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Created November 1, 2015 07:36
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touhou clock html5 demo
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html, body {
background: #aaa;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
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#t, #m, .s, .v1, .v2 {
width: 640px;
height: 480px;
#t {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
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z-index: 9;
color: #333;
padding: 3em 0.5em;
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overflow: hidden;
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transform: translateX(100%);
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transform: translateX(-100%);
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transform: none;
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transform: none;
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<div class="s">T.H.C</div>
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function timer(fn, tick, current, offset) {
current = current || 0
offset = offset || 0
return function(time) {
if (time + offset > current + tick)
fn(current += tick)
function next(list) {
list.index = (list.index || 0) + 1
return list[list.index % list.length]
function loadSource(callback) {
// TODO: load this from somewhere
var srcs = { }
'a/sound/mp3|v/video/mp4'.split('|').map(function(t) {
return t.split('/')
}).forEach(function(t) {
srcs[ t[0] ] = '123456789'.split('').map(function(j){
return '' + t[1] + '/cn/0000' + j + '.' + t[2]
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
loadSource(function(srcs) {
var timers = [ ],
classes = 'ijkl'.split(''),
audio = $('#a')[0],
video = $('.v2')[0],
gensokyo =
{ c:'white', n:'GENSOKYO', h:'幻想鄉' },
places = [
{ c:'rgb(221, 156, 231)', n:'HAKUGYOKURO', h:'白玉楼' },
{ c:'rgb( 75, 0, 130)', n:'EIENTEI', h:'永远亭' },
function showMask(time) {
$('#m').children().eq(time % 10).css('z-index', 2).addClass('show')
function playVideo(time) {
var v1 = $('.v1'), v2 = $('.v2')
v1[0].src = next(srcs.v)
v2[0].currentTime = 0
function updateMask(time) {
var place = places[Math.floor(Math.random() * places.length)]
$('#m').children().removeClass(classes.join(' ')).each(function(i, e) {
.find('.t').html('<div>' +
'<big>' + (499514 + time + i) + '</big><br />' +
'<span>' + place.n + ' / ' + gensokyo.n + '</span><br />' +
'<span>' + place.h + ' / ' + gensokyo.h + '</span>' +
$('.i, .k').css('color', place.c).css('background', gensokyo.c)
$('.j, .l').css('color', gensokyo.c).css('background', place.c)
function resetMask(time) {
var m = $('#m').children().last().css('z-index', 1)
setTimeout(function() { }, 1000)
function resetVideo(time) {
$(audio).on('loadstart', function(e) {
timers = [
timer(showMask, 1),
timer(resetVideo, 10, -8),
timer(playVideo, 10, -5),
timer(updateMask, 10, -4),
timer(resetMask, 10, -4),
$(audio).on('ended', function(e) {
audio.src = next(srcs.a)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500)
$(window).on('orientationchange', function(e) {
var tooWide = window.innerWidth * 480 > window.innerHeight * 640,
width = tooWide ? window.innerHeight / 480 * 640 : window.innerWidth,
height = tooWide ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth / 640 * 480
$('#t, #m, .s, .v1, .v2').width(width).height(height)
requestAnimationFrame(function update() {
timers.forEach(function(fn) {
fn(audio.currentTime + 0.2)
setTimeout(function(){ $('#t').show() }, 10)
// go!
video.src = next(srcs.v)
audio.src = next(srcs.a)
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