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Last active March 8, 2022 16:33
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Coordination.Party Kit

North star opportunity: Coordinating to build Coordination software so the world can Coordinate Better

The Moonshot Collective has built Coordination.Party Kit (hereforth CPK) - a tool suite that helps recruit, recognize, reward, and retain contributors to DAOs. We believe that web3-native coordination technology is a massive game-changer for how capital + talent combine to push forward the mission of GitcoinDAO, and also other DAOs.

The Coordination.Party Kit is like a toolbox. You might buy it because you want a screwdriver, but its useful to have a wrench + pliars + a hammer when you need it too.

The Coordination.Party Kit augments Gitcoin's existing product suite (Grants + Hackathons) in the following ways.

  1. The existing products are high TTV (cost $10k+ + take weeks to realize value) whereas the CPK is low TTV (costs $10+ + takes minutes to realize value)
  2. The existing products are monolithic + laden with tech debt, making them costly + difficult to maintain. The CPK is a series of Simple, Antifragile, and Modular tools, making them easy to maintain (if they are successful) or easy to throw away (if they are not successful). The Coordination.Party kit is bottoms up collection of tools, not a top down monolith.

We are launching Coordination Party Kit at Schelling Point on 2/17/2022; a one day GitcoinDAO conference about coordionation. GitcoinDAO is putting on this event and has sourced prominent speakers across the industry (Vitalik Buterin, Santi Siri, and others) to create a "Schelling Point for the Hopeful" - a contingent of Ethereans who want to build a better world with coordination technology. There is an opportunity to imbue the CPK into the event in ways that SHOW not TELL how powerful coordination technology can be. There is an opportunity to market our tools to the top DAOs in the space at this event.

The criteria for success of this event is simply the following: 10 attendees at schelling point take home the CPK + trial them in 10 unique DAOs.

Some proposed experiments of how this could be done:

  1. a for every talk could reward attendees for coming to talks of speakers they love.
  2. run a one day QF round for the Schelling Point event ( could help fund causes that speakers & attendees care about.
  3. ask everyone at the event to "take the green pill" ( creating lots of funding for public goods.
  4. launch, gathering 100s of resumes of web3 native talent + creating income for the top contributors in the space.
  5. run a at the end of the event to reward those who made the vent great.
  6. we put talks from the moonshot collective members on stage during the day to give demos.

Of course, these are all just experiments we could do. They are not canon, I'd love to see more ideas bottoms up. We need to maximize our odds of success - We've not truly reached product market for for any of the products yet! And that is a risk we need to pay down.

Typically reaching product market fit is an iterative process. It goes in a cycle of hypothesis => experiment => results => learning (repeat if success is within sight, shut down the tool if not).

Right now WE ARE BAD AT THIS. There is a massive hole in the skillset of the collective insofar as we have 10s of engineers working on "experiment => results" but there is no one owning this feedback loop systematically or end to end - designing hypothesis', organizing learning from results, making sure development happens on an understandable cadence or making sure that engineers have clear instructions of what to build.

I am just too busy with a bunch of administrative stuff for Gitcoin/GitcoinDAO to step into this role unfortunately, so I propose:

Everybody assemble into projects

  1. i write up a master doc of my expectaions for each build by 2/17/2022 (thats what this doc is)
  2. each team appoints a project manager and/or emu can pinch hit.
  3. i meet with each team for questions (please schedule with me here now )
  4. we backfill the collective with Product Managers who can own this cycle end to end.

Marketing help needed

I would like to have the marketing resources allocated to the moonshot collective begin planning for the launch of CPK at Schelling point on 2/17/2022 as early as January 1 2022. Anything that drives the end goal ( 10 attendees at schelling point take home the CPK + trial them in 10 unique DAOs ) is on the table. We have budget for you.

Tools in coordination party kit

Lets get into the specifics of each Coordination.Party Kit tool. Ideally there would be a product manager who would be ushering us through the hypothesis => experiment => results => learning => repeat loops, but until that person appears, I will pinch hit with as much detail as I can in this document.

Requirements for every tool.

Each tool must be

  1. Listed on to allow easy discoverability.
  2. Have a backlink to somewhere prominent (perhaps in its header) in order to allow cross-discovery between tools.
  3. Have a common color scheme to create brand consistency.
  4. Have a "built by the Gitcoin community" button in the footer.
  5. Have a navigation & onboarding structure oriented around educating the end-user about how it solves for the users' JTBD (Job to be done).
  6. Consistent network deployment. Each tool in the CPK should support the same L1s/L2s + it should be easy/clear which ones are supported.


The hypothesis with is that by recognizing+ rewarding participants in calls or other live events in a lightweight way, we can create deeper engagement between the call hosts + attendees.

The core use cases that need to work great are:

  1. Call hosts can reward participants to call without a lot of UX or financial overhead.
  2. Call attendees can easily participate
  3. Call atteendees are aware of their rewards when they are received.
  4. It needs to be easy to add my own DAO's token to the tool.

What success looks like at Schelling Point: 10 tip.parties with aggregate 100+ participants have been held, and at least 10% of those participants take back to their own DAOs.


The hypothesis for is that we can decentralize the recognition + rewarding + retainment of participants of teams in a lightweight way. And that by decentralizing this process, we can push power to the edges, away from "bosses", creating higher morale.

The core use cases that need to work great are.

  1. Hosting a pay party is easy, not a lot of UX or financial overhead.
  2. Participating in a pay party is easy, not a lot of UX or financial overhead.
  3. Participants are aware of their rewards when they are received.
  4. It needs to be easy to add my own DAO's token to the tool.

What success looks like at Schelling Point: 1 with aggregate 25+ participants have been held, and at least 10% of those participants take back to their own DAOs.

The hypothesis for is that DAO-native talent is the scarcest resource in the space, and that by giving talent upside in the process recruitment, we can build a better candidate tracking + candidate system than those that have existed in the past.

To accomplish success in the long term for we will need to create network effects for the tool To accomplsih success in the short term, we need to make it easy to upload a resume or to search for a resume.

The core use cases that need to work great are.

  1. Searching for + contacting talent in bulk needs to be easy + high ROI (eg I'm finding candidates I'd actually want to work with.)
  2. Uploading my information to the system is easy + high ROI (eg I make connections I want or make $$$ from the connections)
  3. There are no major friction points in the funnel where 60% or more of the traffic falls off.

What success looks like at Schelling Point: 50 people upload their resume to, and at least 50% of those participants make $$$ from doing so (and are aware they made $$$).

The hypothesis for is that DAO contributors want a steady source of income, but DAO administrators want downside protection if thet DAO contributor goes away for a while. The way TSP solves this is by creating streams of tokenized payments which only continue to flow if they are withdrawn (and a status report is submitted once a week).

The core use cases that need to work great are.

  1. Setting up a stream is easy, low overhead, and high ROI.
  2. Receiving a stream is easy, low overhead, and high ROI.
  3. It needs to be easy to add my own DAO's token to the tool.

What success looks like at Schelling Point: We get 100 participants to agree to help GitcoinDAO's mission + put them on token streams. At least 50% of them withdraw within 1 month and at least 25% of them are still contributing to GitcoinDAO within 3 months.

PGP is a fork of Gitcoin's dGrants product. The hypothesis for PGP is that DAO's want to run their own Quadratic Funding rounds. The meta-hypothesis is that Moonshot Collective running experiments + submitting upstream PRs to dGrants will make the QF tool even more successful (eg more $$$ raised for more DAOs)

The core use cases that need to work great are:

  1. setting up a round is easy / high ROI
  2. seeing how a round is going easy / high ROI
  3. creating a grant is easy / high ROI
  4. contributing to a grant is easy / high ROI
  5. It needs to be easy to add my own DAO's token to the tool. (note: most of the UX of this is handled upstream by dGrants already - but its possible by forking these tools + marketing them ourselves well discover upstream issues )

What success looks like at Schelling Point: We run a one day QF round at SP, in which at least 50 participants have contributed to speakers. At least 5 people take dGrants back to their own DAOs to run QF rounds. is Moonshot Collectives' Retroactive Public Goods Funding starter kit. The hypothesis for FP is that as more and more public goods in the Ethereum space are well funded (by Quadratic Funding, Retroactive Public Goods Funding, or similar), projects will want to be oriented to receive those rewards. Fund.Party provides an easy way of tracking who has contributed to what, so that future retroactive distributions are easy.

The core use cases that need to work great are:

  1. setting up a is easy / high ROI
  2. awarding contributors via a is easy / high ROI
  3. future retroactive distributions to users is easy + baked into the Optimism RGPF process

What success looks like at Schelling Point: Karl Flouresch is really excited about + shills it on stage at SP.

GreenPill.Party is a simple tool that allows anyone to pledge a portion of their wealth to public goods.

The core use cases that need to work great are:

  1. its easy to make a giving pledge via GPP
  2. when someone sees a giving pledge, they go to + find it easy/compelling to complete a giving pledge themselves.

What success looks like at Schelling Point: 5 Tier A DAO contributors complete a giving pledge.


A rollout such as this is subject to risks. Let us now name them.

The risks to this rollout are:

  1. Lack of PM talent focused on the MSC
  2. Lack of design talent focused on the MSC.
  3. Are we trying to do too much? Would it be better to focus on 4 of these tools intead of 7 of them?
  4. Lack of understand ing of who is working on what, what exactly the engineering tasks are.

By naming these risks, we hope to work together to pay down these risks collectively.

See also

telegram channels


  1. CPK kit:
  2. :
  3. Pay.Party:
  6. public


  1. Schelling Point Coordinators:
  2. Schelling Point Main Channel:
  3. The Whole Collective:
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owocki commented Dec 1, 2021

i propose that we support mainnet, xdai, polygon, arbitrum at launch for the CPK
tip party team doc:
pay party

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