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Created January 7, 2014 22:50
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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data Tree a = Node (V.Vector (Tree a))
| Leaf a
deriving Show
class Switchable c where
getIndex :: c -> Int
data SwitchData = forall c. Switchable c => SwitchData c
switch :: SwitchData -> Tree a -> Tree a
switch (SwitchData c) (Node vec) = vec `V.unsafeIndex` getIndex c
switch _ _ = error "switch: performing switch on a Leaf of context tree"
switchOnData :: [SwitchData] -> Tree a -> a
switchOnData (x:xs) tree = switchOnData xs $ switch x tree
switchOnData [] (Leaf c) = c
switchOnData [] (Node _) = error "switchOnData: partial data"
data Sign = P | M
instance Switchable Sign where
getIndex P = 0
getIndex M = 1
signTree :: Tree Char
signTree = Node (V.fromList [Node (V.fromList [(Leaf 'a')
,(Leaf 'b')])
,Node (V.fromList [(Leaf 'c')
,(Leaf 'd')])])
testSwitch :: IO ()
testSwitch = print $ switchOnData [SwitchData P, SwitchData M] signTree
main :: IO ()
main = testSwitch
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