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Created January 18, 2013 12:36
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import scalaz._;import Scalaz._; import concurrent._
/* Imagine you have some expensive calculations you wish to make: */
trait RawApi {
def expensiveInt: Int = Int.MaxValue
def expensiveString: String = "expensive"
/* You wish to write a program using this API */
case class Result(i: Int, s: String)
trait Program {
val run = Result(_ : Int, _ : String)
/* Now you want your program to run concurrently but you wish to test it single threaded. You need
to lift you expensive values into the computation typeclasses. What are they? */
trait ApiM[M[_]] { self: RawApi =>
def expensiveIntM(implicit Pure: Pure[M]): M[Int] = Pure.pure(self.expensiveInt)
def expensiveStringM(implicit Pure: Pure[M]): M[String] = Pure.pure(self.expensiveString)
class ProgramM[M[_]: Monad: Functor] extends ApiM[M] with RawApi with Program {
def calc: M[Result] = (expensiveIntM <**> expensiveStringM)(run)
val SingleThreadedProgram = new ProgramM[Identity]
val ConcurrentProgram = new ProgramM[Promise]
val r: Result = SingleThreadedProgram.calc
val f: Promise[Result] = ConcurrentProgram.calc //can send to an actor to process when ready (f to actor[Result] { println } )
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