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Created November 14, 2011 08:48
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Feature: Allocating bucket activities
As a user
I want to allocate activity paddocks in the bucket season to real seasons
So that costs are accounted properly
Given there is a farmer
And the farmer has a bucket season
And the farmer has a season called Winter
And the farmer has a season called Summer
And the farmer has 2 activity paddocks in his bucket season
Scenario: Consultant allocating bucket activities
Given I am logged in
And I am a consultant to the farmer
When I view my company list
Then I should see the farmer has activity paddocks in their bucket
When I view activity paddocks for the farmer's bucket season
Then I should be able to allocate an activity paddock to the Winter season
Scenario: Farmer allocating bucket activities
Given I am logged in as the farmer
When I view the activity paddocks for my bucket season
Then I should se able to allocate an activity paddock to the Winter season
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