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Last active March 9, 2018 05:17
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  • Save owskio/d1d47e9e3f51a7e2c89d6657c322ad09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save owskio/d1d47e9e3f51a7e2c89d6657c322ad09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prints "Ted does assembly!" to the open uart serial terminal. (a more legitimate 'hello world')
;#Output file in intel hex format with -fI
; sudo putty /dev/ttyUSB0 -serial -sercfg 8,2,9600,n,N # "-cs ISO-8859-1" not necessary
; wine avrasm2.exe -fI -l test.lst test.asm
;flash: compile
; avrdude -c usbtiny -p atmega1284 -U flash:w:test.hex
.include "./m1284def.asm"
.macro initialiseZregister
;Load from Program Memory (flash) Low-byte
;Use the low byte since that is where our string starts in this program
;Actually storing anything in flash at a word address should
;first result in a lowbyte being populated, if high bytes are not supplied
;with data, then they are 'padded' as a single null byte (0x00)
ldi ZH,high(2*@0)
ldi ZL,low(2*@0 + 0)
.cseg ;Code (flash) segment
;Events/Interrupt Vectors
; Reset Vector, just go to init
.org 0x0000
rjmp Reset
;must come after 0x0000 (first address of flash)
TEST_MESSAGE: .db "ted does assembly!",'\r','\n'
;16MHz crystal ;CKDIV8 not set
.equ FOSC = 16000000
.equ BAUD = 9600
call uart_init
;Initialize compound register Z (=R31:R30)to point to "TEST_MESSAGE" location
initialiseZregister TEST_MESSAGE
;Loop through each byte location and print out the character found to the uart connection
;load the current char for uart transmission
lpm outChar,Z
;Do not necessarily rely on null to quit printing string, but if exists because assembler inserts it, then treat it as a terminating char
cpi outChar,0x00
breq stopPrinting
;Print the current character
call uart_transmit
;Increment the 16 bit "pointer"
call incZ
;Check if we have reached the end of the "string"
call testIfAtEnd
;I should have found a better way than using a specific register and specific pair of 'signal values' (false = 0x00, true = 0xff)
cpi r20,0xff
;testIfAtEnd passed so stop printing
breq stopPrinting
;If not done printing, print the next char
jmp printCharFromFlash
/* MAIN */
;do nothing, respond to events only
rjmp Main
;We need to be able to increment these compound registers (X=r27:r26;Y=r29:r28;Z=r31:r30)
;and to my knowledge 'inc' does not work on them, only on single byte registers
;so I break up the task into 2 parts, increment the low byte,
;then add 0 with any resulting carry to the high byte,
push r11
in r11,sreg
push r12
clr r12 ; should be 0 now, need below
clc ; clear the carry bit in SREG
inc ZL ; should generate carry, if needed
adc ZH,r12 ; should add 0+C, yielding effectively "inc Z"
pop r12
out sreg,r11
pop r11
;Since end address is address after last string address
;and since address increment goes low byte, high byte, next word
;compare incremented address with low byte of "end" address
;that is compare ZL to 2N+0 not 2N+1
brne notEqual
cpi ZL,low(TEST_MESSAGE_END*2+0)
brne notEqual
ldi r20,0xff
jmp equal
ldi r20,0x00
.macro stsi
;store direct to "dataspace" immediate
push r30
ldi r30,@1
sts @0,r30
pop r30
; .equ FOSC = 16000000
; .equ BAUD = 9600
; call uart_init
;Set baud rate
;NOTE: ubrr is a 12 bit register so
; take the 16bit clocks/baud-period value and (<< 2^4) aka (/16)
; but not sure what the -1 is for
; the -1 just comes from Atmel's documentation without explanation
.equ ubrr = (((FOSC/BAUD)/16)-1)
stsi UBRR0H, ubrr >> 8 ;High byte
stsi UBRR0L, ubrr
; Enable receiver and transmitter ;Enable the rx complete interrupt
stsi UCSR0B, (1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0)|(1<<RXCIE0)
; Set frame format: 8data, 2stop bit
stsi UCSR0C, (1<<USBS0) |(1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00)
.def tmp = r17
.def outChar = r16
; mov outChar, rXX
; call uart_transmit
push tmp
; Wait for empty transmit buffer
lds tmp, UCSR0A
sbrs tmp, UDRE0 ; SBRS = SkipifBitinRegisterSet
; UDRE0 not set, data not ready, check again
rjmp UART_Transmit_Check
; Put data (r16) into buffer, sends the data
sts UDR0,outChar
pop tmp
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