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Forked from overwine/15-portfolio.php
Created January 21, 2018 11:50
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class mysitePortfolio {
private static $carousel_id = 1;
function portfolio_grid( $atts ) {
if( $atts == 'generator' ) {
$option = array(
'name' => __( 'Portfolio Grid', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'value' => 'portfolio_grid',
'options' => array(
'name' => __( 'Number of Columns', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select the number of columns you would like your posts to display in.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'column',
'default' => '',
'options' => array(
'1' => __('One Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'2' => __('Two Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'3' => __('Three Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'4' => __('Four Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN )
'type' => 'select',
'name' => __( 'Number of Portfolio Posts', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select the number of posts you would like to display on each page.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'showposts',
'default' => '',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,40), array_values(range(1,40))),
'type' => 'select'
'name' => __( 'Portfolio Categories <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select which portfolio categories you would like to display.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'cat',
'default' => array(),
'target' => 'portfolio_category',
'type' => 'multidropdown'
'name' => __( 'Offset Portfolio Posts <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'This will skip a number of posts at the beginning.<br /><br />Useful if you are using multiple portfolio shortcodes on the same page.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'offset',
'default' => '',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,10), array_values(range(1,10))),
'type' => 'select'
'name' => __( 'Fancy Layout <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => sprintf( __( '%1$s comes with an additional fancy portfolio layout.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ), THEME_NAME ),
'id' => 'fancy_layout',
'options' => array(
'true' => __( 'Enable Fancy Layout', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'default' => '',
'type' => ( defined( 'FANCY_PORTFOLIO' ) ? 'checkbox' : '' )
'name' => __( 'Disable Portfolio Elements <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'You can hide certain elements from displaying here.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'disable',
'options' => array(
'image' => __( 'Disable Post Image', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'title' => __( 'Disable Post Title', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'excerpt' => __( 'Disable Post Excerpt', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'date' => __( 'Disable Date', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'more' => __( 'Disable Read More', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'visit' => __( 'Disable Visit Site', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'pagination' => __( 'Disable Pagination', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN )
'default' => '',
'type' => 'checkbox'
'shortcode_has_atts' => true,
return $option;
'column' => '4',
'showposts' => '8',
'cat' => '',
'offset' => '',
'disable' => ''
), $atts));
$out = '';
$portfolio_query = new WP_Query();
global $post, $wp_rewrite, $wp_query, $mysite;
$column = trim( $column );
$showposts = trim( $showposts );
$cat = trim( $cat );
$offset = trim( $offset );
if( is_front_page() ) {
$_layout = mysite_get_setting( 'homepage_layout' );
$images = ( $_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : ( $_layout == 'left_sidebar' ? 'small_sidebar_images' : 'big_sidebar_images' ) );
} else {
$post_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$dependencies = get_post_meta( $post_obj->ID, '_dependencies', true );
$dependencies = ( empty( $dependencies ) ) ? get_post_meta( $post_obj->ID, '_' . THEME_SLUG .'_dependencies', true ) : $dependencies;
$_layout = get_post_meta( $post_obj->ID, '_layout', true );
$_layout = ( empty( $_layout ) ? 'full_width' : $_layout );
$images = ( ( strpos( $dependencies, 'fancy_portfolio' ) !== false || apply_atomic( 'fancy_portfolio', false ) == true ) && ( !isset( $mysite->responsive ) ) ? 'additional_images'
: ( $_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : ( $_layout == 'left_sidebar' ? 'small_sidebar_images' : 'big_sidebar_images' ) ) );
$paged = mysite_get_page_query();
$gallery_post = $post->post_name;
if( $post->post_parent) {
$parent_query = get_post( $post->post_parent );
$gallery_parent = $parent_query->ID;
if( ( is_numeric( $offset ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) ) {
$mysite->offset = $offset;
$mysite->posts_per_page = $showposts;
add_filter('post_limits', 'my_post_limit');
if( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) {
if( !empty( $cat ) )
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'tax_query' => array(
'relation' => 'IN',
'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => explode(',', $cat)
'offset' => $offset,
'paged' => $paged,
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'offset' => $offset,
'paged' => $paged,
} else {
if( !empty( $cat ) )
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'tax_query' => array(
'relation' => 'IN',
'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => explode(',', $cat)
'offset' => $offset,
'nopaging' => 0,
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'offset' => $offset,
'nopaging' => 0,
if( $portfolio_query->have_posts() ) :
$img_sizes = $mysite->layout[$images];
$img_group = 'portfolio_img_group_' . rand(1,1000);
$width = '';
$height = '';
switch( $column ) {
case 1:
$main_class = 'post_grid one_column_portfolio';
$width = $img_sizes['one_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['one_column_portfolio'][1];
case 2:
$main_class = 'post_grid two_column_portfolio';
$column_class = 'one_half';
$width = $img_sizes['two_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['two_column_portfolio'][1];
case 3:
$main_class = 'post_grid three_column_portfolio';
$column_class = 'one_third';
$width = $img_sizes['three_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['three_column_portfolio'][1];
case 4:
$main_class = 'post_grid four_column_portfolio';
$column_class = 'one_fourth';
$width = $img_sizes['four_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['four_column_portfolio'][1];
$out .= '<div class="' . $main_class . '">';
$i = 1;
while( $portfolio_query->have_posts() ) : $portfolio_query->the_post();
$id = get_the_ID();
$image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$custom_fields = get_post_custom( $id );
foreach( $custom_fields as $key => $value ) {
${$key}[$id] = $value[0];
if( is_serialized( ${$key}[$id] ) )
${$key}[$id] = unserialize( ${$key}[$id] );
if ( has_post_thumbnail() || !empty( $_image[$id] ) || !empty( $_featured_video[$id] ) ) {
if( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
$img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $id ), 'full', true );
else :
$img[0] = ( !empty( $_image[$id] ) ) ? $_image[$id] : '';
if( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) :
$url = ( empty( $_custom_link[$id] ) ) ? home_url( '/' ) . 'portfolio/' . $post->post_name . '/gallery/' . $gallery_post . '/' : $_custom_link[$id];
else :
$url = htmlspecialchars( add_query_arg( array( 'gallery' => $gallery_post ), get_permalink( $id )) );
$link_to = ( empty( $_post[$id][0] )
? ( empty( $_featured_video[$id] )
? ( empty( $_image[$id] )
? $img[0]
: $_image[$id] )
: $_featured_video[$id] )
: $url
$out .= ( $column != 1 ? '<div class="' . ( $i%$column == 0 ? $column_class . ' last' : $column_class ) . '">' : '' );
$out .= '<div class="' . join( ' ', get_post_class( 'post_grid_module', get_the_ID() ) ) . '">';
if( strpos( $disable, 'image' ) === false ) {
$offset = $mysite->layout['images']['image_padding'];
$load_width = $width + $offset;
$load_height = $height + $offset;
$out .= '<div class="post_grid_image" style="width:' . $load_width . 'px;">';
ob_start(); mysite_portfolio_image_begin();
$out .= ob_get_clean();
if( empty( $img[0] ) && !empty( $_featured_video[$id] ) )
$video_check = mysite_video( $args = array( 'url' => $_featured_video[$id], 'parse' => true, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ) );
$video_check = false;
if( !empty( $video_check ) )
$out .= $video_check;
$image_tags = mysite_post_image_tags( $image_id, $id );
$out .= mysite_display_image( array(
'src' => $img[0],
'alt' => $image_tags['alt'],
'title' => $image_tags['title'],
'height' => $height,
'width' => $width,
'class' => 'hover_fade_js',
'link_to' => $link_to,
'link_class' => 'portfolio_img_load',
'prettyphoto' => ( empty( $_post[$id][0] ) ? true : false ),
'group' => $img_group,
'preload' => ( isset( $mysite->mobile ) ? false : true ),
) );
'column' => $column,
'disable' => $disable,
'more' => ( !empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ? $_more[$id][0] : '' ),
'link' => ( !empty( $_link[$id] ) ? $_link[$id] : '' ),
'url' => $url,
'date' => ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ? $_date[$id] : '' )
$out .= ob_get_clean();
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '<div class="post_grid_content">';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_date_top', '', array( 'column' => $column, 'date' => ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ? $_date[$id] : '' ), 'disable' => $disable ) );
if( strpos( $disable, 'title' ) === false ) {
$title = ( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ) ? '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '">' . get_the_title( $id ) . '</a>' : get_the_title( $id );
if( $column == 1 || $column == 2 )
$out .= '<h2 class="post_title">' . $title . '</h2>';
$out .= '<h3 class="post_title">' . $title . '</h3>';
if( ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'date' ) === false ) )
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_date', '<p class="date">' . $_date[$id] . '</p>', array( 'column' => $column ) );
if( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) || !empty( $_link[$id] ) || !empty( $_teaser[$id] ) ) {
$out .= '<div class="post_excerpt">';
$out .= ( ( !empty( $_teaser[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'excerpt' ) === false ) ) ? '<p class="portfolio_excerpt">' . do_shortcode( $_teaser[$id] ) . '</p>' : '';
if( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) || !empty( $_link[$id] ) ) {
$out .= '<p>';
if( ( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'more' ) === false ) ) {
$read_more = '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '" class="post_more_link portfolio_more">' . __( 'Watch Clip', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN ) . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_read_more', $read_more, esc_url( $url ) );
if( ( !empty( $_link[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'visit' ) === false ) ) {
$visit_site = '<a href="' . esc_url( $_link[$id] ) . '" class="post_more_link portfolio_link" target="_blank">' . __( 'Visit Site', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN ) . '</a>';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_visit_site', $visit_site, esc_url( $_link[$id] ) );
$out .= '</p>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= ( $column != 1 ? '</div>' : '' );
if( ( $i % $column ) == 0 )
$out .= '<div class="clearboth"></div>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= ( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) ? mysite_pagenavi( '', '', $portfolio_query ) : '';
else :
$out .= __( 'No portfolio posts were found for the category selected.', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
if( ( is_numeric( $offset ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) ) {
remove_filter('post_limits', 'my_post_limit');
return '<!--start_raw-->' . $out . '<!--end_raw-->';
function portfolio_list( $atts ) {
if( $atts == 'generator' ) {
$option = array(
'name' => __( 'Portfolio List', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'value' => 'portfolio_list',
'options' => array(
'name' => __( 'Select Thumbnail Size', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select the size of thumbnails that you wish to have displayed.<br /><br />This is a thumbnail of the "Featured Image" in each of your posts.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'thumb',
'default' => '',
'options' => array(
'small' => __( 'Small', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'medium' => __( 'Medium', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'large' => __('Large', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN )
'type' => 'select',
'name' => __( 'Number of Portfolio Posts', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select the number of posts you would like to display on each page.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'showposts',
'default' => '',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,40), array_values(range(1,40))),
'type' => 'select'
'name' => __( 'Portfolio Categories <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select which portfolio categories you would like to display.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'cat',
'default' => array(),
'target' => 'portfolio_category',
'type' => 'multidropdown'
'name' => __( 'Offset Portfolio Posts <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'This will skip a number of posts at the beginning.<br /><br />Useful if you are using multiple portfolio shortcodes on the same page.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'offset',
'default' => '',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,10), array_values(range(1,10))),
'type' => 'select'
'name' => __( 'Disable Portfolio Elements <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'You can hide certain elements from displaying here.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'disable',
'options' => array(
'image' => __( 'Disable Post Image', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'title' => __( 'Disable Post Title', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'excerpt' => __( 'Disable Post Excerpt', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'date' => __( 'Disable Date', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'more' => __( 'Disable Read More', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'visit' => __( 'Disable Visit Site', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'pagination' => __( 'Disable Pagination', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN )
'default' => '',
'type' => 'checkbox'
'shortcode_has_atts' => true,
return $option;
'thumb' => 'large',
'showposts' => '3',
'cat' => '',
'offset' => '',
'disable' => ''
), $atts));
$out = '';
$portfolio_query = new WP_Query();
global $post, $wp_rewrite, $wp_query, $mysite;
$thumb = trim( $thumb );
$showposts = trim( $showposts );
$cat = trim( $cat );
$offset = trim( $offset );
if( is_front_page() ) {
$_layout = mysite_get_setting( 'homepage_layout' );
$images = ( $_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : ( $_layout == 'left_sidebar' ? 'small_sidebar_images' : 'big_sidebar_images' ) );
} else {
$post_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$_layout = get_post_meta( $post_obj->ID, '_layout', true );
$_layout = ( empty( $_layout ) ? 'full_width' : $_layout );
$images = ( $_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : ( $_layout == 'left_sidebar' ? 'small_sidebar_images' : 'big_sidebar_images' ) );
$paged = mysite_get_page_query();
$gallery_post = $post->post_name;
if( $post->post_parent) {
$parent_query = get_post( $post->post_parent );
$gallery_parent = $parent_query->ID;
if( ( is_numeric( $offset ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) ) {
$mysite->offset = $offset;
$mysite->posts_per_page = $showposts;
add_filter('post_limits', 'my_post_limit');
if( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) {
if( !empty( $cat ) )
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'tax_query' => array(
'relation' => 'IN',
'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => explode(',', $cat)
'offset' => $offset,
'paged' => $paged,
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'offset' => $offset,
'paged' => $paged,
} else {
if( !empty( $cat ) )
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'tax_query' => array(
'relation' => 'IN',
'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => explode(',', $cat)
'offset' => $offset,
'nopaging' => 0,
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'offset' => $offset,
'nopaging' => 0,
if( $portfolio_query->have_posts() ) :
$img_sizes = $mysite->layout[$images];
$img_group = 'portfolio_img_group_' . rand(1,1000);
$width = '';
$height = '';
switch( $thumb ) {
case 'small':
$main_class = 'post_list small_post_list';
$width = $img_sizes['small_post_list'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['small_post_list'][1];
case 'medium':
$main_class = 'post_list medium_post_list';
$width = $img_sizes['medium_post_list'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['medium_post_list'][1];
case 'large':
$main_class = 'post_list large_post_list';
$width = $img_sizes['large_post_list'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['large_post_list'][1];
$out .= '<ul class="portfolio_gallery ' . $main_class . '">';
$i = 1;
while( $portfolio_query->have_posts() ) : $portfolio_query->the_post();
$id = get_the_ID();
$image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$custom_fields = get_post_custom( $id );
foreach( $custom_fields as $key => $value ) {
${$key}[$id] = $value[0];
if( is_serialized( ${$key}[$id] ) )
${$key}[$id] = unserialize( ${$key}[$id] );
if ( has_post_thumbnail() || !empty( $_image[$id] ) || !empty( $_featured_video[$id] ) ) {
if( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
$img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $id ), 'full', true );
else :
$img[0] = ( !empty( $_image[$id] ) ) ? $_image[$id] : '';
if( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) :
$url = ( empty( $_custom_link[$id] ) ) ? home_url( '/' ) . 'portfolio/' . $post->post_name . '/gallery/' . $gallery_post . '/' : $_custom_link[$id];
else :
$url = htmlspecialchars( add_query_arg( array( 'gallery' => $gallery_post ), get_permalink( $id )) );
$link_to = ( empty( $_post[$id][0] )
? ( empty( $_featured_video[$id] )
? ( empty( $_image[$id] )
? $img[0]
: $_image[$id] )
: $_featured_video[$id] )
: $url
$out .= '<li class="' . join( ' ', get_post_class( 'post_list_module', get_the_ID() ) ) . '">';
if( strpos( $disable, 'image' ) === false ) {
$offset = $mysite->layout['images']['image_padding'];
$load_width = $width + $offset;
$load_height = $height + $offset;
$out .= '<div class="post_list_image" style="width:' . $load_width . 'px;">';
if( $thumb != 'small' ) {
ob_start(); mysite_portfolio_image_begin();
$out .= ob_get_clean();
if( empty( $img[0] ) && !empty( $_featured_video[$id] ) )
$video_check = mysite_video( $args = array( 'url' => $_featured_video[$id], 'parse' => true, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ) );
$video_check = false;
if( !empty( $video_check ) )
$out .= $video_check;
$image_tags = mysite_post_image_tags( $image_id, $id );
$out .= mysite_display_image( array(
'src' => $img[0],
'alt' => $image_tags['alt'],
'title' => $image_tags['title'],
'height' => $height,
'width' => $width,
'class' => 'hover_fade_js',
'link_to' => $link_to,
'link_class' => 'portfolio_img_load',
'prettyphoto' => ( empty( $_post[$id][0] ) ? true : false ),
'group' => $img_group,
'preload' => ( isset( $mysite->mobile ) ? false : true ),
) );
if( $thumb != 'small' ) {
'thumb' => $thumb,
'disable' => $disable,
'more' => ( !empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ? $_more[$id][0] : '' ),
'link' => ( !empty( $_link[$id] ) ? $_link[$id] : '' ),
'url' => $url,
'date' => ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ? $_date[$id] : '' )
$out .= ob_get_clean();
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '<div class="post_list_content">';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_date_top', '', array( 'thumb' => $thumb, 'date' => ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ? $_date[$id] : '' ), 'disable' => $disable ) );
if( strpos( $disable, 'title' ) === false ) {
$title = ( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ) ? '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '">' . get_the_title( $id ) . '</a>' : get_the_title( $id );
if( $thumb == 'small' )
$out .= '<p class="post_title">' . $title . '</p>';
$out .= '<h2 class="post_title">' . $title . '</h2>';
if( ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'date' ) === false ) )
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_date', '<p class="date">' . $_date[$id] . '</p>', array( 'thumb' => $thumb ) );
if( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) || !empty( $_link[$id] ) || !empty( $_teaser[$id] ) ) {
$out .= '<div class="post_excerpt">';
$out .= ( ( !empty( $_teaser[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'excerpt' ) === false ) ) ? '<p>' . do_shortcode( $_teaser[$id] ) . '</p>' : '';
if( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) || !empty( $_link[$id] ) ) {
$out .= '<p>';
if( ( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'more' ) === false ) ) {
$read_more = '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '" class="post_more_link">' . __( 'Read More', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN ) . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_read_more', $read_more, esc_url( $url ) );
if( ( !empty( $_link[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'visit' ) === false ) ) {
$visit_site = '<a href="' . esc_url( $_link[$id] ) . '" class="post_more_link">' . __( 'Visit Site', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN ) . '</a>';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_visit_site', $visit_site, esc_url( $_link[$id] ) );
$out .= '</p>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '</li>';
$out .= '</ul>';
$out .= ( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) ? mysite_pagenavi( '', '', $portfolio_query ) : '';
else :
$out .= __( 'No portfolio posts were found for the category selected.', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
if( ( is_numeric( $offset ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) ) {
remove_filter('post_limits', 'my_post_limit');
return '<!--start_raw-->' . $out . '<!--end_raw-->';
function _carousel_id() {
return self::$carousel_id++;
function jcarousel_portfolio( $atts = null ) {
if( $atts == 'generator' ) {
$option = array(
'name' => __( 'jCarousel Portfolio', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'value' => 'jcarousel_portfolio',
'options' => array(
'name' => __( 'Number of Columns', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select the number of columns you would like your posts to display in.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'column',
'default' => '',
'options' => array(
'1' => __('One Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'2' => __('Two Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'3' => __('Three Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'4' => __('Four Column', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN )
'type' => 'select',
'name' => __( 'Number of Portfolio Posts', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select the number of posts you would like to display on each page.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'showposts',
'default' => '',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,40), array_values(range(1,40))),
'type' => 'select'
'name' => __( 'Portfolio Categories <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select which portfolio categories you would like to display.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'cat',
'default' => array(),
'target' => 'portfolio_category',
'type' => 'multidropdown'
'name' => __( 'Offset Portfolio Posts <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'This will skip a number of posts at the beginning.<br /><br />Useful if you are using multiple portfolio shortcodes on the same page.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'offset',
'default' => '',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,10), array_values(range(1,10))),
'type' => 'select'
'name' => __( 'Scrolling Range', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Select how many posts you wish to cycle when scrolling.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'scroll',
'default' => '',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,4), array_values(range(1,4))),
'type' => 'select'
'name' => __( 'Animation speed', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
"desc" => __( 'Type out how fast you want the animation to display. The value is defined in milliseconds so 1000 equals 1 second.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'animation',
'type' => 'text',
'shortcode_dont_multiply' => true
'name' => __( 'Automatic sliding', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
"desc" => __( 'Select how many seconds you want to pass before the carousel cycles automatically.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'auto',
'options' => array_combine(range(1,20), array_values(range(1,20))),
'type' => 'select',
'shortcode_dont_multiply' => true
'name' => __( 'Ending Wrap', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
"desc" => __( 'Select the behaviour for when the end of the carousel is reached.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'wrap',
'options' => array(
'first' => __('First', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'last' => __('Last', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'both' => __('Both', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'circular' => __('Circular', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'type' => 'select',
'shortcode_dont_multiply' => true
'name' => __( 'Description Content', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
"desc" => __( 'The content you enter here will be displayed to the left of your carousel.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'teaser',
'type' => 'textarea',
'shortcode_dont_multiply' => true
'name' => __( 'Disable Portfolio Elements <small>(optional)</small>', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'You can hide certain elements from displaying here.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'id' => 'disable',
'options' => array(
'image' => __( 'Disable Post Image', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'title' => __( 'Disable Post Title', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'excerpt' => __( 'Disable Post Excerpt', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'date' => __( 'Disable Date', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'more' => __( 'Disable Read More', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'visit' => __( 'Disable Visit Site', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN )
'default' => '',
'type' => 'checkbox'
'shortcode_has_atts' => true,
return $option;
'teaser' => '',
'column' => '4',
'showposts' => '8',
'cat' => '',
'offset' => '',
'disable' => '',
'scroll' => '1',
'animation' => 500,
'auto' => 0,
'wrap' => null,
), $atts));
global $post, $wp_rewrite, $wp_query, $mysite;
$mobile_disable_shortcodes = mysite_get_setting( 'mobile_disable_shortcodes' );
if( isset( $mysite->mobile ) && is_array( $mobile_disable_shortcodes ) && in_array( 'tooltips', $mobile_disable_shortcodes ) )
$out = '';
$portfolio_query = new WP_Query();
$wrap = trim( $wrap );
$teaser = trim( $teaser );
$column = trim( $column );
$showposts = trim( $showposts );
$cat = trim( $cat );
$offset = trim( $offset );
$gallery_post = $post->post_name;
if( is_front_page() ) {
$_layout = mysite_get_setting( 'homepage_layout' );
$images = ( $_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : ( $_layout == 'left_sidebar' ? 'small_sidebar_images' : 'big_sidebar_images' ) );
} else {
$post_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$_layout = get_post_meta( $post_obj->ID, '_layout', true );
$images = ( $_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : ( $_layout == 'left_sidebar' ? 'small_sidebar_images' : 'big_sidebar_images' ) );
if( ( is_numeric( $offset ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'pagination' ) === false ) ) {
$mysite->offset = $offset;
$mysite->posts_per_page = $showposts;
add_filter('post_limits', 'my_post_limit');
if( !empty( $cat ) )
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'tax_query' => array(
'relation' => 'IN',
'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => explode(',', $cat)
'offset' => $offset,
'nopaging' => 0,
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'posts_per_page' => $showposts,
'offset' => $offset,
'nopaging' => 0,
if( $portfolio_query->have_posts() ) :
$img_sizes = $mysite->layout[$images];
$carousel_id = 'mysite_jcarousel_' . self::_carousel_id();
$img_group = 'portfolio_img_group_' . rand( 1,1000 );
$width = '';
$height = '';
switch( $column ) {
case 1:
$main_class = 'mysite_jcarousel_portfolio one_column_portfolio';
$width = $img_sizes['one_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['one_column_portfolio'][1];
case 2:
$main_class = 'mysite_jcarousel_portfolio two_column_portfolio';
$width = $img_sizes['two_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['two_column_portfolio'][1];
case 3:
$main_class = 'mysite_jcarousel_portfolio three_column_portfolio';
$width = $img_sizes['three_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['three_column_portfolio'][1];
case 4:
$main_class = 'mysite_jcarousel_portfolio four_column_portfolio';
$width = $img_sizes['four_column_portfolio'][0];
$height = $img_sizes['four_column_portfolio'][1];
# Variable calculations
$column_margin_percent = ( isset( $mysite->layout['images']['column_margin'] ) ) ? $mysite->layout['images']['column_margin'] : 4;
$image_padding = $mysite->layout['images']['image_padding'];
$content_area_width = $img_sizes['one_column_portfolio'][0] + $image_padding;
$space = ( $content_area_width * $column_margin_percent ) / 100;
$wrapper_width = round( ( ( $width + $space + $image_padding ) * $column ) );
$text_width = $img_sizes['four_column_portfolio'][0] + $image_padding + $space;
$nav_position = ( $height / 2 ) - 15;
$fallback_width = $width + $image_padding;
$out = '<div class="' . $main_class . ( !empty( $teaser ) ? ' has_jcarousel_text' : ' no_jcarousel_text' ) . ' noscript">';
# Build the jCarousel
$out .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$out .= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
$out .= 'jQuery("#'.$carousel_id.'").jcarousel({';
# Setup options
$out .= 'visible: ' . $column . ',';
$out .= 'scroll: ' . $scroll . ',';
$out .= 'animation: ' . $animation . ',';
$out .= 'auto: ' . $auto . ',';
$out .= 'wrap: "' . $wrap . '",';
$out .= 'itemFallbackDimension: "' . $fallback_width . '",';
$out .= 'buttonNextHTML: null, buttonPrevHTML: null,';
$out .= 'initCallback: '.$carousel_id.'_callback,';
$out .= 'setupCallback: mysite_jcarousel_setup,';
$out .= 'buttonNextCallback: '.$carousel_id.'_next_event,';
if( $wrap != 'first' && $wrap !='circular' && $wrap != 'both' )
$out .= 'buttonPrevCallback: '.$carousel_id.'_prev_event,';
$out .= '});';
$out .= '});';
# Add disabled class to next button
$out .= 'function '.$carousel_id.'_next_event(c) {';
$out .= 'if( c.buttonNextState === true ) { jQuery("#'.$carousel_id.'_next").addClass("jcarousel_next_disabled"); }';
$out .= 'if( c.buttonNextState === false ){ jQuery("#'.$carousel_id.'_next").removeClass("jcarousel_next_disabled"); }';
$out .= '}';
# Add disabled class to prev button
$out .= 'function '.$carousel_id.'_prev_event(c) {';
$out .= 'if( c.buttonPrevState === true || c.buttonPrevState === null ) { jQuery("#'.$carousel_id.'_prev").addClass("jcarousel_prev_disabled"); }';
$out .= 'if( c.buttonPrevState === false ){ jQuery("#'.$carousel_id.'_prev").removeClass("jcarousel_prev_disabled"); }';
$out .= '}';
# Setup our custom next prev buttons
$out .= 'function '.$carousel_id.'_callback(c) {';
$out .= 'jQuery("#'.$carousel_id.'_next").live("click", function(){; Cufon.refresh(); return false; });';
$out .= 'jQuery("#'.$carousel_id.'_prev").live("click", function(){ c.prev(); Cufon.refresh(); return false; });';
$out .= '}';
$out .= '</script>';
# Check if description is set
if( !empty( $teaser ) ) {
# Setup description dimensions
$wrapper_width = $wrapper_width - $text_width;
# Decrease width of images to fit inside
$old_width = $width;
$old_height = $height;
$width = round( ( ( $wrapper_width - ( $space * $column ) ) / $column ) - $image_padding );
$height = round( $old_height * ( $width/$old_width ) );
$out .= '<div class="mysite_jcarousel_text">' . $teaser;
$out .= '<div class = "clearboth"></div>';
$out .= '<div class="mysite_jcarousel_nav"><span id = "' . $carousel_id . '_prev" class="mysite_jcarousel_prev"></span><span id="' . $carousel_id . '_next" class="mysite_jcarousel_next"></span></div>';
$out .= '</div><!-- .jcarousel_text -->';
# If description is empty just display jcarousel navagation
$out .= '<div class="mysite_jcarousel_nav" style="top:' . $nav_position . 'px;">';
$out .= '<span id="' . $carousel_id . '_prev" class="mysite_jcarousel_prev"></span><span id="' . $carousel_id . '_next" class="mysite_jcarousel_next"></span>';
$out .= '</div>';
# Start displaying the jCarousel HTML and slides
$out .= '<div class="portfolio_clip">';
$out .= '<div id="' . $carousel_id . '_wrapper" class="jcarousel_wrapper jcarousel_grid" style="width: ' . $wrapper_width . 'px; height: auto;">';
$out .= '<ul id="' . $carousel_id . '" class="jcarousel-skin-mysite">';
while( $portfolio_query->have_posts() ) : $portfolio_query->the_post();
# Start building slide
$out .= '<li style="width: ' . $width . ';margin-right:' . $space . 'px;">';
$out .= '<div class="' . join( ' ', get_post_class( 'post_grid_module', get_the_ID() ) ) . '">';
$id = get_the_ID();
$image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$custom_fields = get_post_custom( $id );
foreach( $custom_fields as $key => $value ) {
${$key}[$id] = $value[0];
if( is_serialized( ${$key}[$id] ) )
${$key}[$id] = unserialize( ${$key}[$id] );
if ( has_post_thumbnail() || !empty( $_image[$id] ) || !empty( $_featured_video[$id] ) ) {
if( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
$img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $id ), 'full', true );
else :
$img[0] = ( !empty( $_image[$id] ) ) ? $_image[$id] : '';
if( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) :
$url = ( empty( $_custom_link[$id] ) ) ? home_url( '/' ) . 'portfolio/' . $post->post_name . '/gallery/' . $gallery_post . '/' : $_custom_link[$id];
else :
$url = htmlspecialchars( add_query_arg( array( 'gallery' => $gallery_post ), get_permalink( $id )) );
$link_to = ( empty( $_post[$id][0] )
? ( empty( $_featured_video[$id] )
? ( empty( $_image[$id] )
? $img[0]
: $_image[$id] )
: $_featured_video[$id] )
: $url
if( strpos( $disable, 'image' ) === false ) {
$offset = $mysite->layout['images']['image_padding'];
$load_width = $width + $offset;
$load_height = $height + $offset;
$out .= '<div class="post_grid_image" style="width:' . $load_width . 'px;">';
ob_start(); mysite_portfolio_image_begin();
$out .= ob_get_clean();
if( empty( $img[0] ) && !empty( $_featured_video[$id] ) )
$video_check = mysite_video( $args = array( 'url' => $_featured_video[$id], 'parse' => true, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ) );
$video_check = false;
if( !empty( $video_check ) )
$out .= $video_check;
$image_tags = mysite_post_image_tags( $image_id, $id );
$out .= mysite_display_image( array(
'src' => $img[0],
'alt' => $image_tags['alt'],
'title' => $image_tags['title'],
'height' => $height,
'width' => $width,
'class' => 'hover_fade_js',
'link_to' => $link_to,
'link_class' => 'portfolio_img_load',
'prettyphoto' => ( empty( $_post[$id][0] ) ? true : false ),
'group' => $img_group,
'preload' => false
) );
'column' => $column,
'disable' => $disable,
'more' => ( !empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ? $_more[$id][0] : '' ),
'link' => ( !empty( $_link[$id] ) ? $_link[$id] : '' ),
'url' => $url,
'date' => ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ? $_date[$id] : '' )
$out .= ob_get_clean();
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '<div class="post_grid_content">';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_date_top', '', array( 'column' => $column, 'date' => ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ? $_date[$id] : '' ), 'disable' => $disable ) );
if( strpos( $disable, 'title' ) === false ) {
$title = ( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ) ? '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '">' . get_the_title( $id ) . '</a>' : get_the_title( $id );
if( $column == 1 || $column == 2 )
$out .= '<h2 class="post_title">' . $title . '</h2>';
$out .= '<h3 class="post_title">' . $title . '</h3>';
if( ( !empty( $_date[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'date' ) === false ) )
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_date', '<p class="date">' . $_date[$id] . '</p>', array( 'column' => $column ) );
if( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) || !empty( $_link[$id] ) || !empty( $_teaser[$id] ) ) {
$out .= '<div class="post_excerpt">';
$out .= ( ( !empty( $_teaser[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'excerpt' ) === false ) ) ? '<p class="portfolio_excerpt">' . do_shortcode( $_teaser[$id] ) . '</p>' : '';
if( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) || !empty( $_link[$id] ) ) {
$out .= '<p>';
if( ( empty( $_more[$id][0] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'more' ) === false ) ) {
$read_more = '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '" class="post_more_link portfolio_more">' . __( 'Read More', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN ) . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_read_more', $read_more, esc_url( $url ) );
if( ( !empty( $_link[$id] ) ) && ( strpos( $disable, 'visit' ) === false ) ) {
$visit_site = '<a href="' . esc_url( $_link[$id] ) . '" class="post_more_link portfolio_link">' . __( 'Visit Site', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN ) . '</a>';
$out .= apply_filters( 'mysite_portfolio_visit_site', $visit_site, esc_url( $_link[$id] ) );
$out .= '</p>';
$out .= '</div>';
$out .= '</div><!-- .post_grid_content -->';
$out .= '</div><!-- .post_grid_module -->';
# Ending slide
$out .= '</li>';
# Ending jCarousel HTML
$out .= '</ul>';
$out .= '</div><div class = "clearboth"></div></div>';
$out .= '</div><!-- .mysite_jcarousel_portfolio -->';
else :
$out .= __( 'No portfolio posts were found for the category selected.', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
if( is_numeric( $offset ) )
remove_filter('post_limits', 'my_post_limit');
return '<!--start_raw-->' . $out . '<!--end_raw-->';
function _options( $class ) {
$shortcode = array();
$class_methods = get_class_methods( $class );
foreach( $class_methods as $method ) {
if( $method[0] != '_' )
$shortcode[] = call_user_func(array( &$class, $method ), $atts = 'generator' );
$options = array(
'name' => __( 'Portfolio', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'desc' => __( 'Choose which type of portfolio you wish to use.<br /><br />The grid will display posts in a column layout while the list will display your posts from top to bottom.', MYSITE_ADMIN_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'value' => 'portfolio',
'options' => $shortcode,
'shortcode_has_types' => true
return $options;
function do_atomic( $tag = '', $args = array() ) {
if ( !$tag )
return false;
# Get the theme prefix.
# Do actions on the basic hook.
do_action( "{$pre}_{$tag}", $args );
# Loop through context array and fire actions on a contextual scale.
foreach ( (array)mysite_get_context() as $context )
do_action( "{$pre}_{$context}_{$tag}", $args );
function apply_atomic( $tag = '', $value = '' ) {
if ( !$tag )
return false;
# Get theme prefix.
# Apply filters on the basic hook.
$value = apply_filters( "{$pre}_{$tag}", $value );
# Loop through context array and apply filters on a contextual scale.
foreach ( (array)mysite_get_context() as $context )
$value = apply_filters( "{$pre}_{$context}_{$tag}", $value );
# Return the final value once all filters have been applied.
return $value;
function apply_atomic_shortcode( $tag = '', $value = '' ) {
return do_shortcode( apply_atomic( $tag, $value ) );
function mysite_get_setting( $option = '' ) {
$settings = '';
if ( !$option )
return false;
$settings = get_option( MYSITE_SETTINGS );
if( !empty( $settings[$option] ) )
return $settings[$option];
return false;
function mysite_shortcodes() {
$shortcodes = array();
if ( is_dir( THEME_SHORTCODES ) ) {
if ( $dh = opendir( THEME_SHORTCODES ) ) {
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) {
if( $file != '.' && $file != '..' && stristr( $file, '.php' ) !== false )
$shortcodes[] = $file;
closedir( $dh );
asort( $shortcodes );
return $shortcodes;
* Disable Automatic Formatting on Posts
* @param string $content
* @return string
function mysite_formatter($content) {
$new_content = '';
# Matches the contents and the open and closing tags
$pattern_full = '{(\[raw\].*?\[/raw\])}is';
# Matches just the contents
$pattern_contents = '{\[raw\](.*?)\[/raw\]}is';
# Divide content into pieces
$pieces = preg_split($pattern_full, $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
# Loop over pieces
foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
# Look for presence of the shortcode
if (preg_match($pattern_contents, $piece, $matches)) {
# Append to content (no formatting)
$new_content .= $matches[1];
} else {
# Look for Frameworks internal raw call
$pattern_full_intl = '{(\<!--start_raw-->.*?\<!--end_raw-->)}is';
$pattern_contents_intl = '{<!--start_raw-->(.*?)\<!--end_raw-->}is';
# Divide content into pieces
$pieces_intl = preg_split($pattern_full_intl, $piece, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
foreach ($pieces_intl as $piece_intl) {
# Look for presence of the shortcode
if (preg_match($pattern_contents_intl, $piece_intl, $matches_intl)) {
# Append to content (no formatting)
$new_content .= $matches_intl[1];
} else {
# Format and append to content
$new_content .= wptexturize(wpautop($piece_intl));
return $new_content;
function mysite_remove_wpautop( $content ) {
$content = do_shortcode( shortcode_unautop( $content ) );
$content = preg_replace('#^<\/p>|^<br \/>|<p>$#', '', $content);
return $content;
function mysite_texturize_shortcode_before($content) {
$content = preg_replace('/\]\[/im', "]\n[", $content);
return $content;
function mysite_twitter_feed_cahce( $age, $url ) {
if( strstr( $url, '' ) )
$age = 900;
return $age;
function mysite_twitter_feed_cahce_error() {
return 86400;
function mysite_stripslashes() {
if ( function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
if( !empty( $_POST ) )
$_POST = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_POST );
if( !empty( $_GET ) )
$_GET = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_GET );
if( !empty( $_COOKIE ) )
$_COOKIE = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE );
if( !empty( $_REQUEST ) )
$_REQUEST = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_REQUEST );
function mysite_strlen( $str ) {
return strlen( $str ) > 1;
function mysite_mbstrlen( $str ) {
return mb_strlen( $str, get_option( 'blog_charset' ) ) > 1;
function mysite_ajax_request() {
if( ( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) ) && ( strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) )
return true;
return false;
* Check if file is write-able
* @param string $path
* @return boolean
function mysite_is_writable( $file ) {
$exists = file_exists( $file );
$fp = @fopen( $file, 'a' );
if ( $fp ) {
fclose( $fp );
if ( !$exists ) {
@unlink( $file );
return true;
return false;
* Check if dir is write-able
* @param string $dir
* @return boolean
function mysite_is_writable_dir( $dir ) {
$file = $dir . '/' . uniqid( mt_rand() ) . '.tmp';
return mysite_is_writable( $file );
function mysite_is_cache_writable() {
# check if cache folder exists, if not try to create it
if ( !@is_dir( THEME_CACHE ) ) {
if ( !wp_mkdir_p( THEME_CACHE ) )
return false;
# check if cache folder is writable, if not try to chmod
if( !mysite_is_writable_dir( THEME_CACHE ) ) {
if( !@chmod( THEME_CACHE, 0777) )
return false;
return true;
function mysite_is_styles_writable() {
if( is_multisite() ) {
global $blog_id;
$wpmu_styles_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . get_blog_option( $blog_id, 'upload_path' ) . '/styles';
# check if styles folder exists, if not try to create it
if ( !@is_dir( $wpmu_styles_path ) ) {
if ( !wp_mkdir_p( $wpmu_styles_path ) )
return false;
# check if styles folder is writable, if not try to chmod
if( !mysite_is_writable_dir( $wpmu_styles_path ) ) {
if( !@chmod( $wpmu_styles_path, 0777) )
return false;
return true;
} else {
# check if styles folder exists, if not try to create it
if ( !@is_dir( THEME_STYLES_DIR ) ) {
if ( !wp_mkdir_p( THEME_STYLES_DIR ) )
return false;
# check if styles folder is writable, if not try to chmod
if( !mysite_is_writable_dir( THEME_STYLES_DIR ) ) {
if( !@chmod( THEME_STYLES_DIR, 0777) )
return false;
return true;
function mysite_is_wpmu_styles_writable() {
if( !is_multisite() ) return false;
global $blog_id;
$wpmu_styles_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . get_blog_option( $blog_id, 'upload_path' ) . '/styles';
# check if styles folder exists, if not try to create it
if ( !@is_dir( $wpmu_styles_path ) ) {
if ( !wp_mkdir_p( $wpmu_styles_path ) )
return false;
# check if styles folder is writable, if not try to chmod
if( !mysite_is_writable_dir( $wpmu_styles_path ) ) {
if( !@chmod( $wpmu_styles_path, 0777) )
return false;
return true;
function mysite_is_sprite_writable() {
# check if sprite folder exists, if not try to create it
if ( !@is_dir( THEME_SPRITES_DIR ) ) {
if ( !wp_mkdir_p( THEME_SPRITES_DIR ) )
return false;
# check if styles folder is writable, if not try to chmod
if( !mysite_is_writable_dir( THEME_SPRITES_DIR ) ) {
if( !@chmod( THEME_SPRITE, 0777) )
return false;
return true;
function mysite_nospam( $email, $filterLevel = 'normal' ) {
$email = strrev( $email );
$email = preg_replace( '[@]', '//', $email );
$email = preg_replace( '[\.]', '/', $email );
if( $filterLevel == 'low' ) {
$email = strrev( $email );
return $email;
function mysite_auto_width( $args ) {
global $wp_query, $mysite;
extract( $args );
if( is_front_page() ) {
$homepage_layout = mysite_get_setting( 'homepage_layout' );
$img_type = ( $homepage_layout == 'right_sidebar' ? 'big_sidebar_images' : ( $homepage_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : 'small_sidebar_images' ) );
$img_size = ( $width == 'one_half' ? 'two_column_blog' : ( $width == 'one_third' ? 'three_column_blog'
: ( $width == 'one_fourth' ? 'four_column_blog' : 'one_column_blog' ) ) );
$new_width = $mysite->layout[$img_type][$img_size][0];
if( $img_size == 'one_column_blog' && $get_width > $new_width )
return $new_width;
elseif( $img_size == 'one_column_blog' && $get_width < $new_width )
return $width;
return $new_width;
$post_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if( !empty( $post_obj ) ) {
$_layout = get_post_meta( $post_obj->ID, '_layout', true );
$template = get_post_meta( $post_obj->ID, '_wp_page_template', true );
$img_type = ( $template == 'template-featuretour.php' ? 'small_sidebar_images' : ( $_layout == 'right_sidebar' ? 'big_sidebar_images'
: ( $_layout == 'full_width' ? 'images' : 'small_sidebar_images' ) ) );
$img_size = ( $width == 'one_half' ? 'two_column_blog' : ( $width == 'one_third' ? 'three_column_blog'
: ( $width == 'one_fourth' ? 'four_column_blog' : 'one_column_blog' ) ) );
$new_width = $mysite->layout[$img_type][$img_size][0];
if( $img_size == 'one_column_blog' && $get_width > $new_width )
return $new_width;
elseif( $img_size == 'one_column_blog' && $get_width < $new_width )
return $width;
return $new_width;
return $width;
function mysite_encode( $content, $serialize = false ) {
if( $serialize )
$encode = rtrim(strtr(base64_encode(gzdeflate(htmlspecialchars(serialize( $content )), 9)), '+/', '-_'), '=');
$encode = rtrim(strtr(base64_encode(gzdeflate(htmlspecialchars( $content ), 9)), '+/', '-_'), '=');
return $encode;
function mysite_decode( $content, $unserialize = false ) {
$decode = @gzinflate(base64_decode(strtr( $content, '-_', '+/')));
if( !$unserialize )
$decode = htmlspecialchars_decode( $decode );
$decode = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode( $decode ) );
return $decode;
function mysite_video( $args = array() ) {
extract( $args );
# Vimeo video
if( preg_match_all( '#http://(www.vimeo|vimeo)\.com(/|/clip:)(\d+)(.*?)#i', $url, $matches ) ) {
if( !empty( $parse ) )
return do_shortcode( '[vimeo url="' . $url . '" title="0" fs="0" portrait="0" height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '"]' );
return 'vimeo';
} elseif( preg_match( '#http://(|youtube|[A-Za-z]{2}.youtube)\.com/(.*?)#i', $url, $matches ) ) {
if( !empty( $parse ) )
return do_shortcode( '[youtube url="' . $url . '" controls="' . ( empty( $video_controls ) ? 0 : 1 ) . '" showinfo="0" fs="1" height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '"]' );
return 'youtube';
} else {
return false;
function mysite_blog_page() {
$blog_page = mysite_get_setting( 'blog_page' );
return apply_filters( 'mysite_blog_page', $blog_page );
function my_post_limit($limit) {
global $paged, $mysite;
if (empty($paged)) {
$paged = 1;
$postperpage = intval($mysite->posts_per_page);
$pgstrt = ((intval($paged) -1) * $postperpage)+$mysite->offset . ', ';
$limit = 'LIMIT '.$pgstrt.$postperpage;
return $limit;
function mysite_get_page_query() {
global $mysite, $paged;
$paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1;
return $paged;
function mysite_excerpt( $text, $length, $ellipsis ) {
$text .= ' ';
$text = ( $text == '' ) ? get_the_content() : $text;
$text = preg_replace( '`\[(.*)]*\]`','',$text );
$text = strip_tags( $text );
$text = substr( $text, 0, $length );
$text = substr( $text, 0, strripos($text, " " ) );
$text = $text.$ellipsis;
return $text;
function mysite_exclude_category_string( $minus = true ) {
$exclude_categories = mysite_get_setting( 'exclude_categories' );
if( is_array( $exclude_categories ) ) {
foreach ( $exclude_categories as $key => $value ) {
if( $minus )
$exclude_cats[$key] = -$value;
$exclude_cats[$key] = $value;
$exclude_cats = join( ',', $exclude_cats );
return $exclude_cats;
return false;
function mysite_exclude_category_feed() {
$exclude_categories = mysite_exclude_category_string();
if( !empty( $exclude_categories ) ) {
if ( is_feed() )
set_query_var( 'cat', $exclude_categories );
function mysite_exclude_category_widget( $cat_args ) {
$exclude_categories = mysite_get_setting( 'exclude_categories' );
if( is_array( $exclude_categories ) )
$cat_args['exclude'] = join( ',', $exclude_categories );
return $cat_args;
function mysite_portfolio_comment_url( $nav = false ) {
global $wpdb, $post, $wp_rewrite;
if( !is_singular( 'portfolio' ) ) return;
$gallery_name = get_query_var( 'gallery' );
$gallery_id = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = '" . $gallery_name . "'" );
$get_post = get_post( $gallery_id );
$paginate = ( $nav ) ? 'comment-page-%#%/' : '';
if( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() )
$redirect_to = home_url() . '/portfolio/' . $post->post_name. '/gallery/' . $get_post->post_name . '/' . $paginate;
elseif( $nav )
$redirect_to = add_query_arg( 'cpage', '%#%' );
$redirect_to = htmlspecialchars( add_query_arg( array( 'gallery' => $get_post->post_name ), get_permalink( $post->ID )) );
if( $nav && $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() )
return array( 'base' => $redirect_to );
elseif( $nav )
return array();
return $redirect_to;
function mysite_multi_tax_terms($where) {
global $wp_query;
global $wpdb;
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['term']) && (strpos($wp_query->query_vars['term'], ',') !== false && strpos($where, "AND 0") !== false) ) {
# it's failing because taxonomies can't handle multiple terms
# first, get the terms
$term_arr = explode(",", $wp_query->query_vars['term']);
foreach($term_arr as $term_item) {
$terms[] = get_terms($wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy'], array('slug' => $term_item));
# next, get the id of posts with that term in that tax
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$term_ids[] = $term[0]->term_id;
$post_ids = get_objects_in_term($term_ids, $wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy']);
if ( !is_wp_error($post_ids) && count($post_ids) ) {
# build the new query
$new_where = " AND $wpdb->posts.ID IN (" . implode(', ', $post_ids) . ") ";
# re-add any other query vars via concatenation on the $new_where string below here
# now, sub out the bad where with the good
$where = str_replace("AND 0", $new_where, $where);
} else {
# give up
return $where;
function mysite_page_menu_args( $args ) {
$args['show_home'] = true;
$args['link_before'] = '<span>';
$args['link_after'] = '</span>';
return $args;
function mysite_pagenavi($before = '', $after = '', $custom_query = array() ) {
global $wpdb, $wp_query, $mysite;
$out = '';
if (!is_single()) {
$pagenavi_options = array();
$pagenavi_options['pages_text'] = __('Page %CURRENT_PAGE% of %TOTAL_PAGES%', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
$pagenavi_options['current_text'] = '%PAGE_NUMBER%';
$pagenavi_options['page_text'] = '%PAGE_NUMBER%';
$pagenavi_options['first_text'] = __('&laquo; First', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
$pagenavi_options['last_text'] = __('Last &raquo;', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
$pagenavi_options['next_text'] = __('&raquo;', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
$pagenavi_options['prev_text'] = __('&laquo;', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
$pagenavi_options['dotright_text'] = __('...', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
$pagenavi_options['dotleft_text'] = __('...', MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN );
$pagenavi_options['style'] = 1;
$pagenavi_options['num_pages'] = 5;
$pagenavi_options['always_show'] = 0;
$pagenavi_options['num_larger_page_numbers'] = 3;
$pagenavi_options['larger_page_numbers_multiple'] = 10;
$request = $wp_query->request;
$posts_per_page = intval(get_query_var('posts_per_page'));
$paged = intval(mysite_get_page_query());
if( !empty( $custom_query ) ) {
$numposts = $custom_query->found_posts;
if( !empty( $mysite->offset ) && $mysite->offset>0 && !empty( $mysite->posts_per_page ) && $mysite->posts_per_page>0 ) {
$max_page = $custom_query->max_num_pages = ceil(($custom_query->found_posts - $mysite->offset) / $mysite->posts_per_page);
} else {
$max_page = $custom_query->max_num_pages;
} else {
$numposts = $wp_query->found_posts;
$max_page = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
if(empty($paged) || $paged == 0) {
$paged = 1;
$pages_to_show = intval($pagenavi_options['num_pages']);
$larger_page_to_show = intval($pagenavi_options['num_larger_page_numbers']);
$larger_page_multiple = intval($pagenavi_options['larger_page_numbers_multiple']);
$pages_to_show_minus_1 = $pages_to_show - 1;
$half_page_start = floor($pages_to_show_minus_1/2);
$half_page_end = ceil($pages_to_show_minus_1/2);
$start_page = $paged - $half_page_start;
if($start_page <= 0) {
$start_page = 1;
$end_page = $paged + $half_page_end;
if(($end_page - $start_page) != $pages_to_show_minus_1) {
$end_page = $start_page + $pages_to_show_minus_1;
if($end_page > $max_page) {
$start_page = $max_page - $pages_to_show_minus_1;
$end_page = $max_page;
if($start_page <= 0) {
$start_page = 1;
$larger_per_page = $larger_page_to_show*$larger_page_multiple;
$larger_start_page_start = (mysite_n_round($start_page, 10) + $larger_page_multiple) - $larger_per_page;
$larger_start_page_end = mysite_n_round($start_page, 10) + $larger_page_multiple;
$larger_end_page_start = mysite_n_round($end_page, 10) + $larger_page_multiple;
$larger_end_page_end = mysite_n_round($end_page, 10) + ($larger_per_page);
if($larger_start_page_end - $larger_page_multiple == $start_page) {
$larger_start_page_start = $larger_start_page_start - $larger_page_multiple;
$larger_start_page_end = $larger_start_page_end - $larger_page_multiple;
if($larger_start_page_start <= 0) {
$larger_start_page_start = $larger_page_multiple;
if($larger_start_page_end > $max_page) {
$larger_start_page_end = $max_page;
if($larger_end_page_end > $max_page) {
$larger_end_page_end = $max_page;
if($max_page > 1 || intval($pagenavi_options['always_show']) == 1) {
$pages_text = str_replace("%CURRENT_PAGE%", number_format_i18n($paged), $pagenavi_options['pages_text']);
$pages_text = str_replace("%TOTAL_PAGES%", number_format_i18n($max_page), $pages_text);
$out = $before.'<div class="wp-pagenavi">'."\n";
switch(intval($pagenavi_options['style'])) {
case 1:
if(!empty($pages_text)) {
$out .= '<span class="pagenavi-pages">'.$pages_text.'</span>';
if ($start_page >= 2 && $pages_to_show < $max_page) {
$first_page_text = str_replace("%TOTAL_PAGES%", number_format_i18n($max_page), $pagenavi_options['first_text']);
$out .= '<a href="'.esc_url(get_pagenum_link()).'" class="first" title="'.$first_page_text.'">'.$first_page_text.'</a>';
if(!empty($pagenavi_options['dotleft_text'])) {
$out .= '<span class="extend">'.$pagenavi_options['dotleft_text'].'</span>';
if($larger_page_to_show > 0 && $larger_start_page_start > 0 && $larger_start_page_end <= $max_page) {
for($i = $larger_start_page_start; $i < $larger_start_page_end; $i+=$larger_page_multiple) {
$page_text = str_replace("%PAGE_NUMBER%", number_format_i18n($i), $pagenavi_options['page_text']);
$out .= '<a href="'.esc_url(get_pagenum_link($i)).'" class="pagenavi-page" title="'.$page_text.'">'.$page_text.'</a>';
$out .= get_previous_posts_link($pagenavi_options['prev_text']);
for($i = $start_page; $i <= $end_page; $i++) {
if($i == $paged) {
$current_page_text = str_replace("%PAGE_NUMBER%", number_format_i18n($i), $pagenavi_options['current_text']);
$out .= '<span class="current">'.$current_page_text.'</span>';
} else {
$page_text = str_replace("%PAGE_NUMBER%", number_format_i18n($i), $pagenavi_options['page_text']);
$out .= '<a href="'.esc_url(get_pagenum_link($i)).'" class="pagenavi-page" title="'.$page_text.'">'.$page_text.'</a>';
$out .= get_next_posts_link($pagenavi_options['next_text'], $max_page);
if($larger_page_to_show > 0 && $larger_end_page_start < $max_page) {
for($i = $larger_end_page_start; $i <= $larger_end_page_end; $i+=$larger_page_multiple) {
$page_text = str_replace("%PAGE_NUMBER%", number_format_i18n($i), $pagenavi_options['page_text']);
$out .= '<a href="'.esc_url(get_pagenum_link($i)).'" class="pagenavi-page" title="'.$page_text.'">'.$page_text.'</a>';
if ($end_page < $max_page) {
if(!empty($pagenavi_options['dotright_text'])) {
$out .= '<span class="extend">'.$pagenavi_options['dotright_text'].'</span>';
$last_page_text = str_replace("%TOTAL_PAGES%", number_format_i18n($max_page), $pagenavi_options['last_text']);
$out .= '<a href="'.esc_url(get_pagenum_link($max_page)).'" class="last" title="'.$last_page_text.'">'.$last_page_text.'</a>';
case 2;
$out .= '<form action="'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'" method="get">'."\n";
$out .= '<select size="1" onchange="document.location.href = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">'."\n";
for($i = 1; $i <= $max_page; $i++) {
$page_num = $i;
if($page_num == 1) {
$page_num = 0;
if($i == $paged) {
$current_page_text = str_replace("%PAGE_NUMBER%", number_format_i18n($i), $pagenavi_options['current_text']);
$out .= '<option value="'.esc_url(get_pagenum_link($page_num)).'" selected="selected" class="current">'.$current_page_text."</option>\n";
} else {
$page_text = str_replace("%PAGE_NUMBER%", number_format_i18n($i), $pagenavi_options['page_text']);
$out .= '<option value="'.esc_url(get_pagenum_link($page_num)).'">'.$page_text."</option>\n";
$out .= "</select>\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";
$out .= '</div>'.$after."\n";
return $out;
function mysite_n_round($num, $tonearest) {
return floor($num/$tonearest)*$tonearest;
function mysite_canonical() {
$canonical = false;
if ( is_singular() ) {
$canonical = get_permalink( get_queried_object() );
# Fix paginated pages
if ( get_query_var('paged') > 1 ) {
global $wp_rewrite;
if ( !$wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {
$canonical = add_query_arg( 'paged', get_query_var('paged'), $canonical );
} else {
$canonical = user_trailingslashit( trailingslashit( $canonical ) . 'page/' . get_query_var( 'paged' ) );
} else {
if ( is_front_page() ) {
$canonical = home_url( '/' );
} else if ( is_home() && "page" == get_option('show_on_front') ) {
$canonical = get_permalink( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) );
} else if ( is_tax() || is_tag() || is_category() ) {
$term = get_queried_object();
$canonical = get_term_link( $term, $term->taxonomy );
} else if ( function_exists('get_post_type_archive_link') && is_post_type_archive() ) {
$canonical = get_post_type_archive_link( get_post_type() );
} else if ( is_author() ) {
$canonical = get_author_posts_url( get_query_var('author'), get_query_var('author_name') );
} else if ( is_archive() ) {
if ( is_date() ) {
if ( is_day() ) {
$canonical = get_day_link( get_query_var('year'), get_query_var('monthnum'), get_query_var('day') );
} else if ( is_month() ) {
$canonical = get_month_link( get_query_var('year'), get_query_var('monthnum') );
} else if ( is_year() ) {
$canonical = get_year_link( get_query_var('year') );
if ( $canonical && get_query_var('paged') > 1 ) {
global $wp_rewrite;
if ( !$wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {
$canonical = add_query_arg( 'paged', get_query_var('paged'), $canonical );
} else {
$canonical = user_trailingslashit( trailingslashit( $canonical ) . trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite->pagination_base ) . get_query_var('paged') );
return $canonical;
function mysite_404_request($request) {
$request = htmlspecialchars($request);
$request = str_replace('.html', ' ', $request);
$request = str_replace('.htm', ' ', $request);
$request = str_replace('.', ' ', $request);
$request = str_replace('/', ' ', $request);
$request_a = explode(' ', $request);
$request_new = array();
foreach ($request_a as $token) {
$request_new[] = ucwords(trim($token));
$request = implode(' ', $request_new);
return $request;
function mysite_get_seo_keywords( $args ) {
global $wp_query, $mysite;
if ( is_404() || is_search() ) return;
$postspage_keywords = mysite_get_setting( 'seo_dynamic_postspage_keywords' );
$keywords = array();
$is_blog = false;
extract( $args );
# Return if front_page & !frontpage_blog
if( $front_page && !mysite_get_setting( 'frontpage_blog' ) )
return mysite_get_setting( 'seo_home_keywords' );
# Check if mysite_blog_page, frontpage_blog or page_for_posts option are set for displaying blog index page
if( ( !empty( $posts->ID ) && mysite_blog_page() == $posts->ID ) || ( $front_page && mysite_get_setting( 'frontpage_blog' ) ) || ( !empty( $posts->ID ) && get_option('page_for_posts') == $posts->ID ) ) {
# If !seo_dynamic_postspage_keywords return keywords
if( !$postspage_keywords ) {
if( $front_page )
return mysite_get_setting( 'seo_home_keywords' );
return stripcslashes( get_post_meta( $posts->ID, '_aioseop_keywords', true ) );
# if mysite_postspage_keywords transient return it
if ( false !== ( $mysite_postspage_keywords = get_transient( 'mysite_postspage_keywords' ) ) ) {
if ( ( ( $page = $wp_query->get( 'paged' ) ) || ( $page = $wp_query->get( 'page' ) ) ) && $page > 1 ) {
if( isset( $mysite_postspage_keywords[$page] ) )
return $mysite_postspage_keywords[$page];
} else {
if( isset( $mysite_postspage_keywords[1] ) )
return $mysite_postspage_keywords[1];
$is_blog = true;
$mysite->query = mysite_query_posts();
$mysite->featured_post = mysite_featured_post( $return = true );
if( $front_page )
$keywords[] = mysite_get_setting( 'seo_home_keywords' );
if( is_array( $mysite->featured_post ) )
$posts = array_merge( $mysite->featured_post, $mysite->query );
$posts = $mysite->query;
if( is_archive() )
global $posts;
if( $posts && !is_array( $posts ) )
$posts = array( $posts );
if( is_array( $posts ) ) {
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
if ( $post ) {
# If attachment then use parent post id
$id = ( is_attachment() ? $post->post_parent : ( !empty( $post->ID ) ? $post->ID : '' ) );
# Custom field keywords
$keywords_a = $keywords_i = null;
$description_a = $description_i = null;
$keywords_i = stripcslashes( get_post_meta( $id, '_seo_keywords', true ) );
$keywords_i = str_replace( '"', '', $keywords_i );
if ( isset( $keywords_i ) && !empty( $keywords_i ) ) {
$traverse = explode( ',', $keywords_i );
foreach ( $traverse as $keyword ) {
$keywords[] = $keyword;
# Tags keywords
if ( ( mysite_get_setting( 'seo_use_tags_as_keywords' ) && !is_page() ) || $is_blog ) {
$tags = get_the_tags( $id );
if ( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
$keywords[] = $tag->name;
# Category keyword
if ( ( mysite_get_setting( 'seo_use_categories' ) && !is_page() ) || $is_blog ) {
$categories = get_the_category( $id );
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
$keywords[] = $category->cat_name;
# Make keywords lowercase
$small_keywords = array();
foreach ( $keywords as $word ) {
if( function_exists( 'mb_strtolower' ) )
$small_keywords[] = mb_strtolower( $word, get_bloginfo( 'charset' ) );
$small_keywords[] = strtolower( $word );
$keywords_ar = array_unique( $small_keywords );
if( isset( $keywords_ar ) && !empty( $keywords_ar ) )
$keywords_ar = implode( ',', $keywords_ar );
# Cahce keywords if is_blog & seo_dynamic_postspage_keywords
if( $is_blog == true && $postspage_keywords ) {
if ( ( ( $page = $wp_query->get( 'paged' ) ) || ( $page = $wp_query->get( 'page' ) ) ) && $page > 1 ) {
$cache_keywords = array( $page => $keywords_ar );
} else {
$cache_keywords = array( 1 => $keywords_ar );
if ( false !== ( $mysite_postspage_keywords = get_transient( 'mysite_postspage_keywords' ) ) )
$cache_keywords = $cache_keywords + $mysite_postspage_keywords;
set_transient( 'mysite_postspage_keywords', $cache_keywords, 60*60*24*7 );
return $keywords_ar;
function mysite_seo_replace( $string, $args = array() ) {
$string = strip_tags( $string );
# If string not formatted properly return it
if ( strpos( $string, '%' ) === false )
return trim( preg_replace('/\s+/',' ', $string) );
$simple_replacements = array(
'%blog_title%' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
'%blog_description%' => get_bloginfo( 'description' )
foreach ( $simple_replacements as $var => $repl ) {
$string = str_replace($var, $repl, $string);
# Return string early if possible
if ( strpos( $string, '%' ) === false )
return trim( preg_replace('/\s+/',' ', $string) );
$defaults = array(
'ID' => '',
'name' => '',
'post_author' => '',
'post_content' => '',
'post_date' => '',
'post_content' => '',
'post_excerpt' => '',
'post_modified' => '',
'post_title' => '',
'taxonomy' => '',
'term_id' => '',
$r = (object) wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
# Only global $post on single's, otherwise some expressions will return wrong results.
if ( is_singular() || ( is_front_page() && 'posts' != get_option('show_on_front') ) ) {
global $post;
# Get the post date
if ( $r->post_date != '' ) {
$date = mysql2date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $r->post_date );
} else {
if ( get_query_var( 'day' ) && get_query_var( 'day' ) != '' ) {
$date = get_the_date();
} else {
if ( single_month_title( ' ', false ) && single_month_title( ' ', false ) != '' ) {
$date = single_month_title( ' ', false );
} else if ( get_query_var( 'year' ) != '' ){
$date = get_query_var( 'year' );
} else {
$date = '';
# Get the post category
$category = '';
if( !empty( $args ) ) {
$categories = get_the_category();
if ( count($categories) > 0 )
$category = $categories[0]->cat_name;
if( mysite_get_setting( 'seo_cap_cats' ) )
$category = ucwords( $category );
# Get the post author
$authordata = get_userdata( $r->post_author );
$author_description = get_the_author_meta( 'description', $r->ID );
$replacements = array(
'%tag%' => ( is_tag() ? wp_title( '', false ) : '' ),
'%date%' => ( is_date() ? wp_title( '', false ) : '' ),
'%search%' => ( is_search() ? esc_attr( get_search_query() ) : '' ),
'%excerpt%' => ( substr( strip_shortcodes( strip_tags( $r->post_content ) ), 0, 155 ) ),
'%post_title%' => ( !empty( $r->post_title ) ? stripslashes( $r->post_title ) : '' ),
'%page_title%' => ( !empty( $r->post_title ) ? stripslashes( $r->post_title ) : '' ),
'%category%' => $category,
'%category_title%' => $category,
'%category_description%' => strip_tags( category_description() ),
'%tag_description%' => strip_tags( tag_description() ),
'%post_author_login%' => ( !empty( $authordata->user_login ) ? $authordata->user_login : '' ),
'%post_author_nicename%' => ( !empty( $authordata->user_nicename ) ? $authordata->user_nicename : '' ),
'%post_author_firstname%' => ( !empty( $authordata->first_name ) ? ucwords( $authordata->first_name ) : '' ),
'%post_author_lastname%' => ( !empty( $authordata->last_name ) ? ucwords( $authordata->last_name ) : '' ),
'%post_author_description%' => ( !empty( $author_description ) ? $author_description : '' ),
'%request_url%' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
'%request_words%' => mysite_404_request( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ),
'%404_title%' => wp_title( '', false ),
foreach ( $replacements as $var => $repl ) {
$string = str_replace( $var, $repl, $string );
if ( strpos( $string, '%' ) === false ) {
$string = preg_replace( '/\s\s+/',' ', $string );
return trim( $string );
if ( preg_match_all( '/%%cf_([^%]+)%%/', $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
global $post;
foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
$string = str_replace( $match[0], get_post_meta( $post->ID, $match[1], true ), $string );
$string = preg_replace( '/\s\s+/',' ', $string );
return trim( $string );
function mysite_seo_posttypecolumns() {
$posttypecolumns = array();
$seo_posttypecolumns = mysite_get_setting( 'seo_posttypecolumns' );
if( is_array( $seo_posttypecolumns ) ) {
$posttypecolumns = array_unique( $seo_posttypecolumns );
if( !mysite_get_setting( 'seo_enablecpost' ) ) {
$post_types = get_post_types();
$post_types = array_diff( $posttypecolumns, $post_types );
foreach ( $post_types as $key => $value )
unset( $posttypecolumns[$key] );
return $posttypecolumns;
function mysite_squeeze_page() {
global $post;
$template = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true );
if( $template == 'template-squeeze-page.php' ) {
add_action( 'mysite_head', create_function('','echo "<style type=\"text/css\">#footer{display:none;}</style>";') );
add_filter( 'mysite_disable_breadcrumb', create_function('','return true;') );
remove_action( 'mysite_after_header', 'mysite_primary_menu' );
remove_action( "mysite_header", 'mysite_primary_menu' );
remove_action( 'mysite_before_footer', 'mysite_footer_teaser' );
remove_action( 'mysite_footer', 'mysite_main_footer' );
function mysite_additional_image_sizes( $img_sizes, $img_layout ) {
global $mysite;
if( is_single() || is_page() )
$img_sizes = 'one_column_blog';
if( $img_sizes == 'one_column_blog' ) {
if( isset( $mysite->layout['additional_images']['one_column_blog_full'] ) && $img_layout == 'images' )
return array( 'img_sizes' => 'one_column_blog_full', 'img_layout' => 'additional_images' );
if( isset( $mysite->layout['additional_images']['one_column_blog_big'] ) && $img_layout == 'big_sidebar_images' )
return array( 'img_sizes' => 'one_column_blog_big', 'img_layout' => 'additional_images' );
if( isset( $mysite->layout['additional_images']['one_column_blog_small'] ) && $img_layout == 'small_sidebar_images' )
return array( 'img_sizes' => 'one_column_blog_small', 'img_layout' => 'additional_images' );
if( $img_sizes == 'two_column_blog' ) {
if( isset( $mysite->layout['additional_images']['two_column_blog_full'] ) && $img_layout == 'images' )
return array( 'img_sizes' => 'two_column_blog_full', 'img_layout' => 'additional_images' );
if( isset( $mysite->layout['additional_images']['two_column_blog_big'] ) && $img_layout == 'big_sidebar_images' )
return array( 'img_sizes' => 'two_column_blog_big', 'img_layout' => 'additional_images' );
if( isset( $mysite->layout['additional_images']['two_column_blog_small'] ) && $img_layout == 'small_sidebar_images' )
return array( 'img_sizes' => 'two_column_blog_small', 'img_layout' => 'additional_images' );
return false;
function mysite_custom_search( $query ) {
if ( $query->is_search )
$query->set( 'post_type', 'any' );
return $query;
function mysite_valid_ip( $ip ) {
return preg_match( "/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $ip );
function mysite_is_mobile_device() {
global $mysite;
# If responsive is disabled don't go any further
$responsive_options = apply_atomic( 'responsive', mysite_get_setting( 'responsive_options' ) );
if( $responsive_options == 'disable' ) return;
# Supported & Unsupported moblie devices array()
$mobile_device = array(
'supported' => array(
'iPhone', // iPhone
'iPod', // iPod touch
'iPad', // iPad
'incognito', // iPhone alt browser
'webmate', // iPhone alt browser
'Android', // Android
'dream', // Android
'CUPCAKE', // Android
'froyo', // Android
'BlackBerry9500', // Storm 1
'BlackBerry9520', // Storm 1
'BlackBerry9530', // Storm 2
'BlackBerry9550', // Storm 2
'BlackBerry 9800', // Torch
'BlackBerry 9850', // Torch 2
'BlackBerry 9860', // Torch 2
'BlackBerry 9780', // Bold 3
'webOS', // Palm Pre/Pixi
's8000', // Samsung s8000
'bada', // Samsung Bada Phone
"IEMobile/7.0", // Windows Phone OS 7
'Googlebot-Mobile', // Google's mobile Crawler
'AdsBot-Google' // Google's Ad Bot Crawler
'exclusion' => array(
'SCH-I800', // Samsung Galaxy Tab
'Xoom', // Motorola Xoom tablet
'P160U' // HP TouchPad
# Get user agent accessing the page
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
#$user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.10';
#$user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5';
# Get custom user agents
$custom_user_agents = mysite_get_setting( 'custom_user_agents' );
if( !empty( $custom_user_agents ) ) {
$custom_user_agents = explode( ',', $custom_user_agents );
$mobile_device['supported'] = array_merge( $custom_user_agents, $mobile_device['supported'] );
# Allow users to filter mobile device supported & exclusion list
$mobile_device_supported = apply_atomic( 'mobile_supported', $mobile_device['supported'] );
$mobile_device_exclusion = apply_atomic( 'mobile_exclusion', $mobile_device['exclusion'] );
# See if user agent is supported
foreach( $mobile_device_supported as $agent ) {
$agent = preg_quote( $agent );
if ( preg_match( "#$agent#i", $user_agent ) ) {
$mobile_agent = true;
# See if user agent is in exclusion list
foreach( $mobile_device_exclusion as $exclude_agent ) {
$exclude_agent = preg_quote( $exclude_agent );
if ( preg_match( "#$exclude_agent#i", $user_agent ) ) {
$mobile_agent = false;
if ( !$mobile_agent ) {
# Declare $mysite->mobile variable if user agent is supported
$mysite->mobile = strtolower( $agent );
function mysite_is_responsive() {
global $mysite;
if( apply_atomic( 'responsive', mysite_get_setting( 'responsive_options' ) ) == 'site' || isset( $mysite->mobile ) ) {
$mysite->responsive = true;
add_filter( 'mysite_slider_type', create_function('','return "responsive_slider";') );
function mysite_fitvids() {
global $mysite;
if( isset( $mysite->responsive ) ) {
?><script type="text/javascript">
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function mysite_ios_rotate() {
global $mysite;
if( ( isset( $mysite->mobile ) ) && ( $mysite->mobile == 'iphone' || $mysite->mobile == 'ipad' || $mysite->mobile == 'ipod' ) ) {
?><script type="text/javascript">
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var viewportmeta = document.querySelectorAll('meta[name="viewport"]')[0];
if (viewportmeta) {
viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0';
document.body.addEventListener('gesturestart', function() {
viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6';
}, false);
/* ]]> */
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