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Last active April 15, 2021 21:49
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example of state machine in Idris
%default total
VendState : Type
VendState = (Nat, Nat)
data Input =
data CoinResult = Inserted | Rejected
MachineCmd is are commands which may be carried out, and the effect they would have on state
Represents a State machine, with multiple possible outputs
You may combine any valid finite sequence of cmds into single cmd
However, you must account for all possible outcomes
Remember that it is *not* a function, it is a composition of data
Would be interesting if CMD was a Functor
Difficult because 3 type arguments (compared to List for example)
data MachineCmd : (ty: Type) -> VendState -> (ty -> VendState) -> Type where
InsertCoin : MachineCmd CoinResult (pounds, chocs)
(\res => case res of
Inserted => (S pounds, chocs)
Rejected => (pounds, chocs))
Vend : MachineCmd () (S pounds, S chocs) (const (pounds, chocs))
GetCoins : MachineCmd () (pounds, chocs) (const (Z, chocs))
Refill : (bars : Nat) -> MachineCmd () (Z, chocs) (const (Z, bars + chocs))
Display : String -> MachineCmd () state (const state)
GetInput : MachineCmd Input state (const state)
ShowState : MachineCmd () state (const state)
{-}Pure is useful for "glue". {-}
Pure : (res : ty) -> MachineCmd ty (state_fn res) state_fn
(>>=) : MachineCmd a state1 state2_fn ->
((res : a) -> MachineCmd b (state2_fn res) state3_fn) ->
MachineCmd b state1 state3_fn
This is an example of a MachineCmd composed of a sequence of valid Cmds
Pure type "MachineCmd ty (state_fn res) state_fn" confused me for a while.
In the example below consider why writing the wrong answer for Pure is illegal
Hint: Pure can change result but not state
insertN : (n : Nat) ->
MachineCmd Nat (p, c) (\res => (res + p, c))
insertN Z = Pure 0
insertN (S Z) = do
res <- InsertCoin
case res of
Inserted => Pure 1
Rejected => Pure 0
insertN (S (S n)) = do
firstN <- insertN (S n)
res <- InsertCoin
case res of
Inserted => Pure (S firstN)
Rejected => Pure (firstN)
MachineLoop is a valid sequence of cmds that may be recursive + infinite
Include Exit to allow graceful stopping
namespace Loop
data MachineLoop : (ty : Type) -> VendState -> (ty -> VendState) -> Type where
(>>=) : MachineCmd a state1 state2_fn ->
((res : a) -> Inf (MachineLoop b (state2_fn res) state3_fn)) ->
MachineLoop b state1 state3_fn
Exit : MachineLoop () (Z, Z) (const (Z, Z))
machineLoop is the sequence of cmds that are actually used in the application
machineLoop : MachineLoop () (pounds, chocs) (const (Z, Z))
machineLoop {pounds} {chocs} = do
input <- GetInput
case input of
VEND => vend
REFILL num => refill num
COIN => insertCoin
CHANGE => change
QUIT => exit
vend : MachineLoop () (pounds, chocs) (const (0, 0))
vend {pounds=S p} {chocs=S c} = do
Display "Enjoy!"
vend {pounds=Z} = do
Display "Insert a coin"
vend {chocs=Z} = do
Display "Out of order"
refill : (num : Nat) -> MachineLoop () (pounds, chocs) (const (0, 0))
refill {pounds = Z} num = do
Refill num
refill _ = do
Display "Can't refill - coins in the machine"
insertCoin : MachineLoop () (pounds, chocs) (const (0, 0))
insertCoin = do
res <- InsertCoin
case res of
Inserted => do
Display "Inserted Coin"
Rejected => do
Display "Rejected Coin"
change : MachineLoop () (pounds, chocs) (const (0, 0))
change = do
Display "Returned Coins"
exit : MachineLoop () (pounds, chocs) (const (0, 0))
exit {pounds=Z} {chocs=Z} = Exit
exit = do
Display "Items remaining in machine"
Main purpose of this is to parameterise VendState
Why do we need this?
In runCmd we want to specify vendState, and make guarantees about it
(e.g. result is from applying cmd to inState)
In data constructor we would simply say (inState: VendState)
but we cannot do this for function definitions.
So instead we create new datatype.
data Machine : VendState -> Type where
Starting: Machine (Z, Z)
IncCoin : Machine (S p, c)
EmptyCoins : Machine (Z, c)
Running : Machine (p, c)
Show (Machine state) where
show m {state} = show state
Result is the outcome of running a CMD
OK stores transistion option (e.g Inserted) + resulting state
OutOfFuel is also an option, to allow runCmd to be total
data Result : (ty : Type) -> (ty -> VendState) -> Type where
OK : (res : ty) -> Machine (outstate_fn res) ->
Result ty outstate_fn
OutOfFuel : Result ty outstate_fn
Shortcut for run, which needs to return IO action
ok : (res : ty) -> Machine (outstate_fn res) -> IO (Result ty outstate_fn)
ok res st = pure (OK res st)
Convert String to Input + Arg
parseInput : String -> String -> Maybe Input
parseInput "vend" "" = Just VEND
parseInput "coin" "" = Just COIN
parseInput "refill" "" = Nothing
parseInput "refill" amount =
case all isDigit (unpack amount) of
False => Nothing
True => Just (REFILL (cast amount))
parseInput "change" "" = Just CHANGE
parseInput "quit" "" = Just QUIT
parseInput _ _ = Nothing
parse : String -> Maybe Input
parse input = case span (/= ' ') input of
(cmd, args) => parseInput cmd (ltrim args)
Needed to keep runCMD total
data Fuel = Dry | More (Lazy Fuel)
Evaluate finite sequence of Cmds, given input state
Converts sequence of commnads to sequence of IO actions
Since we are now in "runtime" we can choose which option to take in state machine.
The type guarantees that result matches one of outstate_fn options
e.g. (0, 0) + InsertCoin -> Accepted (1, 0) or Rejected (0, 0)
runCmd : Fuel -> Machine inState -> MachineCmd ty inState outstate_fn ->
IO (Result ty outstate_fn)
runCmd fuel state InsertCoin = do
putStr "Accept (y/n) "
ans <- getLine
if ans == "y"
{-}Inserted -> (S p, c){-}
ok Inserted IncCoin
{-}Rejected -> (p, c){-}
ok Rejected Running
runCmd fuel state Vend = ok () Running
runCmd fuel state GetCoins = ok () EmptyCoins
runCmd fuel state (Refill bars) = ok () Running
runCmd fuel state (Display str) = do
putStrLn str
ok () state
Note: unlike other options, this uses Fuel
The reason for this is that it is recursive
without using fuel it would not be total as it could loop forever
(e.g. user enters wrong input forever)
runCmd (More fuel) state GetInput = do
putStrLn "vend / coin / refill / change / quit"
putStr ">> "
line <- getLine
case parse line of
Nothing => do
putStrLn "Invalid input"
runCmd fuel state GetInput
Just input => ok input state
runCmd fuel state ShowState = do
putStrLn (show state)
ok () state
runCmd fuel state (Pure res) = ok res state
runCmd fuel state (cmd >>= next) = do
OK cmdRes newSt <- runCmd fuel state cmd
| OutOfFuel => pure OutOfFuel
runCmd fuel newSt (next cmdRes)
runCmd Dry _ _ = pure OutOfFuel
Evaluate infinite sequence of CMDs
MachineLoop can only be >>= or Exit
3 options because we ignore Dry + Exit option
May run out of fuel either at beginning or during execution
run : Fuel -> Machine instate -> MachineLoop ty instate outstate_fn ->
IO (Result ty outstate_fn)
run Dry _ _ = pure OutOfFuel
run (More fuel) st (cmd >>= next) = do
OK cmdRes newSt <- runCmd fuel st cmd
| OutOfFuel => pure OutOfFuel
run fuel newSt (next cmdRes)
run (More fuel) st Exit = ok () st
If the program hangs, we can limit our search to the next 7 lines
forever : Fuel
forever = More forever
main : IO ()
main = do
run forever Starting machineLoop
pure ()
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