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Last active April 30, 2021 00:00
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Example of State Machine using Control.ST
import Data.Fuel
import Control.ST
%default total
Rewrite Vend.idr using Control.ST
this example was useful for some parts
- better error messages (expected this state, but this is the actual state)
- less boiler plate code (~100 lines less in this example)
- better syntax for describing states
A few things tricky things
- Can handle multiple resources, but this complicates the types
- type signature for Loop is a bit more confusing
STLoop m () [remove machine (Machine {m} (pounds, chocs))]
is the only thing that seems to work
- can't find implmentation errors, for types that should work?
e.g STLoop m () [machine ::: Machine s1 -> Machine s2]
there is possibly a good reason for this
namespace Protocol
VendState : Type
VendState = (Nat, Nat)
data CoinResult = Inserted | Rejected
data Input =
parseInput : String -> String -> Maybe Input
parseInput "vend" "" = Just VEND
parseInput "coin" "" = Just COIN
parseInput "refill" "" = Nothing
parseInput "refill" amount =
case all isDigit (unpack amount) of
False => Nothing
True => Just (REFILL (cast amount))
parseInput "change" "" = Just CHANGE
parseInput "quit" "" = Just QUIT
parseInput _ _ = Nothing
parse : String -> Maybe Input
parse input = case span (/= ' ') input of
(cmd, args) => parseInput cmd (ltrim args)
interface CMD (m: Type -> Type) where
Machine : VendState -> Type
insertCoin : ST m CoinResult
[machine ::: Machine (p, c) :->
\res => Machine (case res of
Inserted => (S p, c)
Rejected => (p, c)
vend : ST m () [machine ::: Machine (S p, S c) :-> Machine (p, c)]
getCoins : ST m () [machine ::: Machine (p, c) :-> Machine (0, c)]
refill : (bars : Nat) -> ST m () [
machine ::: Machine (0, c) :-> Machine (0, bars + c)
init : ST m Var [ST.add (Machine (0, 0))]
terminate : (machine : Var) -> ST m () [remove machine (Machine (p, c))]
show : ST m () [machine ::: Machine state]
{- Test interface -}
getCandy : (ConsoleIO m, CMD m) => ST m () []
getCandy = do
machine <- init
refill 10
Inserted <- insertCoin
| Rejected => do
putStrLn "failure"
terminate machine
terminate machine
CMD IO where
Machine x = State VendState
insertCoin = do
putStrLn "Accept (y/n)?"
case (!getStr) of
"y" => pure Inserted
_ => pure Rejected
vend = pure ()
getCoins = pure ()
refill x = pure ()
init = do
putStrLn "Machine Initialized"
new (0, 0)
terminate machine = do
putStrLn "Machine Terminated"
delete machine
show {state} = do
putStrLn (show state)
using (ConsoleIO m, CMD m)
program : STLoop m () []
program = do
machine <- init
vendLoop machine
-- why do I need to include implicit m for Machine?
vendLoop : (machine : Var) -> STLoop m () [remove machine (Machine {m} (p, c))]
vendLoop machine = do
putStrLn "vend / coin / refill / change / quit"
putStr ">> "
case parse (!getStr) of
Just COIN => insertCoin machine
Just VEND => vend machine
Just CHANGE => change machine
Just (REFILL n) => refill n machine
Just QUIT => do
putStrLn "Exiting"
terminate machine
-- why is this pure necissary?
pure ()
Nothing => do
putStrLn "Invalid input"
vendLoop machine
insertCoin : (machine : Var) -> STLoop m () [remove machine (Machine {m} (pounds, chocs))]
insertCoin machine = do
case (!insertCoin) of
Inserted => vendLoop machine
Rejected => vendLoop machine
vend : (machine : Var) -> STLoop m () [remove machine (Machine {m} (pounds, chocs))]
vend {pounds=S p} {chocs=S c} machine = do
putStrLn "Enjoy!"
vendLoop machine
vend {pounds=Z} machine = do
putStrLn "Insert a coin"
vendLoop machine
vend {chocs=Z} machine = do
putStrLn "Out of order"
vendLoop machine
change : (machine : Var) -> STLoop m () [remove machine (Machine {m} (pounds, chocs))]
change machine = do
putStrLn "returned coins"
vendLoop machine
refill : Nat -> (machine : Var) -> STLoop m () [remove machine (Machine {m} (pounds, chocs))]
refill {pounds = Z} num machine = do
Protocol.refill num
vendLoop machine
refill _ machine = do
putStrLn "Can't refill - coins in the machine"
vendLoop machine
main : IO ()
main = runLoop forever program (putStrLn "Execution Ended.")
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