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Created April 5, 2014 15:16
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//Code snippet for integrating with the Ninjablocks cloud
//Requires signing up with the Ninjablocks cloud here:
// - Uses the User Access Token method
// - Create a Block ID that is unique and alphanumeric
// -
const NINJA_SERVER_URL = "";
const NINJA_AUTH = "user_access_token=<YOUR_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>";
ninja_blockToken <- "";
// helper
function ninja_blockUrl() {
return NINJA_SERVER_URL + "/block/" + NINJA_BLOCK_ID;
// helper
function ninja_auth(url) {
return url + "?" + NINJA_AUTH;
// ninja_activateBlock()
// Call to /activate REST API using the user_access_token
// This will return a token which needs to be stored for subsequent calls
// This token should be stored away permanently in a database, but I haven't
// done that here to keep it simple
// Also, this should probably be called only when the device connects
function ninja_activateBlock() {
//post to activate a block
local url = ninja_auth(ninja_blockUrl() + "/activate");
local response = http.get(url).sendsync();
server.log("response received: " + response.body);
local data = http.jsondecode(response.body);
ninja_blockToken = data.token;
server.log("Activated block. Received token: " + ninja_blockToken);
// ninja_removeBlock()
// Called when the device disconnects and relinquishes the token
// for next time. Call activate method to get a new token.
// This doesn't affect the ninjablock cloud dashboard. All devices
// still remain.
function ninja_removeBlock() {
local url = ninja_auth(ninja_blockUrl());
local response = http.httpdelete(url).sendsync();
server.log("unpaired block: " + response.body);
// ninja_emitData()
// Send device data to ninjablocks. This will also create the devices
// if they don't exist. It is a good idea to call this regularly to keep
// the dashboard active. The gadgets on the dashboard will grey out after some
// inactivity timeout.
// N.B.: I could have utilized the "heartbeat" method as well, but it says that it is
// depracated.
function ninja_emitData() {
local data = {};
//emit temp state
data = { "G":"TEMP", "V":0, "D":1, "DA":("Temp" in lastFeedJSON)?lastFeedJSON.Temp:0 };
//emit light state
data = { "G":"LIGHTS", "V":0, "D":5, "DA":("LightsState" in lastFeedJSON)?(lastFeedJSON.LightsState == "ON"?1:0):0 };
//emit door state
data = { "G":"DOOR", "V":0, "D":244, "DA":("DoorState" in lastFeedJSON)?lastFeedJSON.DoorState:"UNKNOWN" };
//create a door switch
data = { "G":"DOORSWITCH", "V":0, "D":244, "DA":("DoorState" in lastFeedJSON)?lastFeedJSON.DoorState:"UNKNOWN" };
// helper
// ninja_emitSensorData()
// Does the actual HTTP POST call
function ninja_emitSensorData(data) {
local url = ninja_auth(ninja_blockUrl() + "/data");
local response =
{"Content-type":"application/json", "X-Ninja-Token":ninja_blockToken},
server.log("sent data: " + http.jsonencode(data));
return response;
// ninja_listen()
// Long GET call to ninjablocks cloud to listen to commands
// that you are sending from the dashboard. These commands capture the
// "actuate" commands. For example, if you have a state device, you can
// capture the clicks on the state to flip a relay.
// This method is called async since it is really a callback operation.
// The ninjablocks cloud will timeout after 30 seconds or when a command is sent.
// So, this method will need to be called again from the callback method to keep
// it going.
function ninja_listen() {
local url = ninja_auth(ninja_blockUrl() + "/commands");
{"Content-type":"application/json", "X-Ninja-Token":ninja_blockToken}).sendasync(ninja_parseCommands);
server.log("registered to listen to ninja");
// ninja_parseCommands()
// Callback method from the async Long GET call initiated from the listen() method.
// It loops through all of the commands queued up and detects the devices that can
// be actuated. For example, you can capture the activation of different states on a
// state device (id = 244), take some action, and then also send back this state so that
// it reflects on the dashboard.
// It re-listens at the end of the method to keep the method alive.
function ninja_parseCommands(response) {
server.log("receiving commands: " + response.body);
if( response.body != "" ) {
local data = http.jsondecode(response.body);
foreach( d in data.DEVICE ) {
if( d.G == "DOORSWITCH" ) {
if( d.DA != "" ) {
//toggle door
if( d.DA == "OPEN" || d.DA == "CLOSED" ) {
device.send("toggle_door", 1);
ninja_listen(); //re-listen
// device.on("data")
// If "data" is the event name where the device sends its data to be displayed on the
// dashboard, then add the method to call out
// Assumes that the device is sending data in JSON format. This makes it really easy
// to use it later in the code base.
lastFeedJSON <- {};
device.on("data", function(data) {
lastFeedJSON <- data;
// device.onconnect()
// Activate and De-activate the ninja block whenever the device connects
// You can also deactivate when the device disconnects
// If you want to utilize a web service database, you can store away the token
// and re-use it instead of deactivating and re-activating
// ninja_emitData - emits all initial values (this also creates the devices)
// ninja_listen - makes the long get asynch and parses the commands as it comes in
device.onconnect(function() {
server.log("device connected to agent");
if( ninja_blockToken == "" ) {
// device.ondisconnect()
// Remove block from ninjablocks
device.ondisconnect(function() {
server.log("device disconnected from agent");
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