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Last active November 9, 2015 14:39
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Save owskio/8aaf1dc09fb4c3cb7f27 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FParsec + HttpListener + Pattern Matching = Simple 'REST'
// http://localhost:8888/people/chefs/Jimbo?eggs=2&cheese=4
// http://localhost:8888/people/chefs/Jimbo?cheese=4&eggs=2
// http://localhost:8888/people/chefs/Jimbo?cheese=4&eggs=2&bacon=5
// C:\RestForFree>fsi restForFree.fsx
#I @"C:\RestForFree"
#r @"FParsec.1.0.2\lib\net40-client\FParsecCS.dll"
#r @"FParsec.1.0.2\lib\net40-client\FParsec.dll"
//Naive, but its just a pedantic example
module parser =
open System; open FParsec
//Just give me my result, parsec!
let (-=>) input someParser =
run someParser input
|> function
| Success(result,_,_) -> result
| _ -> Unchecked.defaultof<'T> //Equivalent to C#'s default(T),
//both match paths need same return type
type url = {
pathString: string
queryString: string }
let not = (<>) //Just eliminating parens
let psplitBy char =
let keep = manySatisfy(not char)
let toss = pstring(string(char))
let pathParser = psplitBy('/')
let keyOrVal = many(noneOf "&=") |>> String.Concat
let keyValuePair = keyOrVal .>> pstring "=" .>>. keyOrVal
let queryParser = sepBy(keyValuePair)(pstring "&")
let preamble = parse {
do! pstring "http" |>> ignore //Proto
do! skipString "://" //
do! many(noneOf ":/") |>> String.Concat |>> ignore //host
do! pstring(":") >>. manySatisfy(Char.IsDigit) <|>% "" |>> ignore } //port?
let urlParser = parse {
do! preamble
let! pathString = pstring("/") >>. manySatisfy(not '?') <|>% ""
let! queryString = pstring("?") >>. restOfLine(true) <|>% ""
return {
pathString = pathString
queryString = queryString } }
module listener =
open System; open System.Net; open System.Text
//Eliminate .NET line noise,
type HttpListenerResponse with
member me.WriteAsync str =
|> me.OutputStream.AsyncWrite
let root,host = @"C:\RestForFree","http://localhost:8888/"
//.NET init stuff
let initListener =
let l = new HttpListener()
l.Prefixes.Add host
//As it turns out, Async.* was recently, to accomodate futures/deferreds
//However, HttpListener uses 'the IAsyncResult design pattern [sic]',
//which is older/more-lower-level
let listen =
let l = initListener //Called once upon definition of 'listen'
async { //Is accessed repeatedly, however
let b,e = l.BeginGetContext, l.EndGetContext
let! context = Async.FromBeginEnd(b, e)
return context.Request,context.Response }
let listening requestHandler =
Async.Start <| async { //Non-blocking
while true do
let! request, response = listen //Get the context asynchronously
do! requestHandler request response } //Handle the context async
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore //Retain console for printfn
module http =
open System.Net; open listener
//Parens for sake of type inferencer confused by partial application
let httpWrapper (restHandler)(request)(response:HttpListenerResponse) =
async {
response.StatusCode <- int HttpStatusCode.OK //Response packaging
response.ContentType <- "text/html" //Response packaging
let! mainOutput = restHandler request response
do! response.WriteAsync mainOutput
response.Close() } //Resource management :-)
//TODO: Find IDisposables
// and 'use' them.
open parser; open listener; open http
//Have to sort tuples by key alphabetically, lest there be no match! :-(
let (|ATOZ|) = ATOZ List.sortBy fst
let pretty s = sprintf "%A" s
listening(httpWrapper(fun request response ->
//Thank you Microsoft, but I will parse the url myself
request.Url.AbsoluteUri -=> urlParser
|> function
| { url.pathString = pathString; url.queryString = queryString } ->
pathString -=> pathParser
|> function
| [ "people"; "chefs"; chef ] ->
//Remote Procedure Call (RPC)-style 'rest' endpoints
queryString -=> queryParser
|> function
| ATOZ[ "cheese",b ; "eggs",a ] -> async {
chef + " cannot make omlettes :-( ... <br />" +
"But, Dexter can make " + string(int a + int b + 1000) +
" omlettes du fromage!! <br />" +
"because he is a boy-genious, with a very large laboratory." }
//b, then c, then e, here, but not in the url!
| ATOZ[ "bacon",b ; "cheese",c ; "eggs",a ] -> async {
chef + " can make " + string(int a + int b + int c) + " omlets!" }
//b, then c, then e, here, but not in the url!
| ATOZ[ "bacon",b ; "cheese",c ; "eggs",a ; "mushrooms",m ] -> async {
return "Mushrooms...Disgusting!" }
| ATOZ query -> async {
return "NO QUERY MATCH FOR: " + pretty query }
| path -> async { return "NO PATH MATCH FOR: " + pretty path }
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