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Last active July 31, 2022 23:35
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# ./ bitcoin-qt.crashdump.core
# __ _ _ __ ___ __ ____ ____
# / ( \/ )/ _\ / __)/ _\/ ___(_ )
# ( O ) (/ ( (_ / \___ \ )(
# \__(_/\_\_/\_/\___\_/\_(____/(__)
# Donations:
# btc: 34fDhMUkvGVr1s2jQvhwmBfw1xqjstrLed
# Tested on Bitcoin Core version v0.18.0 (64-bit)
# A utility to recover a bitcoin wallet.dat
# from coredumps.
# By oxagast / Marshall Whittaker
# Notes:
# This was tested on linux x86_64 crash dumps.
# When loading the recovered files, you may
# have to try to load it more than once.
# You'll probably get an error about missing
# address book information.
# Adjusting the CLEN variable (wallet size in
# characters) may help if the wallet is not
# recovered.
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "You must enter the core dump file as the only argument."
exit 1;
echo "Attempting to recover wallet.dat from $COREFN";
echo "Using wallet length: $CLEN characters... (adjusting CLEN may help if wallet is not recovered)";
if test -f "$COREFN"; then
echo "Grepping for magic numbers...";
xxd $COREFN | grep "6231 0500" > walletoffsets;
if [ `cat walletoffsets | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Cannot recover from this file.";
echo "Sorry!";
rm walletoffsets;
exit 1;
while read START; do
let "COUNT++"
POFF=$(echo $START | sed -e 's/.*b1//' | head -n $COUNT | tail -n 1 | wc -c)
POFFH=$(printf "%x\n" $POFF);
OFFSET=$(echo $START | sed -e 's/:.*//');
echo "Offset: $OFFSET Difference: $POFFH";
HEXSUBBED=$(printf "0x%X\n" $(($OFFSET - ( $POFFH - 0x03))));
echo "Seeking to $HEXSUBBED...";
xxd -p -l $CLEN --seek $HEXSUBBED $COREFN > test$COUNT.xxd
echo "Writing new wallet: test$COUNT.dat...";
xxd -p -r test$COUNT.xxd > test$COUNT.dat;
xxd test$COUNT.dat | head -n 1;
done < walletoffsets;
echo "Removing temporary files";
rm test*.xxd;
rm walletoffsets;
echo "Now try to load each of the test dat files."
echo "Sometimes they need to be loaded twice.";
echo "Ignore any errors about addressbook being courrupted.";
exit 0;
echo "File doesn't exist...";
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