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Created April 13, 2016 00:51
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struct LazyTakeWhileGenerator<Base : GeneratorType> : GeneratorType, SequenceType {
var base: Base
var predicate: Base.Element -> Bool
init(base: Base, takeWhile predicate: Base.Element -> Bool) {
self.base = base
self.predicate = predicate
mutating func next() -> Base.Element? {
if let n = where predicate(n) {
return n
return nil
extension LazySequenceType {
typealias ElementType = Self.Elements.Generator.Element
func takeWhile(predicate: ElementType -> Bool) -> LazyTakeWhileSequence<Self.Elements> {
return LazyTakeWhileSequence(base: self.elements, takeWhile: predicate)
struct LazyTakeWhileSequence<Base : SequenceType> : LazySequenceType {
let base: Base
let predicate: Base.Generator.Element -> Bool
init(base: Base, takeWhile predicate: Base.Generator.Element -> Bool) {
self.base = base
self.predicate = predicate
func generate() -> LazyTakeWhileGenerator<Base.Generator> {
return LazyTakeWhileGenerator(base: base.generate(), takeWhile: predicate)
struct StridingSequenceGenerator<Element> : GeneratorType, SequenceType {
let initial: Element
let stride: Element throws -> Element
var current: Element?
init(initial: Element, stride: Element throws -> Element) {
self.initial = initial
self.stride = stride
self.current = initial
mutating func next() -> Element? {
defer {
if let c = current {
current = try? stride(c)
else {
current = nil
return current
struct StridingSequence<Element> : LazySequenceType {
let initial: Element
let stride: Element throws -> Element
init(initial: Element, stride: Element throws -> Element) {
self.initial = initial
self.stride = stride
func generate() -> StridingSequenceGenerator<Element> {
return StridingSequenceGenerator(initial: initial, stride: stride)
func iterate<T>(initial from: T, stride: T throws -> T) -> StridingSequence<T> {
return StridingSequence(initial: from, stride: stride)
for n in iterate(initial: Int(1), stride: {$0 * 2}).takeWhile({ $0 < 10 }) {
print("\(n)", terminator: ", ")
let items = iterate(initial: Int(1), stride: {$0 * 2})
.filter({ $0 != 4})
.takeWhile({ $0 < 10 })
for n in items {
print("\(n)", terminator: ", ")
for var n = 1; n < 10; n = n * 2 {
print("\(n)", terminator: ", ")
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algal commented Jul 21, 2016

I'm not saying it's good but there is a much shorter way to get lazy iteration up to a bound by using the existing AnyGenerator type:

var i = 1
let g = AnyGenerator { () -> Int? in
  let val:Int? = (i < 10) ? i : nil
  i = i * 2
  return val

Now you can iterate thru the lazily generated sequence using the usual for .. in construct:

for j in g {

So this is much less code than you wrote, but it's problems are still pretty obvious: the counter variable i is still in scope after your iterations, the generator g is still in scope after your iteration, and worst of all the closure in the AnyGenerator is not very intuitive

You could also produce your own lazy generator that reproduces the C style for loop somewhat, and this would encapsulate those temporary variables:

struct ForIteration<Element>  : GeneratorType {
  var initial:Element
  let inc:Element->Element
  let cond:Element->Bool

  mutating func next() -> Element? {
    if cond(initial) == false {
      return nil
    else {
      let currentVal = initial
      initial = inc(initial)
      return currentVal
extension ForIteration : SequenceType { }

let f = ForIteration<Int>(initial: 1,
                         inc: { $0*2 },
                         cond: { $0 < 10})

for j in f {

There are also many situations where you can get lazyness by just adding .lazy to existing sequences, collections, etc..

I agree with your larger point that the Swift standard library should include primitives that cover the case of the C-style loop more intuitively and with equivalent performance.

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