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Forked from unrealwill/
Created August 20, 2021 07:00
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import onnx
from onnx_tf.backend import prepare
import tensorflow as tf
import onnxruntime
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import sys
#You need to have model.onnx and neuralhash_128x96_seed1.dat in your working directory
#See the previous and more simple collisionLSH gist for a simpler and more general case
#What's new : LBFGS-B, using the real specific network, an alternative dual loss function
#This is a neural hash preimage, some image take longer to converge others converge in 30 LBFGS steps
#Using only CPU the amortized time for a collision is between 10 seconds and 10 minutes
#To improve it you can add some additional Losses to make the generated image more natural
#Or you can use a trained conditionnal image generator and search for the input of such generator so that when you compute the
#hash the distance between hashes is minimized
#This are the Apple Shape Constant
hashLength = 96
featLength = 128
#This are some paramters you can fiddle with to speed-up the convergence process
featureScaling = 100.0 #features are divided by this factor
gap = 1.0 #How far we want to be from the hyperplane
#if this is not enough we may fail by a few bits due to the postprocessing rounding
# and truncating float to uint8 and png compression
#When not using scipyOpt
learning_rate = 1e-1 #Increasing it makes the code take bigger step meaning faster initial convergence but slower final convergence
#Increasing the learning rate too much can easily be observed when the loss function is not decreasing at every step
#An alternative loss function
useDualLoss = False
useScipyOpt = True
if( useScipyOpt ):
import scipy.optimize
def distanceBetweenHashes( input,model, seed1, flip , gap ):
features = tf.reshape( model(image=input)['leaf/logits'], (1,featLength))
lshfeat = tf.reduce_sum( features*seed1,axis=1)
#we scale the features by 100 as a manual preconditionning step as this won't change the sign of the features
#flatfeat = tf.nn.l2_normalize( tf.reshape(lshfeat,(-1,)) ) * featureScaling
if( useScipyOpt ):
flatfeat = tf.reshape(lshfeat,(-1,)) / featureScaling
flatfeat = tf.reshape(lshfeat, (-1,)) / featureScaling
if useDualLoss == False:
loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.nn.relu( flatfeat * flip + gap) )
#alternatively we can use a dual_loss
#The hard dual loss would be something like
#loss = tf.reduce_max(flatfeat * flip) + gap with stopping criteria loss < 0
#but this is not smooth enough so we make a smooth version from it
#with a smoothing length
smoothing_length= 5.0
val = flatfeat * flip
#The stopping criterion is only valid if smoothing_length is high enough and gap high enough
#To do things correctly we can use the exact hard dual loss stopping criterion
loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.softmax( smoothing_length*val ) * val) + gap
#You can add additional loss terms here to make the produced image more natural
return loss
def gradient(x, model, seed1, flip , gap):
input = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=tf.float32)
with tf.GradientTape() as t:
loss = distanceBetweenHashes(input, model ,seed1,flip,gap)
return t.gradient(loss, input).numpy()
goalvalue = None
#This is the wrapper to provide for scipy that needs flat inputs of double precision
def npdistanceBetweenHashes( flatinput, model, seed1, flip, gap):
# = args
global goalvalue
input = np.reshape(flatinput,(1,3,360,360)).astype(np.float32)
loss = distanceBetweenHashes(input, model, seed1, flip, gap).numpy()
print("loss : ")
if( useDualLoss == False):
if( loss < gap*gap):
goalvalue = flatinput
raise ValueError("Goal Reached")
if (loss < 0 ):
goalvalue = flatinput
raise ValueError("Goal Reached")
return loss
#This is the wrapper to provide for scipy that needs flat inputs of double precision
def npgradient(flatinput, model, seed1, flip , gap):
input = np.reshape(flatinput, (1,3, 360, 360)).astype(np.float32)
grad = gradient(input,model,seed1,flip,gap)
flatgrad= np.reshape(grad,(-1,))
return flatgrad.astype(np.float64)
def getArrFromImageName( imgname):
image ='RGB')
image = image.resize([360, 360])
arr = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
arr = arr * 2.0 - 1.0
arr = arr.transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape([1, 3, 360, 360])
return arr
def computeHashInteractiveSession( imgname, seed1 ):
arr = getArrFromImageName( imgname )
# We check that the
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("model.onnx")
inputs = {session.get_inputs()[0].name: arr}
outs =, inputs)
hash_output =[0].flatten())
hash_bits = ''.join(['1' if it >= 0 else '0' for it in hash_output])
hash_hex = '{:0{}x}'.format(int(hash_bits, 2), len(hash_bits) // 4)
return hash_bits, hash_hex
def computeHashTF(imgname, compute_features,seed1):
arr = getArrFromImageName(imgname)
out = compute_features(image=arr)
res = out['leaf/logits'].numpy() #tf_rep.outputs[0]
hash_output =
hash_bits = ''.join(['1' if it >= 0 else '0' for it in hash_output])
tfhash_hex = '{:0{}x}'.format(int(hash_bits, 2), len(hash_bits) // 4)
return hash_bits,tfhash_hex
def demo( imageTargetHash, startingImage, outputimage):
#warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Ignore all the warning messages in this tutorial
model = onnx.load('model.onnx') # Load the ONNX file
tf_rep = prepare(model) # Import the ONNX model to Tensorflow
tf_rep.export_graph("mytfmodel") #We export it to disk
print(tf_rep.inputs) # Input nodes to the model
print(tf_rep.outputs) # Output nodes from the model
seed1 = open("neuralhash_128x96_seed1.dat",'rb').read()[128:]
seed1 = np.frombuffer(seed1, dtype=np.float32)
seed1 = seed1.reshape([96, 128])
# Preprocess image
hash_bits,hash_hex = computeHashInteractiveSession(imageTargetHash,seed1)
#We load the converted model from disk
mytfmodel = tf.saved_model.load("mytfmodel")
compute_features = mytfmodel.signatures["serving_default"]
hash_bits_tf,hash_hex_tf = computeHashTF(imageTargetHash,compute_features,seed1)
if( hash_hex != hash_hex_tf):
print("something went wrong in the tf model export as hash computed with tensorflow isn't the same as hash computed by onnx")
print("Target hash : ")
flip = [1.0 if x == "0" else -1.0 for x in hash_bits_tf]
# when the network is trying to have a 1 for the kth bit, it will try to have the feature in the range [gap, +infinity]
# when the network is trying to have a 0 for the kth bit, it will try to have the feature in the range [-infinity,-gap]
# Otherwise it get penalized
# we use a standard gradient descent
# we can do better using l-bfgs-b optimizer and handle bounds constraints
# we can also add some additional loss to make the result similar to a provided image
# or use a gan-loss to make it look "natural"
initialImage ='RGB')
initialImage = initialImage.resize([360, 360])
arr = np.array(initialImage).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
arr = arr * 2.0 - 1.0
arr = arr.transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape([1, 3, 360, 360])
# we initialize loss so that we take at least one iteration
loss = distanceBetweenHashes(arr,compute_features, seed1, flip, gap).numpy()
print("initial loss : ")
if useScipyOpt :
flatarr = np.reshape(arr, (-1,)).astype(np.float64)
print("before scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b")
bounds = [(-1.00,1.00) for x in flatarr]
optresult = scipy.optimize.minimize(npdistanceBetweenHashes,flatarr,jac=npgradient, bounds=bounds,
options={'disp': True, 'maxcor':8}, )
arr = np.reshape(optresult.x, [1, 3, 360, 360])
except Exception as e:
arr = np.reshape(goalvalue,[1,3,360,360])
print("after scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b")
print("will finish when loss <= " + str(gap * gap) )
while (True):
grad = gradient(arr,compute_features, seed1, flip, gap)
arr -= learning_rate * grad
#We constrain the image to its domain
arr = np.clip(arr,-1.0,1.0)
loss = distanceBetweenHashes(arr,compute_features, seed1, flip, gap).numpy()
print("loss : ")
if useDualLoss == False:
if loss < gap * gap:
if loss < 0:
#arr now contains the result
#At this point the neural hash should match
#But the neural hash still needs to survive the rounding and compression steps
#The greater the gap parameter the more rare this failure will be
#We convert from [-1.0,1.0] -> [0 255]
reshaped = arr.reshape([3, 360, 360]).transpose(1,2, 0)
reshaped = ( (reshaped + 1) / 2 * 255.0).astype(np.uint8)
j = Image.fromarray(reshaped)
print("Checking the hash of the output image")
outhash_bits_tf,outhash_hex_tf = computeHashTF(outputimage, compute_features, seed1)
print("output hash : ")
print( outhash_hex_tf)
print("target hash : ")
if( outhash_hex_tf == hash_hex_tf ):
print("Collision Found !")
print("Failed to find collision")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 4 :
print("usage python3 imageTarget.png startingImage.png outputImage.png")
#We are trying to generate images that have the same hash as imageTarget.png
#Some starting point image are more simple than other
#If the optimization get stuck in local minima try another startingImage
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