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Created May 15, 2020 01:37
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Frida Script to automatically redirect all through a proxy of your choosing
// Frida Script to automatically redirect all through a proxy of your choosing
setImmediate(function() {
Java.perform(function() {
var url = Java.use("");
var proxyTypeI = Java.use('$Type');
var inetSockAddrWrap = Java.use("");
var proxy = Java.use('');
url.$init.overload('java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0) {
console.log("[*] Created new URL with value: " + var0 +"\n");
return this.$init(var0);
url.openConnection.overload().implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Created new URL connection\n");
console.log("A - calling Proxy.Type.valueOf('HTTP')");
var proxyTypeImpl = proxyTypeI.valueOf("HTTP");
console.log("ProxyType:" + proxyTypeImpl);
catch(e){console.log("caught:" + e);}*/
//console.log("B - Creating wrapper");
console.log("B - iNSTANTIATING ");
var inetSockAddrImpl = inetSockAddrWrap.$new("whatever.proxy.address.blah",8080)
var proxyImpl;
console.log("C - Creating Proxy wrapper");
//var proxyImpl1 = proxy.$new();
console.log("ProxyType:" + proxyTypeI.HTTP);
console.log("InetSockAddr:" + inetSockAddrImpl);
proxyImpl = proxy.$new(proxyTypeI.valueOf('HTTP'), inetSockAddrImpl);
console.log("D - Returning Proxy wrapper");
return this.openConnection(proxyImpl);
url.openConnection.overload('').implementation = function (var0) {
console.log("[*] Created new URL connection with proxy value: " + var0 +"\n");
return this.openConnection(var0);
var URLConnection = Java.use("");
URLConnection.connect.implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Connect called.\n");
URLConnection.getContent.overload().implementation = function () {
var content = this.getContent();
console.log("[*] Get content called. Content: " + content + "\n");
return content;
URLConnection.getContentType.implementation = function () {
var contentType = this.getContentType();
console.log("[*] Get content type called. Content type: " + contentType + "\n");
return contentType;
URLConnection.getContentLength.implementation = function () {
var contentLength = this.getContentLength();
console.log("[*] Get content length called. Content length: " + contentLength + "\n");
return contentLength;
URLConnection.getContentLengthLong.implementation = function () {
var contentLengthLong = this.getContentLengthLong();
console.log("[*] Get content length long called. Content length long: " + contentLengthLong + "\n");
return contentLengthLong;
URLConnection.getContentEncoding.implementation = function () {
var contentEncoding = this.getContentEncoding();
console.log("[*] Get content encoding called. Content encoding: " + contentEncoding + "\n");
return contentEncoding;
URLConnection.getDate.implementation = function () {
var contentDate = this.getDate();
console.log("[*] Get date called. Date: " + contentDate + "\n");
return contentDate;
URLConnection.getExpiration.implementation = function () {
var contentExpiration = this.getExpiration();
console.log("[*] Get expiration called. Expiration: " + contentExpiration + "\n");
return contentExpiration;
URLConnection.getLastModified.implementation = function () {
var lastModified = this.getLastModified();
console.log("[*] Get last modified called. Value: " + lastModified + "\n");
return lastModified;
URLConnection.getInputStream.implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Get input stream called.\n");
return this.getInputStream;
URLConnection.setDoOutput.overload('boolean').implementation = function (var0) {
console.log("[*] URLConnection.setDoOutput called with value: " + var0 + ".\n");
URLConnection.setDoInput.overload('boolean').implementation = function (var0) {
console.log("[*] URLConnection.setDoInput called with value: " + var0 + ".\n");
var httpURLConnection = Java.use("");
httpURLConnection.setRequestMethod.overload('java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0) {
console.log("[*] Set request method called: " + var0 + "\n");
httpURLConnection.setRequestMethod.overload('java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0) {
console.log("[*] Set request method called: " + var0 + "\n");
httpURLConnection.connect.implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Connect called.\n");
httpURLConnection.disconnect.implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Disconnect called.\n");
httpURLConnection.getResponseCode.implementation = function () {
var responseCode = this.getResponseCode();
console.log("[*] Get response code called: " + responseCode + "\n");
return responseCode;
var httpsURLConnection = Java.use("");
httpsURLConnection.setRequestMethod.overload('java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0) {
console.log("[*] Set request method called: " + var0 + "\n");
httpsURLConnection.connect.implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Connect called.\n");
httpsURLConnection.disconnect.implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Disconnect called.\n");
httpsURLConnection.getResponseCode.implementation = function () {
var responseCode = this.getResponseCode();
console.log("[*] Get response code called: " + responseCode + "\n");
return responseCode;
httpsURLConnection.setRequestProperty.overload('java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0, var1) {
console.log("[*] URLConnection.setRequestProperty called with key: " + var0 + " and value: " + var1 + ".\n");
this.setRequestProperty(var0, var1);
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