfsRemValue;
this.rfsMqValue =
this.rfsBreakpointUnit === 'px'
? `${this.rfsBreakpoint}px`
: `${this.rfsBreakpoint / this.rfsRemValue}${this.rfsBreakpointUnit}`;
this.rfsMqPropertyWidth =
this.rfsMode === 'max-media-query' ? 'max-width' : 'min-width';
this.rfsMqPropertyHeight =
this.rfsMode === 'max-media-query' ? 'max-height' : 'min-height';
typeOf(val: any): string {
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
return `array`;
if (typeof val === `number`) {
return `number`;
if (typeof val === `string`) {
return /^-?(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)[a-z]*$/.test(val) ? `number` : `string`;
// btw: not necessary for this script, but needs to detect color names
// to be an accurate translation of SASS's type-of()
return typeof val;
unitOf(val: string): string {
return /[a-z]+$/.exec(val)?.[0] ?? '';
unitless(val: string): number {
const value = /(^-?(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?))[a-z]*$/.exec(val);
return value && 2 <= value.length ? +value[1] : 0;
abs(val: string | number): number {
if (typeof val === `string`) {
const matches = /^-?(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)[a-z]*$/.exec(val);
return parseFloat(matches && 1 < matches.length ? `${+matches[1]}` : '0');
return Math.abs(+val);
dd(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...keys: any[]): string {
let str = strings;
if (Array.isArray(str)) {
str = Array.from(str).reduce((acc, cur, idx) =>
acc ? `${acc}${keys[idx - 1]}${cur}` : `${cur}${keys[idx - 1]}`
const lines = str.toString().split(`\n`);
const includeFirstLine = /\S/.test(lines[0]);
const includeLastLine = /\S/.test(lines[lines.length - 1]);
const leastCommonIndent = new RegExp(
// `${includeFirstLine ? `^` : `\\n`}(\\s*)(?:.*?\\n(?:(?=\\n)|\\1)){${lines.length - 1 - !includeFirstLine - !includeLastLine}}`
// 2 by default bc ignoring first line too
`\\n(\\s*)(?:.*?\\n(?:(?=\\n)|\\1)){${lines.length - 2 - (includeLastLine ? 1 : 0)}}`
// return lines.slice(!includeFirstLine, includeLastLine ? undefined : -1)
const ret = lines
.slice(1, includeLastLine ? undefined : -1)
.map((s) => s.slice(leastCommonIndent))
return includeFirstLine ? `${lines[0]}\n${ret}` : ret;
// Internal mixin used to determine which media query needs to be used
private _rfsMediaQuery(content: string): string {
if (this.rfsTwoDimensional) {
if (this.rfsMode === `max-media-query`) {
return this.dd`
@media (${this.rfsMqPropertyWidth}: ${this.rfsMqValue}), (${this.rfsMqPropertyHeight}: ${this.rfsMqValue}) {
} else {
return this.dd`
@media (${this.rfsMqPropertyWidth}: ${this.rfsMqValue}) and (${this.rfsMqPropertyHeight}: ${this.rfsMqValue}) {
} else {
return this.dd`
@media (${this.rfsMqPropertyWidth}: ${this.rfsMqValue}) {
// Internal mixin that adds disable classes to the selector if needed.
private _rfsRule(content: string): string {
if (this.rfsClass === `disable` && this.rfsMode === `max-media-query`) {
// Adding an extra class increases specificity, which prevents the media query to override the property
return this.dd`
.disable-rfs &,
&.disable-rfs {
} else if (
this.rfsClass === `enable` &&
this.rfsMode === `min-media-query`
) {
return this.dd`
.enable-rfs &,
&.enable-rfs {
} else {
return content;
// Internal mixin that adds enable classes to the selector if needed.
private _rfsMediaQueryRule(content: string): string {
const ret: string[] = [];
if (this.rfsClass === `enable`) {
if (this.rfsMode === `min-media-query`) {
.enable-rfs &,
&.enable-rfs {
} else {
if (this.rfsClass === `disable` && this.rfsMode === `min-media-query`) {
.disable-rfs &,
&.disable-rfs {
return ret.join(`\n`);
// Helper function to get the formatted non-responsive value
private rfsValue(values: (string | number)[]): string {
// Convert to list
values = this.typeOf(values) !== `array` ? [...values] : values;
let val = ``;
// Loop over each value and calculate value
values.forEach((value) => {
if (value === 0) {
val = `${val} 0`;
} else {
// Cache value unit
const unit = this.typeOf(value) === `number` ? this.unitOf(value.toString()) : false;
if (unit === `px`) {
// Convert to `rem` if needed
val = `${val} ${
this.rfsUnit === `rem`
? `${this.unitless(value.toString()) + this.rfsRemValue}rem`
: value
} else if (unit === `rem`) {
// Convert to `px` if needed
val = `${val} ${
this.rfsUnit === `px`
? `${this.unitless(value.toString()) * this.rfsRemValue}px`
: value
} else {
// If value isn't a number (like inherit) or value has a unit (not `px` or `rem`, like 1.5em) or $ is 0, just print the value
val = `${val} ${value}`;
// Remove first space
return val.slice(1);
// Helper function to get the responsive value calculated by RFS
private rfsFluidValue(values: (string | number)[]): string {
// Convert to list
values = this.typeOf(values) !== `array` ? [...values] : values;
let val = ``;
// Loop over each value and calculate value
values.forEach((value) => {
if (value === 0) {
val = val + ` 0`;
} else {
// Cache value unit
const unit = this.typeOf(value) === `number` ? this.unitOf(value.toString()) : false;
// If value isn't a number (like inherit) or value has a unit (not `px` or `rem`, like 1.5em) or $ is 0, just print the value
if (!unit || (unit !== `px` && unit !== `rem`)) {
val = `${val} ${value}`;
} else {
// Remove unit from value for calculations
value = this.unitless(value.toString());
if (unit !== `px`) {
value *= this.rfsRemValue;
// Only add the media query if the value is greater than the minimum value
if (this.abs(value) <= this.rfsBaseValue || !this.enableRfs) {
val = `${val} ${
this.rfsUnit === `rem`
? `${value / this.rfsRemValue}rem`
: `${value}px`
} else {
// Calculate the minimum value
const valueMin =
this.rfsBaseValue +
(this.abs(value) - this.rfsBaseValue) / this.rfsFactor;
// Calculate difference between value and the minimum value
const valueDiff = this.abs(value) - valueMin;
// Base value formatting
let minWidth =
this.rfsUnit === `rem`
? `${valueMin / this.rfsRemValue}rem`
: `${valueMin}px`;
// Use negative value if needed
minWidth = value < 0 ? `-${minWidth}` : minWidth;
if (minWidth.startsWith(`--`)) {
minWidth = minWidth.slice(2);
// Use `vmin` if two-dimensional is enabled
const variableUnit = this.rfsTwoDimensional ? `vmin` : `vw`;
// Calculate the variable width between 0 and rfsBreakpoint
const variableWidth = `${
(valueDiff * 100) / this.rfsBreakpoint
// Return the calculated value
val = `${val} calc(${minWidth} ${
value < 0 ? `-` : `+`
} ${variableWidth})`;
// Remove first space
return val.slice(1);
// RFS mixin
rfs(values: (string | number)[], property = `font-size`): string {
if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
values = [values];
if (values && values.length) {
const val = this.rfsValue(values);
const fluidVal = this.rfsFluidValue(values);
// Do not print the media query if responsive & non-responsive values are the same
if (val === fluidVal) {
return `${property}: ${val};`;
} else {
return this.dd`
${property}: ${this.rfsMode === `max-media-query` ? val : fluidVal};
${this.rfsSafariIframeResizeBugFix ? `min-width: (0 * 1vw);` : ``}
${property}: ${this.rfsMode === `max-media-query` ? fluidVal : val};
} else {
throw new Error(`No arguments given to RFS`);
// Define a type for your function
export function createRFS(args?: Partial<RFSConfig>): ((
...values: (string | number)[]
) => string) {
const rfsInstance: Record<string, any> = new RFS(args || {});
// Define a type for your function
type RFSFunction = {
(...values: (string | number)[]): string;
} & typeof rfsInstance; // Use typeof to inherit properties from rfsInstance
const rfs : RFSFunction =(...values) => {
if (values.length > 1) {
const property = values.pop();
return rfsInstance.rfs(values, (property || 'font-size').toString());
return rfsInstance.rfs(values);
(prop: any) =>
typeof rfsInstance[prop] === `function` && !/^(?:_|rfs)/.test(prop)
.forEach((prop) => {
const boundFunction = rfsInstance[prop].bind(rfsInstance);
rfs[prop] = boundFunction;
// if prop is kebab-caseable, add a kebab-cased variant
if (prop.toLowerCase() !== prop) {
// (If you want to use this elsewhere as a general kebab-caser, add (?!^) to the start of the regex)
rfs[prop.replace(/(?=[A-Z])/g, `-`).toLowerCase()] = boundFunction;
return rfs;
export default createRFS();
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