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Created October 10, 2018 11:37
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Using scalaz ZIO to provide a transactional database commit
import java.sql.{Connection, SQLException}
import javax.sql.DataSource
import scalaz.zio.{IO, KleisliIO}
object Transactions {
sealed abstract class Isolation(private[Transactions] val i: Int)
object Isolation {
case object Serialized
extends Isolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE)
case object None extends Isolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE)
case object ReadCommitted
extends Isolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED)
case object ReadUncommitted
extends Isolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED)
case object RepeatableRead
extends Isolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ)
def runTransaction[E, A](
ds: DataSource,
f: KleisliIO[E, Connection, A],
log: String => IO[Nothing, Unit],
i: Isolation = Isolation.Serialized
): IO[E, A] = {
val acquire = IO.sync(ds.getConnection)
val release = (conn: Connection) => IO.sync(conn.close())
IO.bracket[E, Connection, A](acquire)(release) { conn =>
/* Action to set autoCommit status */
val setAutoCommit =
if (i == Isolation.None) IO.unit else IO.sync(conn.setAutoCommit(false))
/* Action to set isolation status */
val setTransactionIsolation = IO.sync(conn.setTransactionIsolation(i.i))
/* Action to commit the transaction */
val commit =
if (i == Isolation.None) IO.unit
else {
log(s"Committing transaction $conn ...") *> IO.sync(conn.commit())
/* Action to rollback the transaction */
val rollback =
if (i == Isolation.None) IO.unit
else {
log(s"Rolling back transaction $conn ...") *> IO.sync(conn.rollback())
for {
/* getAndSet connection state */
oldIsolation <- IO.sync(conn.getTransactionIsolation) <* setTransactionIsolation
oldAutoCommit <- IO.sync(conn.getAutoCommit) <* setAutoCommit
/* The reset action (which can fail) */
reset = IO.syncCatch({
}) {
case e: SQLException => e
/* Run and commit the transaction, rolling back on
error and attempting to place it in its original state */
a <- ( <* commit)
.onError(r =>
log(s"Transaction failed on $conn with $r") *> rollback.attempt
.flatMap {
case Left(t) => log(s"Failure during rollback of $conn: $t")
case Right(_) => IO.unit
.ensuring(reset.attempt.flatMap {
case Left(t) =>
log(s"Unable to reset state of transaction $conn: $t")
case Right(_) => IO.unit
} yield a
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There's a lot you could do using the KleisliIO combinators here, e.g.

getAutoCommit &&& getTransactionIsolation : KleisliIO[E, Connection, (Boolean, Isolation)]

Perhaps you want to expose your errors in the form of an NonEmptyList of a custom ADT, so that you can get rid of log, it doesn't really feel at home there?

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