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Created June 3, 2015 02:37
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MATLAB function to convert ROS bag files to MAT structures
function [data, fields, topics] = bag2mat(inp, map_topics, array_map, do_save)
% Convert ROS Bag files into MAT files
% This is really more of a wrapper for extractSingleFile. It does a little
% bit of checking to make sure we're all good, and will do whole
% directories at a time.
% bag2mat('<folder_with_bag_files>')
% bag2mat('<some_file.bag>')
% inp: string with folder or file path
% array_map = {
% { <-- topic1
% 'eval_string_for_message_field1', <-- row 1
% 'eval_string_for_message_field2', <-- row 2
% 'eval_string_for_message_field3' <-- row 3 ...
% },
% { <-- topic2
% 'eval_string_for_message_field1',
% 'eval_string_for_message_field2',
% 'eval_string_for_message_field3'
% }
% }
% -- array_map may also be empty if you're too much of a pleb to figure out
% how to do the above
% -- the eval string must yield a scalar number
% Copyright (c) 2015 Robert Cofield
% All rights reserved.
if isdir(inp) % directory with bag files
flst = dir(inp);
for kf = 1:length(flst)
if flst(k).isdir % make sure it's a file
[~,name,ext] = fileparts(fullfile(inp,flst(k).name));
if ~strcmp(ext, '.bag') % make sure it's a bag file
% cool, since we're doing a whole directory
bagf = fullfile(inp, flst(k).name);
matf = fullfile(inp, [name '.mat']);
[data, fields, topics] = extractSingleFile(bagf, matf, map_topics, array_map, do_save);
else % single bag file
[pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(inp);
if ~strcmp(ext, '.bag') % make sure it's a bag file
warning('Is not a bag file: %s\n', inp)
matf = fullfile(pathstr, [name '.mat']);
[data, fields, topics] = extractSingleFile(inp, matf, map_topics, array_map, do_save);
function [data, fields, topics] = extractSingleFile(bagf, matf, map_topics, array_map, do_save)
% here's the function that does the magic
fprintf('Extracting:\n\tBag: %s\n\tMAT: %s\n',bagf,matf)
fprintf('\tOpening bag file ...')
bag = ros.Bag.load(bagf);
fprintf(' done.\n')
data = struct();
fields = cell(1,length(bag.topics)-1); % not going to put rosout messages in there.
topics = fields;
% turn the topic namespaces into nested structs
fprintf('\tReading and copying ...')
kk = 1; % index within the list of topics we actually want
for k = 1:length(bag.topics)
if strcmp(bag.topics{k},'/rosout')
fields{kk} = bag.topics{k};
topics{kk} = bag.topics{k};
fields{kk}(find(fields{kk}=='/')) = '.';
if fields{kk}(1) ~= '.'
fields{kk} = [fields{kk} '.'];
fields{kk} = ['data' fields{kk}];
% decide how to empty the data. (dump directly or map to a 2D matrix from
% the ros msg struct)
msgs = bag.readAll({topics{kk}});
if isempty(array_map) % dump in as is since we don't have a mapping
eval([fields{kk},'= msgs;'])
else % we might have a mapping
idx = find(not(cellfun('isempty', strfind(map_topics, topics{kk}))));
if isempty(idx) % false hope, the mapping doesn't cover this topic
eval([fields{kk},'= msgs;']);
else % naively assume it must be there if the search result isn't empty.
data_ = nan(length(array_map{idx}),length(msgs));
% populate the mapped matrix
for kkk = 1:length(array_map{idx}) % over each message field (row)
for kkkk = 1:length(msgs) % over each message (column)
eval(['data_(kkk,kkkk) = msgs{kkkk}.' array_map{idx}{kkk} ';']);
% put this thing in the proper field instead of a giant new nested
% structure
eval([fields{kk}, '= data_;'])
% error('Stop here')
kk = kk + 1;
if do_save
fprintf(' done.\n\tSaving... ')
save(matf, 'data','fields','topics', '-v7.3');
fprintf(' done.\n')
fprintf('\t----- Done with that file & saved -----\n')
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Hi, after running the code on MATLAB, I am not able to get the converted files. Infact after running it doesn't even show errors.
So could you kindly help me with this?

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