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Created October 14, 2016 18:16
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// Created by Евгений on 11.10.16.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::string encCaesar(const std::string& message, int shift) {
if (shift > 26)
shift = shift % 26;
auto sLen = message.length();
std::string encrypted = "";
for (int i = 0; i < sLen; i++) {
auto cCode = int(message[i]);
if (cCode >= 97 && cCode <= 122) {
char encChar = (cCode+shift <=122) ? (char)(cCode+shift) : (char)(cCode - 26 + (shift % 26));
encrypted += encChar;
return encrypted;
std::string decCaesar(const std::string& message, int shift) {
auto sLen = message.length();
std::string decrypted;
if (shift != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < sLen; i++) {
auto cCode = int(message[i]);
if (cCode >= 97 && cCode <= 122) {
char decChar;
auto newValue = cCode-shift;
if (newValue <= 122 && newValue >=97)
decChar = (char)newValue;
else if (newValue < 97) {
decChar = (char)(newValue + 26);
else {
decChar = (char)(cCode - 26 - (shift % 26));
decrypted += decChar;
else {
for (int i = 1; i < 27 ;i++) {
std::cout << "decrypted message with shift " << i << "\n";
shift = i;
decrypted = "";
for (int i = 0; i < sLen; i++) {
auto cCode = int(message[i]);
if (cCode >= 97 && cCode <= 122) {
char decChar;
auto newValue = cCode-shift;
if (newValue <= 122 && newValue >=97)
decChar = (char)newValue;
else if (newValue < 97) {
decChar = (char)(newValue + 26);
else {
decChar = (char)(cCode - 26 - (shift % 26));
decrypted += decChar;
std::cout << decrypted <<"\n\n";
return decrypted;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
std::string plain = "qwertyuzxc";
auto encrypted = encCaesar(plain, 3);
<< "plain: " << plain
<< "\n\n" << "encrypted: (key == 3)\n" << encrypted
<< "\n\n" << "decrypted (key == 3):\n" << decCaesar(encrypted, 3)
<< "\n\n" << "brootforced:\n" << decCaesar(encrypted, 0);
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