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Created February 25, 2017 20:21
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My Arch-Linux color schemed conkyrc file
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Liberation Sans:size=9
update_interval 1
own_window yes
own_window_transparent no
own_window_argb_value 80
own_window_type desktop
own_window_argb_visual yes
temperature_unit fahrenheit
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 400
maximum_width 275
alignment top_right
gap_x 35
gap_y 60
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
${color white}${time %H:%M:%S}${alignr}${time %m-%d-%y}
${voffset -16}${font Terminus:Bold:size=20}${color white}${alignc}${time %I:%M%P}${font}
${voffset 4}${color white}${alignc}${time %A %B %d, %Y}
${font}${voffset -4}${color}${font Terminus:size=09}${execpi 150 cal -h | grep -v b | grep -v J | grep -v Ma | grep -v A | sed s/” $(date +%e)”/\$\{“color tan1″}\&\$\{color}/ | sed s/”$(date +%e) “/\$\{“color 1793d1”}\&\$\{color}/ | sed s/”$(date +%a | cut -c1-2)”/\$\{“color tan1″}\&\$\{color}/}
${font Terminus:Bold:size=10}${color 1793d1}SYSTEM${hr 2}$color${font}
${font terminus:bold:size=8}Machine: $alignr ${uid_name 1000} $machine
Kernel: $alignr $sysname $kernel
Uptime: $alignr $uptime
Battery: $alignr ${battery BAT1}
${font Terminus:Bold:size=10}${color 1793d1}CPU${hr 2}$color${font}$color
Average (${cpu cpu0}%)
${cpugraph cpu0 FFFFFF 1793d1 -t}
Core 0 (${cpu cpu1}%) $alignr Core 1 (${cpu cpu2}%)
${cpugraph cpu1 25,100 FFFFFF 1793d1 -t}$alignr${cpugraph cpu2 25,100 FFFFFF 1793d1 -t}
Core 2 (${cpu cpu3}%)$alignr Core 3 (${cpu cpu4 }%)
${cpugraph cpu3 25,100 FFFFFF 1793d1 -t}$alignr${cpugraph cpu4 25,100 FFFFFF 1793d1 -t}
${font Terminus:Bold:size=8}${color 1793d1}TOP CPU${hr 2}$color${font}
${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}%
${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}%
${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}%
${top name 4}$alignr${top cpu 4}%
${top name 5}$alignr${top cpu 5}%
${top name 6}$alignr${top cpu 6}%
${top name 7}$alignr${top cpu 7}%
${top name 8}$alignr${top cpu 8}%
${font Terminus:Bold:size=10}${color 1793d1}FILESYSTEM${hr 2}$color${font}
${font terminus:bold:size=8}${goto 100}$fs_used / $fs_size
${fs_bar 10}
${font Terminus:Bold:size=10}${color 1793d1}MEMORY${hr 2}$color${font}
${font terminus:bold:size=8}${goto 100}$mem / $memmax
${membar 10}
${font Terminus:Bold:size=8}${color white}TOP MEM${hr 2}$color${font}
${top_mem name 1}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 1}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 1}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 1}
${top_mem name 2}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 2}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 2}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 2}
${top_mem name 3}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 3}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 3}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 3}
${top_mem name 4}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 4}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 4}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 4}
${top_mem name 5}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 5}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 5}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 5}
${top_mem name 6}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 6}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 6}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 6}
${top_mem name 7}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 7}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 7}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 7}
${top_mem name 8}${goto 170}${top_mem pid 8}${goto 220}${top_mem cpu 8}${goto 285}${top_mem mem_res 8}
${font Terminus:Bold:size=10}${color 1793d1}NETWORKING${hr 2}$color${font}
${color0}Gateway IP: $alignr$color$gw_ip
${color0}DNS: $alignr$color$nameserver, ${nameserver 1}
${color0}Wi-fi Network: $alignr$color${wireless_essid wlp3s0}
${color0}Wi-fi Ip: $alignr$color${addr wlp3s0}
${color0}Signal: $color${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp3s0}${goto 95}% ${goto 112}${if_up wlp3s0}${wireless_link_bar wlp3s0}${else}${color0}No wlan0$endif
${font terminus:bold:size=8}${color 1793d1}UP: ${alignr}${color FFFFFF}${upspeedgraph wlp3s0 50, 200 FFFFFF 1793d1 1 -l -t}$color
#${font :size=6}${alignc}${upspeed wlp3s0}$font
${color 1793d1}DOWN: ${alignr}${color FFFFFF}${downspeedgraph wlp3s0 50, 200 FFFFFF 1793d1 1 -l -t}
#${font :size=6}${alignc}${downspeed wl3ps0}
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