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Created March 6, 2021 22:34
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.28;
use warnings;
use experimental qw(signatures);
use Data::Printer;
use Encode qw(encode);
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;
use Interpolation E => 'eval';
use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Path::Tiny;
my ($opt, $usage) = describe_options(
'%c %o',
['debug|d', "print extra stuff"],
['domain=s', 'the api to connect to', {default => ''}],
['help|h', "print usage message and exit", {shortcircuit => 1}],
['refresh', "read from api and write to files"],
['verbose|v', "print extra stuff"],
die $usage->text if $opt->help;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $people = get_people($ua, $opt);
p $people if $opt->verbose;
sub get_people($ua, $opt) {
my $path = path 'people.json';
if ($path->is_file and not $opt->refresh) {
warn "Getting people from the file '$path'\n" if $opt->debug;
my $json = $path->slurp;
my $people = decode_json $json;
return $people;
warn "Getting people from the API\n" if $opt->debug;
my $rosters = get_rosters($ua, $opt);
my %people;
for my $team (keys $rosters->%*) {
for my $player (keys $rosters->{$team}->%*) {
my $url = Mojo::URL->new("$E{$opt->domain}/api/v1/people/$rosters->{$team}{$player}");
my $json = $ua->get($url)->result->json;
my %person;
for my $person ($json->{people}->@*) {
$person{lastName} = encode('UTF-8', $person->{lastName});
$person{nationality} = $person->{nationality};
$people{$team}{$player} = \%person;
$path->spew(encode_json \%people);
return \%people;
sub get_rosters($ua, $opt) {
my $path = path 'rosters.json';
if ($path->is_file and not $opt->refresh) {
warn "Getting rosters from the file '$path'\n" if $opt->debug;
my $json = $path->slurp;
my $rosters = decode_json $json;
return $rosters;
warn "Getting rosters from the API\n" if $opt->debug;
my $teams = get_teams($ua, $opt);
my %rosters;
for my $team (keys $teams->%*) {
my $url = Mojo::URL->new("$E{$opt->domain}/api/v1/teams/$teams->{$team}/roster");
my $json = $ua->get($url)->result->json;
my %roster = map {
encode('UTF-8', $_->{person}{fullName}) => $_->{person}{id}
} $json->{roster}->@*;
$rosters{$team} = \%roster;
$path->spew(encode_json \%rosters);
return \%rosters;
sub get_teams($ua, $opt) {
my $path = path 'teams.json';
if ($path->is_file and not $opt->refresh) {
warn "Getting teams from the file '$path'\n" if $opt->debug;
my $json = $path->slurp;
my $teams = decode_json $json;
return $teams;
warn "Getting teams from the API\n" if $opt->debug;
my $url = Mojo::URL->new("$E{$opt->domain}/api/v1/teams");
my $json = $ua->get($url)->result->json;
my %teams = map {$_->{abbreviation} => $_->{id}} $json->{teams}->@*;
$path->spew(encode_json \%teams);
return \%teams;
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