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How to run use "bazaarvoice/cloudformation-ruby-dsl" to generate cloudformation template

I was recommended to use github repository bazaarvoice/cloudformation-ruby-dsl to generate cloudformation template. But its README is not good enough.

Here are the steps on how to use it on my mac with bundler

$ git clone
$ cd cloudformation-ruby-dsl
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake -T
rake build          # Build cloudformation-ruby-dsl-1.0.4.gem into the pkg directory
rake install        # Build and install cloudformation-ruby-dsl-1.0.4.gem into system gems
rake install:local  # Build and install cloudformation-ruby-dsl-1.0.4.gem into system g...
rake release        # Create tag v1.0.4 and build and push cloudformation-ruby-dsl-1.0....

$ bundle exec rake build
cloudformation-ruby-dsl 1.0.4 built to pkg/cloudformation-ruby-dsl-1.0.4.gem.

$ bundle exec cfntemplate-to-ruby --help
usage: /Users/bill/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p643/bin/cfntemplate-to-ruby [cloudformation-template.json] ...

Converts the specified CloudFormation JSON template or template fragment to
Ruby DSL syntax.  Reads from stdin or from the specified json files.  Note
that the input must be valid JSON.


    # Convert a JSON CloudFormation template to Ruby DSL syntax
    /Users/bill/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p643/bin/cfntemplate-to-ruby my-template.json > my-template.rb
    chmod +x my-template.rb

    # Convert the JSON fragment in the clipboard to Ruby DSL syntax
    pbpaste | /Users/bill/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p643/bin/cfntemplate-to-ruby | less

# download the sample template at:
$ bundle exec cfntemplate-to-ruby EC2InstanceWithSecurityGroupSample.template > sample.rb

$ bundle exec ruby sample.rb
usage: sample.rb <expand|diff|validate|create|update|cancel-update|delete|describe|describe-resource|get-template>

$ bundle exec ruby sample.rb expand > sample.templte
$ bundle exec ruby sample.rb validate sample.templte
Validation successful
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