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Last active February 1, 2018 12:17
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Some frequently used bindings for CAMS
# Handy bindings when developing the CAMS gateway integration.
# Most of the bindings are for the `opts`
# Instructions
# Just rename this file to `.iex.exs` and save it in either,
# 1. the gringotts root directory
# 2. your applications root directory
# essentially the place where you launch your `iex` sessions via `iex -S mix`.
alias Gringotts.{CreditCard, Response, Address}
alias Gringotts.Gateways.Cams
auth = %{
username: "testintegrationc",
password: "password9"
address = %{
name: "Jim Smith",
address1: "456 My Street",
address2: "Apt 1",
company: "Widgets Inc",
city: "Ottawa",
state: "ON",
zip: "K1C2N6",
country: "US",
phone: "(555)555-5555",
fax: "(555)555-6666"
opts = [config: auth, billing_address: address, order_id: 124]
card = %CreditCard{first_name: "Harry",
last_name: "Potter",
number: "4111111111111111",
year: 2099,
month: 12,
verification_code: "999",
brand: "VISA"}
money =, :USD)
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