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Last active May 23, 2020 08:02
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Picture Brush Paint

Picture Brush Paint



  • 画像をブラシにして描画できるペイントアプリケーション
  • 描画する画像の大きさ(scale), 画像と画像の間隔(gap)が変更可能
  • png, jpg, gif画像を読み込むことができ、さらにgif動画の場合は、動く


#include <Siv3D.hpp> // OpenSiv3D v0.4.3
struct AnimationImage
Array<Image> images;
Array<Texture> textures_prev;
// フレームの時間
Array<int32> delays;
int32 duration = 0;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept
return !images.isEmpty();
Size size() const noexcept
if (!images)
return Size(0, 0);
return images.front().size();
size_t frames() const noexcept
return images.size();
size_t getFrameIndex(int32 timeMillisec) const noexcept
return AnimatedGIFReader::MillisecToIndex(timeMillisec, delays, duration);
const Image& getImage(int32 timeMillisec) const noexcept
return images[getFrameIndex(timeMillisec)];
const Texture& getPreviewTexture(int32 timeMillisec) const noexcept
return textures_prev[getFrameIndex(timeMillisec)];
void Main()
Window::SetTitle(U"Picture Brush Paint");
const Font font(24);
Image original;
Texture previewTex;
Image prev(100, 100, Palette::Gray);
previewTex = Texture(prev);
Image brushPic;
constexpr Size canvasSize(600, 600);
Image image(canvasSize, Palette::White);
DynamicTexture tex(image);
Point from = Point(0, 0);
Point to = Point(0, 0);
double gap = 0.4 / 0.9;
double scale = 1.0;
Optional<AnimationImage> animation;
while (System::Update())
// Animation
const int32 timeMillisec = static_cast<int32>(Scene::Time() * 1000);
if (animation)
brushPic = animation->getImage(timeMillisec).scaled(scale);
// File Dropped
if (DragDrop::HasNewFilePaths())
String path = DragDrop::GetDroppedFilePaths()[0].path;
String ext = FileSystem::Extension(path);
animation = none;
original = Image();
if (ext == U"gif")
// GIF ファイルを開く
const AnimatedGIFReader gif(path);
if (gif)
Array<Image> images;
animation = AnimationImage();
// GIF アニメーションを読み込み
if (, animation->delays, animation->duration))
animation->images = Array<Image>(images);
double s = images.front().width() > images.front().height() ? 100.0 / images.front().width() : 100.0 / images.front().height();
Point p = { (int)(50 - images.front().width() * s / 2.0), (int)(50 - images.front().height() * s / 2.0) };
animation->textures_prev =[s, p](const Image& i)
Image prev(100, 100, Palette::Gray);
i.scaled(s).paint(prev, p);
return Texture(prev);
animation = none;
if (ext == U"png" || ext == U"jpeg" || ext == U"jpg" || (!animation && ext == U"gif"))
original = Image(path);
brushPic = original.scaled(scale);
Image prev(100, 100, Palette::Gray);
double s = original.width() > original.height() ? 100.0 / original.width() : 100.0 / original.height();
Point p = { (int)(50 - original.width() * s / 2.0), (int)(50 - original.height() * s / 2.0) };
original.scaled(s).paint(prev, p);
previewTex = Texture(prev);
// MouseL pressed
if (MouseL.down())
from = Cursor::Pos();
if (animation || original)
brushPic.paint(image, from.movedBy(-brushPic.size() / 2));
// MouseL pressing
if (MouseL.pressed())
to = Cursor::Pos();
if (animation || original)
double dist = from.distanceFrom(to);
double l = Min(brushPic.width(), brushPic.height()) * (0.9 * gap + 0.1);
if (dist > l)
brushPic.paint(image, to.movedBy(-brushPic.size() / 2));
from = to;
// Clear
if (SimpleGUI::Button(U"Clear", Vec2(640, 20), 120))
// Save
if (SimpleGUI::Button(U"Save", Vec2(640, 70), 120))
auto path = Dialog::SaveImage();
if (path)
// Gap
font(U"gap:").draw(Vec2(640, 125));
font((0.9 * gap + 0.1)).draw(Vec2(640, 155));
SimpleGUI::Slider(gap, Vec2(640, 190), 120);
// Scale
font(U"scale:").draw(Vec2(640, 240));
font((0.9 * scale + 0.1)).draw(Vec2(640, 265));
if (SimpleGUI::Slider(scale, Vec2(640, 300), 120))
if (original)
brushPic = original.scaled(scale);
// Brush preview
font(U"brush:").draw(Vec2(640, 380));
if (animation)
Rect(650, 420, 100, 100)(animation->getPreviewTexture(timeMillisec)).draw();
Rect(650, 420, 100, 100)(previewTex).draw();
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