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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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$ pwd
$ grep -ri "Cellar" *
argp-standalone.rb: cellar :any
aria2.rb: cellar :any
asciidoc.rb: cellar :any
at-spi2-atk.rb: cellar :any
autojump.rb: . /usr/local/Cellar/gautojump/HEAD/etc/
bagit.rb: # put logs in var, not in the Cellar
bdw-gc.rb: cellar :any
berkeley-db.rb: cellar :any
boost.rb: cellar :any
cabal-install.rb: cellar :any
capstone.rb: cellar :any
checkbashisms.rb: cellar :any
chrome-cli.rb: cellar :any
clib.rb: cellar :any
clojure14.rb: # Put the Clojure jar from the cellar and the current folder in the classpath.
cloog.rb: cellar :any
cmake.rb: cellar :any
colordiff.rb: cellar :any
concurrencykit.rb: cellar :any
cppunit.rb: cellar :any
cputhrottle.rb: cellar :any
cspice.rb: cellar :any
curl.rb: cellar :any
disco.rb: # Fix the config file to point at the linked files, not in to cellar
disco.rb: s.gsub!("Cellar/disco/"+version+"/", "")
distcc.rb: # Make sure python stuff is put into the Cellar.
distcc.rb: # --root triggers a bug and installs into HOMEBREW_PREFIX/lib/python2.7/site-packages instead of the Cellar.
docbook-xsl.rb: cellar :any
eigen.rb: cellar :any
entr.rb: cellar :any
exiftool.rb: # Install privately to the Cellar
faac.rb: cellar :any
fftw.rb: cellar :any
flac.rb: cellar :any
fossil.rb: cellar :any
freetype.rb: cellar :any
freexl.rb: cellar :any
fuse4x-kext.rb: cellar :any
gcore.rb: cellar :any
gd.rb: cellar :any
gdbm.rb: cellar :any
geoip.rb: cellar :any
geos.rb: cellar :any
giflib.rb: cellar :any
git-ssh.rb: # Change loading of required code from libexec location (Cellar only)
git-ssh.rb: # Install required code into libexec location (Cellar only)
gmp.rb: cellar :any
gnutls.rb: cellar :any
gocr.rb: cellar :any
gphoto2.rb: cellar :any
gpm.rb: cellar :any
gpp.rb: cellar :any
gringo.rb: cellar :any
gsl.rb: cellar :any
gstreamer.rb: # HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/gstreamer/1.0/lib/gstreamer-1.0, so we'll find
gstreamer010.rb: # HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/gstreamer/0.10/lib/gstreamer-0.10, so we'll find
gtk-engines.rb: as by default GTK looks for modules in Cellar.
gvp.rb: cellar :any
harfbuzz.rb: cellar :any
haxe.rb: cellar :any
hicolor-icon-theme.rb: cellar :any
iperf3.rb: cellar :any
isl.rb: cellar :any
jbig2dec.rb: cellar :any
jemalloc.rb: cellar :any
jpeg.rb: cellar :any
json-c.rb: cellar :any
justniffer.rb: # '--prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/justniffer/0.5.11' 'CXX=/usr/bin/llvm-g++'
ksh.rb: cellar :any
l-smash.rb: cellar :any
lame.rb: cellar :any
launch.rb: cellar :any
leveldb.rb: cellar :any
lhasa.rb: cellar :any
libarchive.rb: cellar :any
libassuan.rb: cellar :any
libb2.rb: cellar :any
libcmph.rb: cellar :any
libebml.rb: cellar :any
libelf.rb: cellar :any
libevent.rb: cellar :any
libffi.rb: cellar :any
libftdi0.rb: cellar :any
libgcrypt.rb: cellar :any
libgpg-error.rb: cellar :any
libid3tag.rb: cellar :any
libidn.rb: cellar :any
liblo.rb: cellar :any
liblwgeom.rb: cellar :any
libmatroska.rb: cellar :any
libmemcached.rb: cellar :any
libmicrohttpd.rb: cellar :any
libmpc.rb: cellar :any
libnet.rb: cellar :any
libogg.rb: cellar :any
libplist.rb: cellar :any
libpng.rb: cellar :any
libqglviewer.rb: cellar :any
librsync.rb: cellar :any
libsamplerate.rb: cellar :any
libsndfile.rb: cellar :any
libspatialite.rb: cellar :any
libssh2.rb: cellar :any
libstfl.rb: # Install into the site-packages in the Cellar (so uninstall works)
libtar.rb: cellar :any
libtasn1.rb: cellar :any
libtiff.rb: cellar :any
libunistring.rb: cellar :any
libusb-compat.rb: cellar :any
libusb.rb: cellar :any
libvorbis.rb: cellar :any
libyaml.rb: cellar :any
libzip.rb: cellar :any
little-cms.rb: cellar :any
little-cms2.rb: cellar :any
llvm33.rb: # Change to Cellar path here.
llvm34.rb: # Change to Cellar path here.
llvm35.rb: # Change to Cellar path here.
lua.rb: cellar :any
luarocks.rb: # Install to the Cellar, but direct modules to HOMEBREW_PREFIX
lz4.rb: cellar :any
lzlib.rb: cellar :any
mad.rb: cellar :any
makedepend.rb: cellar :any
marst.rb: cellar :any
md5sha1sum.rb: cellar :any
mmix.rb: cellar :any
mon.rb: cellar :any
mongroup.rb: cellar :any
moreutils.rb: cellar :any
mpfr.rb: cellar :any
mruby.rb: cellar :any
msgpack.rb: cellar :any
neko.rb: cellar :any
nettle.rb: cellar :any
ngrep.rb: cellar :any
node08.rb: path.realpath.to_s.include?(HOMEBREW_CELLAR)
noweb.rb: ohai 'No TeX installation found. Installing TeX support files in the noweb Cellar.'
nspr.rb: cellar :any
nss.rb: cellar :any
objective-caml.rb: # site-lib in the Cellar will be a symlink to the HOMEBREW_PREFIX location,
ocrad.rb: cellar :any
openrtsp.rb: cellar :any
ossp-uuid.rb: cellar :any
pass.rb: cellar :any
pazpar2.rb: cellar :any
pcre.rb: cellar :any
phantomjs.rb: cellar :any
pidof.rb: cellar :any
pike.rb: # it; that is, if prefix=/Cellar, installation would create
pike.rb: # /Cellar/pike/ver/bin and so forth. We could just go with that, but it's
pixman.rb: cellar :any
portmidi.rb: # Provide correct dirs (that point into the Cellar)
protobuf-c.rb: cellar :any
protobuf.rb: cellar :any
pth.rb: cellar :any
pygtk.rb: # pygtk to pygobject. But our pkgfiles point into the cellar and in the
pygtk.rb: # pygtk-cellar there is no pygobject.
pypy.rb: # Symlink the prefix site-packages into the cellar.
pypy.rb: # The Cellar location of distutils
python.rb: def lib_cellar
python.rb: def site_packages_cellar
python.rb: lib_cellar/"site-packages"
python.rb: inreplace lib_cellar/"config/Makefile" do |s|
python.rb: # Remove the site-packages that Python created in its Cellar.
python.rb: site_packages_cellar.rmtree
python.rb: # Symlink the prefix site-packages into the cellar.
python.rb: site_packages_cellar.unlink if site_packages_cellar.exist?
python.rb: site_packages_cellar.parent.install_symlink site_packages
python.rb: cfg = lib_cellar/"distutils/distutils.cfg"
python.rb: # Remove /System site-packages, and the Cellar site-packages
python3.rb: def site_packages_cellar
python3.rb: # Remove the site-packages that Python created in its Cellar.
python3.rb: site_packages_cellar.rmtree
python3.rb: # Symlink the prefix site-packages into the cellar.
python3.rb: site_packages_cellar.unlink if site_packages_cellar.exist?
python3.rb: site_packages_cellar.parent.install_symlink site_packages
python3.rb: # Remove /System site-packages, and the Cellar site-packages
pyxplot.rb: # changes install directory to Cellar, per instructions
quantlib.rb: cellar :any
rcssserver.rb: cellar :any
re2.rb: cellar :any
readline.rb: cellar :any
rkflashtool.rb: cellar :any
ry.rb: cellar :any
s3cmd.rb: cellar :any
scons.rb: cellar :any
screenfetch.rb: cellar :any
sdl.rb: cellar :any
sdl2.rb: cellar :any
sf-pwgen.rb: cellar :any
slimerjs.rb: cellar :any
snap7.rb: cellar :any
snappy.rb: cellar :any
sparkey.rb: cellar :any
sqlite.rb: cellar :any
ssh-copy-id.rb: cellar :any
sshfs.rb: cellar :any
terminal-notifier.rb: cellar :any
the_silver_searcher.rb: cellar :any
tinyxml2.rb: cellar :any
tmux.rb: cellar :any
tracebox.rb: cellar :any
tree.rb: cellar :any
tup.rb: cellar :any
unar.rb: cellar :any
visitors.rb: cellar :any
vtk5.rb: # Set the prefix for the python bindings to the Cellar
wemux.rb: cellar :any
x264.rb: cellar :any
x265.rb: cellar :any
xerces-c.rb: cellar :any
xspin.rb: inreplace "xspin525.tcl", "CELLAR", prefix
xspin.rb:+exec wish CELLAR/bin/xspin -- $*
xulrunner.rb: cellar :any
xvid.rb: cellar :any
xz.rb: cellar :any
yajl.rb: cellar :any
yasm.rb: cellar :any
yaz.rb: cellar :any
youtube-dl.rb: cellar :any
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