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Last active October 29, 2020 22:04
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import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
public class AESCBCDecryption {
static final String cipher_type = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding";
public static void main(String[] args) {
String key = "57067125438768260656188878670043";
String iv = "5706712543876826";
String data = "dd3364461dbca39ddb5eb32e9f11b81f000acac9ce8b91369f8bf7e4a88787785a8cc498c85ea20370e68f0e7014e92a2" +
byte[] enc = decodeHexString(data);
byte[] dec = decode(key, iv, enc);
byte[] dec2= decode(key, iv, decodeHexString(new String(dec)));
System.out.println(new String(dec2));
public static byte[] decode(String skey, String iv, byte[] data) {
return process(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skey, iv, data);
private static byte[] process(int mode, String skey, String iv, byte[] data) {
SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(skey.getBytes(), "AES");
IvParameterSpec param = new IvParameterSpec(iv.getBytes());
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipher_type);
cipher.init(mode, key, param);
return cipher.doFinal(data);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static byte[] decodeHexString(String hexString) {
if(hexString.length() % 2 != 0){
hexString = addLeadingZeros(hexString.length() + 1, hexString);
byte[] bytes = new byte[hexString.length() / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < hexString.length(); i += 2) {
bytes[i / 2] = hexToByte(hexString.substring(i, i + 2));
return bytes;
private static String addLeadingZeros(int count, String hexString) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (count-- > 0){
return sb.toString();
public static byte hexToByte(String hexString) {
int firstDigit = toDigit(hexString.charAt(0));
int secondDigit = toDigit(hexString.charAt(1));
return (byte) ((firstDigit << 4) + secondDigit);
private static int toDigit(char hexChar) {
int digit = Character.digit(hexChar, 16);
if(digit == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid Hexadecimal Character: "+ hexChar);
return digit;
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