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Last active January 13, 2016 01:43
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LCTV Bot Gist

Core Commands### !unbanUnbans the specified user.

!banBans the specified user.

!addcommand {command} {output}Adds a new command to the bot (Mod only).

!removecomamnd {command}Removes a command from the bot (Mod only).

!helpShows the documentation for core, plugins, and custom commands.

!top {X}Displays the top X viewers.

!setsubject {subject}Sets the room's subject to {subject}.

!todoList the current TODOs.

!todo -a {TODO item}Adds specified item to the TODO list (Mod only).

!todo -r {X}Removes TODO item at index X from the TODO list (Mod only).

!todo -c {X}Completes the TODO item at the specified index (Mod only).

!statusReturns the status of the user.

!getstatus {username}Returns the status of the specified user.

!setstatus {username} {status}Sets the status of the specified user to the specified status.

!voicesLists the available voices to be used with the !say command.

Plugin Commands### !commitsList 3 latest commits for the bot's repository.

!commits summary {X}Draw graph of commits over last X weeks.

!insult {username}Throws a random insult at the specified user.

!vote -s {question}Start a vote session with the specified question.

!vote -c {choice}Adds a choice to the vote session.

!vote -t {timeframe}Tells the bot how long we want the vote to last in minutes (default 3 minutes).

!vote submitTells the bot we are done submitting choices and the vote can begin.

!vote {choice}Submits a vote into the current vote session.

!song !track !music !currentDisplay the currently playing song.

!request {youtube_id}Add a YouTube video to the playlist.

!removeRemove the current song from the playlist (Mod only).

!skipSkip the song if moderator, else place a vote to skip the song.

!pausePauses the YouTube player.

!playPlays the YouTube player.

!playlistLists the tracks in the playlist.

!playsong {playlistIndex}Plays the specified song by the index.

Custom Commands

















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