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Last active November 21, 2018 10:47
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Example of downloading and plotting ACCESS met model data in R
# Demonstration - Downloading and animating ACCESS forecast data
# General functions, including str_replace, map
# threddscrawler is a useful package for parsing THREDDS data servers
# Install it with:
# devtools::install_github("BigelowLab/threddscrawler")
# Dealing with raster data
# Dealing with NetCDF files
# Thematic mapping
# Spatial data
# Load the simple world map that comes with the tmap package
# Define the ACCESS domain you wish to plot
# New models appear every six hours
# vt = Victoria/Tasmania
# sy = Sydney
# ph = Perth
# ad = Adelaide
# bn = Brisbane
# r and g are regional/global models, but they have different
# variable names
access_domain = "vt"
# Root URL for the ACCESS Data on BOM Opendap server
root = paste0("",access_domain,"-fc/ops/surface/latest/catalog.xml")
# Get catalog of current latest model run output
Top = get_catalog(root)
hours = Top$get_datasets()
# Number of hours avaiable varies
nhours = length(hours)
# Function to calculate the timestamp of each model file
tfn = function(x){
# Different domains have different numbers of characters ("vt" vs "g)
# And this changes the filename length
shft = nchar(access_domain)
# Name of the file
this_name = x$name
# Extract the date the model was run, the hour the model was run
# And the hourly offset for each file after the run time
model_date = substr(this_name,9+shft,16+shft)
model_hour = substr(this_name,7+shft,18+shft)
offset_hour = as.numeric(substr(this_name,20+shft,22+shft))
# Cram them all together into a date format
datestr = paste0(substr(model_date,1,4),"-",substr(model_date,5,6),"-",substr(model_date,7,8)," ",model_hour,":00:00")
# Original file dates are in UTC, but after conversion to POSIX
# They will appear in local time
datepct = as.POSIXct(datestr,tz="UTC")
# Add the hour offset for each file
dateoffset = datepct + offset_hour * 60 * 60
# Apply that function to calculate the timestamps over our list of filenames
times = map(hours,tfn) %>% reduce(c)
# Download files to the temp directory
# Will take a few minutes, the server seems pretty slow!
# I should parallelize this to see if it would speed it up
for(i in 1:nhours){
# Files are stored in a different hierarchy than the THREDDS catalog
# Get a list of all the filenames we have so we can
# stack them and clean them up
nc_list = list.files(tempdir(),pattern=".nc",full.names = TRUE)
# Make a cube (raster stack) of the rain data
# Stack the "accumulated precipitation" variable
accum_prcp = stack(nc_list,varname="accum_prcp")
# Give the raster layers names based on their timestamp
names(accum_prcp) = as.character(times)
# Save accumulated precipitation to a GeoTiff
# As its name suggests, accum_prcp contains rainfall accumulating over time
# To calculate the actual rainfall amount each hour, we can calculate
# the differential
prcp = calc(accum_prcp, fun = diff)
# Give each layer in the raster a name based on the time
# This is useful for animation plotting
# Note that because we took a differential, we have one less
# layer in this stack, so we need one less timestamp
# So we use the timestamp at the end of the hour of accumulation
names(prcp) = as.character(times[2:length(times)])
# Save that rain stack to a GeoTiff file
# Use tmap to make a map of a single timestep
p = tm_shape(prcp[[1]],is.master = TRUE) +
tm_raster(style="fixed",breaks=c(0,1,2.5,5,10,25,50),palette=colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","red","black"))(7)) +
tm_shape(World) +
# Plot the map
# Make an animation - to do this we define the facet, but make it only
# a single row and column - this will push the facets into the time
# dimension. Note tm_facets seems to automatically use the raster layers
p = tm_shape(prcp,is.master = TRUE) +
tm_raster(style="fixed",breaks=c(0,1,2.5,5,10,25,50),palette=colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","red","black"))(7)) +
tm_shape(World) +
tm_borders() +
tm_facets(nrow=1,ncol=1,free.scales.raster = FALSE)
# Use tmap_animation to save the animated map to a GIF
# Note that this requires the ImageMagick software to be installed
# - not the R "magick" package, this seems to use the actual
# command line program. But I suspect animation using the magick package
# itself would be pretty simple
tmap_animation(p, filename="rain.gif", width=800, delay=20)
# Run this to delete the input files
# unlink(hours)
# Lots of other variables are available, eg.
# soil_mois - soil moisture content in four layers
# temp_scrn - near-surface temperature
# rh2m - relative humidity
# u10, v10 - zonal and meridional wind
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