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Created October 16, 2021 09:57
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Script serializer
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Control.Monad (ap)
data Script a = Script { genScript :: Int -> (Int, [Operation], a) }
instance Functor Script where
fmap f (Script gen) = Script $ fmap f . gen
instance Applicative Script where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Script where
return x = Script $ \regs -> (regs, [], x)
s >>= f = Script genRet where
genRet regs = (regs'', ops1 ++ ops2, val2) where
(regs', ops1, val1) = genScript s regs
(regs'', ops2, val2) = genScript (f val1) regs'
data Operation
= OGetArg Int String
| OReturn Int
| OIntPure Int Integer
| OIntAdd Int Int Int
| OIntMul Int Int Int
instance Show Operation where
show (OGetArg o s ) = printf "%%%d <- arg '%s'" o s
show (OReturn i ) = printf "return %%%d" i
show (OIntPure o x ) = printf "%%%d <- $%d" o x
show (OIntAdd o a b) = printf "%%%d <- %%%d + %%%d" o a b
show (OIntMul o a b) = printf "%%%d <- %%%d * %%%d" o a b
class SType a where
var :: a -> Script a
data SInt
= SPure Integer
| SRef Int
| SAdd SInt SInt
| SMul SInt SInt
instance SType SInt where
var (SPure x) = Script $ \regs -> (regs + 1, [OIntPure regs x], SRef regs)
var (SRef x) = pure $ SRef x
var (SAdd a b) = do
a' <- var a
b' <- var b
case (a', b') of
(SRef a'', SRef b'') -> Script $ \regs -> (regs + 1, [OIntAdd regs a'' b''], SRef regs)
_ -> undefined
var (SMul a b) = do
a' <- var a
b' <- var b
case (a', b') of
(SRef a'', SRef b'') -> Script $ \regs -> (regs + 1, [OIntMul regs a'' b''], SRef regs)
_ -> undefined
getArg :: String -> Script SInt
getArg arg = Script $ \regs -> (regs + 1, [OGetArg regs arg], SRef regs)
data SerializedScript = SerializedScript { regs :: Int, ops :: [Operation] }
instance Show SerializedScript where
show (SerializedScript regs ops) =
printf "; registers: %d\n%s" regs (concat $ map (\s -> show s ++ "\n") ops)
serializeScript :: Script SInt -> SerializedScript
serializeScript s = SerializedScript regs ops' where
(regs, ops, SRef v) = genScript (s >>= var) 0
ops' = ops ++ [OReturn v]
script :: Script SInt
script = do
a <- getArg "foo"
b <- getArg "bar"
-- c <- var $ a * 2 + b + 1 -- If using RebindableSyntax.
c <- var $ SAdd (SAdd (SMul a (SPure 2)) b) (SPure 1)
pure $ SAdd c c
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ser = serializeScript script
-- runScript ser (M.fromList [("foo", 20), ("bar", 1)])
print ser
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