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Created September 27, 2012 18:24
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MPExtended StreamingProfiles.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StreamingProfiles xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
WARNING: Please note that changes to this file will be overwritten on a MPExtended update.
<!-- Direct profile -->
<Description>Direct streaming profile (no transcoding)</Description>
<TranscoderParameters />
<!-- Android FFMpeg profiles -->
<Name>Android FFmpeg HD</Name>
<Description>HD-quality Android profile based on ffmpeg</Description>
<codecParameters>-codec:v libx264 -b:v 1768k -profile:v baseline -preset:v faster -coder rle -codec:a aac -b:a 512k -ac 2 -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts</codecParameters>
<Name>Android FFmpeg ultra HQ</Name>
<Description>Ultra high-quality Android profile based on ffmpeg</Description>
<codecParameters>-codec:v libx264 -b:v 1024k -profile:v baseline -preset:v veryfast -coder rle -codec:a aac -b:a 256k -ac 2 -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts</codecParameters>
<Name>Android FFmpeg HQ</Name>
<Description>High-quality Android profile based on ffmpeg</Description>
<codecParameters>-codec:v libx264 -b:v 768k -profile:v baseline -preset:v superfast -coder rle -codec:a aac -b:a 128k -ac 2 -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts</codecParameters>
<Name>Android FFmpeg medium</Name>
<Description>Medium-quality Android profile based on ffmpeg</Description>
<codecParameters>-codec:v libx264 -b:v 512k -profile:v baseline -preset:v superfast -coder rle -codec:a aac -b:a 128k -ac 2 -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts</codecParameters>
<Name>Android FFmpeg LQ</Name>
<Description>Low-quality Android profile based on ffmpeg</Description>
<codecParameters>-codec:v libx264 -b:v 256k -profile:v baseline -preset:v ultrafast -coder rle -codec:a aac -b:a 64k -ac 2 -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts</codecParameters>
<Name>Android FFmpeg ultra LQ</Name>
<Description>Ultra low-quality Android profile based on ffmpeg</Description>
<codecParameters>-codec:v libx264 -b:v 128k -profile:v baseline -preset:v ultrafast -coder rle -codec:a aac -b:a 48k -ac 2 -strict experimental -async 1 -sn -f mpegts</codecParameters>
<!-- Direct profile for Android -->
<Name>Android VLC direct</Name>
<Description>Direct Android profile based on VLC</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<!-- Android VLC profiles -->
<Name>Android VLC HD</Name>
<Description>HD-quality Android profile based on VLC</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Android VLC ultra HQ</Name>
<Description>Ultra high-quality Android profile based on VLC</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Android VLC HQ</Name>
<Description>High-quality Android profile based on VLC</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Android VLC medium</Name>
<Description>Medium-quality Android profile based on VLC</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Android VLC LQ</Name>
<Description>Low-quality Android profile based on VLC</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Android VLC ultra LQ</Name>
<Description>Ultra low-quality Android profile based on VLC</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<!-- HTTP Live Streaming -->
<Name>HTTP Live Streaming HD</Name>
<Description>HD-quality HTTP Live Streaming profile</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>HTTP Live Streaming ultra HQ</Name>
<Description>Ultra high-quality HTTP Live Streaming profile</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>HTTP Live Streaming HQ</Name>
<Description>High-quality HTTP Live Streaming profile</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>HTTP Live Streaming medium</Name>
<Description>Medium-quality HTTP Live Streaming profile</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>HTTP Live Streaming LQ</Name>
<Description>Low-quality HTTP Live Streaming profile</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>HTTP Live Streaming ultra LQ</Name>
<Description>Ultra low-quality HTTP Live Streaming profile</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<!-- Flash streaming for WebMediaPortal -->
<Name>Flash HD</Name>
<Description>HD-quality flash profile for WebMediaPortal</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Flash HQ</Name>
<Description>High-quality flash profile for WebMediaPortal</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Flash medium</Name>
<Description>Medium-quality flash profile for WebMediaPortal</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Flash LQ</Name>
<Description>Low-quality flash profile for WebMediaPortal</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<Name>Flash Ultra LQ</Name>
<Description>Ultra low-quality flash profile for WebMediaPortal</Description>
<options>--ffmpeg-hw --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2</options>
<!-- Audio-only streaming for WebMediaPortal -->
<Name>Audio-only (MP3)</Name>
<Description>Audio-only (MP3) profile for WebMediaPortal</Description>
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