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Created June 5, 2016 12:17
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static System.String;
namespace Soundex
public class Encoder
private const int MaxEncodedLength = 4;
private const string InvalidDigit = "*";
class EncodingResult
public EncodingResult(string curr, string prev)
Curr = curr;
Prev = prev;
public string Curr { get; }
public string Prev { get; }
public bool IsValidEncoding => Curr != InvalidDigit;
private readonly Dictionary<char, int> _digitValues = new Dictionary<char, int>{
{'b', 1}, {'f', 1}, {'p', 1}, {'v', 1},
{'c', 2}, {'g', 2}, {'j', 2}, {'k', 2}, {'q', 2},
{'d', 3}, {'t', 3},
{'l', 4},
{'m', 5}, {'n', 5},
{'r', 6}
private string ConvertCharcterToNumber(char c)
c = char.ToLower(c);
return !_digitValues.ContainsKey(c) ? InvalidDigit : _digitValues[c].ToString();
private EncodingResult EncodeCharacter(string word, char ch, int index)
if (index == 0)
return new EncodingResult(char.ToUpper(ch).ToString(), InvalidDigit);
return new EncodingResult(ConvertCharcterToNumber(ch), ConvertCharcterToNumber(word[index - 1]));
public string Encode(string word)
if (IsNullOrEmpty(word))
return Empty;
return word
.Select((ch, index) => EncodeCharacter(word, ch, index))
.Where((encodedChar, index) =>
encodedChar.IsValidEncoding && encodedChar.Curr != encodedChar.Prev)
.Select(arg => arg.Curr)
.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("0", MaxEncodedLength))
.Aggregate((i, j) => i + j);
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oz-code commented Jun 5, 2016

Soundex algorithm using LINQ. Used to test LINQ debuggin with OzCode

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